Hallo! I'm looking for English translations of two pieces of poems by Eino Leino. Could you please help me? The poems I'm looking for are "Kun kello seisoo"… |
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The poem "Kun kello seisoo" can be found in English in a sheet music "Moment musical : Heikki Sarmannon lauluja Eino Leinon runoihin". The translation of the poem is When the clock stands still by Aina Swan Cutler. The sheet music is available at HelMet-libraries http://www.helmet.fi/search~S9/X .
The verses: "Aika voitetahan joka kerta, jolloin aatos miehen mieless syttyy" are from Eino Leino's poem "Aika" (Time). It has been published e.g. in the collection called Kangastuksia. We looked up anthologies which contain English translations of Finnish poetry and searched from The database Finnish literature in translation (see below). Unfortunately, we didn't find an English version of the poem.
The database Finnish literature in… |
I'm trying to find some peruvian litterature. Could you tell me if you have books of Cesar Vallejo? I would appreciate it very much. |
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There are a few of books by Cesar Vallejo availlable in Helmet-libraries i.e. in Helsinki Metropolitan Area libraries.
The titles and availability you'll find here:
"Obra poética completa" is availble in Kirjasto Omena in Espoo
"Poemas en prosa ; Poemas humanos ; España, aparta de mí este cáliz" is in Töölö Library in Helsinki.
"Poemas humanos" is on shelf both in Itäkeskus Library in Helsinki and Sello Library in Espoo.
"El tungsteno ; Paco Yunque" is on shelf both in Rikhardinkatu Library in Helsinki and Tikkurila Library in Vantaa.
An English translation "Spain, take this chalice from me" and other poems" belongs to the collection of Sello Library, but is checked out at the moment.