
4 results. Showing 1–4 hits.
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Population of Canada in year 2000 655 It was 30 689 000: http://www.stat.fi/tup/maanum/03_pinta-ala_vakiluku_ja_paakaupunki_mait…
I would like to know, in statistical documents related to demography (in Finland), what are the definitions of "ethnicity" and "race", and the detailed… 860 Instead of “ethnicity “ and “race”, in Finland citizens are classified by citizenship. The website of the bureau of statistics, Finland, has all the relevant information concerning your inquiry. From StatFin -Online service http://statfin.stat.fi/statweb/start.asp?LA=en&lp=home&DM=SLEN select Population Census then Population by citizenship and then select the variables. Here is a statistic table made according your inquiry, population by citizenship in Finland at 31.12.2000. The web-address is: http://statfin.stat.fi/StatWeb/table.asp?TT=2&LA=en&DM=SLEN&PA=Taulu02e…
How can I find address and telephone of a person I need? 15689 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Digi- ja väestötietovirasto (Population Register Centre) The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 (only in Finland) The mailing address of Digi- ja väestötietovirasto is Lintulahdenkuja 2 00530 HELSINKI https://dvv.fi/osoitepalvelu
From MIchigan USA. I am trying to locate a long lost friend who was a foreign exchange student with me way back in 1979. . I have not seen him in 23 years… 1514 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Väestörekisterikeskus (Population Register Centre) The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 (only in Finland) The mailing address of Population register centre is Kellosilta 4 PL 7 00520 HELSINKI URL: https://vrk.fi/en/address-service A good way to find lost friends is the Facebook. You could also try there.