allmänna bibliotek

38 results. Showing 1–20 hits.
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Good morning. I would like to use library in the weekends but it was close. How can I go inside? 53 Pihtiputaa's library belongs to Keski libraries, so the rules for using the Jyväskylä city library's self-service libraries are the same at Pihtiputaa's library. The rules of use state: Self-help library is a library that customers can access even when the staff is not present, for example in the evenings and on weekends. Information on the opening hours of self-service libraries in Jyväskylä can be found in libraries from the website. Logging: Log in to the self-help library with a valid Keski library card and PIN code. You can get a library card and PIN code from all Keski libraries during their service hours. The library card and PIN code are personal. Each customer logs in with their own card, with the exception of a child under…
Hope you're doing well:) I've moved to Finland about a year and a half ago and I've been actively trying to find Finnish films with English subtitles, but it's… 143 There are a number of Finnish films with English subtitles available in DVD and Blu-ray formats. Many of these are included in the Helmet libraries collection. Below you can find a sample of these films from different genres and eras. You can browse for more here. Aleksis Kiven elämä Arvottomat Asfalttilampaat Back to the USSR - Takaisin ryssiin Badding Ganes Harjunpää ja pahan pappi Heinähattu ja vilttitossu Hevi reissu Hyvä poika Ihmisen osa Juoksuhaudantie Kaikki rakastavat Kanelia kainaloon, Tatu ja Patu! Kesäkaverit Klassikko Kuulustelu Kätilö Levottomat Linnaisten vihreä kamari Lumikuningatar Luokkakokous Menolippu Mombasaan Mieheke Mies vailla menneisyyttä Minä ja Morrison Miss Farkku-Suomi…
Do libraries charge patrons for overdue materials? 89 Public libraries in Finland do charge patrons for overdue materials. The fee is not the same in every library, for example in Turku it is 30 cents/loan/day and in Helsinki it is 20 cents/loan/day. Also, at least in these two libraries, you don't need to pay overdue fees for childrens' books. There is also a maximum overdue fee per loan (in Turku 9 € and in Helsinki 6 €) so even if your loan is overdue for a longer time you don't have to pay more than that. If you can't return the loan at all, you'll have to compensate for the item (how much depends usually on how expensive the item was and if it was very new or old and worn).
Guidelines for services to teens (12-18) in public libraries in Finland. 117 Services for teens differs between Public libraries in Finland.  In the Public Libraries Act (1492/2016) it says, that public libraries are tasked with: 1) providing access to materials, information and cultural contents; 2) maintaining versatile and up-to-date collections; 3) promoting reading and literature; 4) providing information services, guidance and support in the acquisition and use of information and in versatile literacy skills; 5) providing premises for learning, recreational activities, working, and civic activities; 6) promoting social and cultural dialogue.  These services are of course aimed at teens also and very often libraries co-operate with schools to provide these services for teens. It is very common…
Do you have blood pressure measurement tools for borrowing? 112 Yes, in some Helmet libraries. You can search blood pressure measurement devices from Helmet with key word "verenpainemittari". Locations and availabilities you see from the results. It´s not possible to make an online request, but you can contact the library and ask the staff. More information you find online  
Is there an exclusive repertoire, catalog or repository of illustrated albums for adults? 99 Hello, I am afraid Vieremä library does not participate in the Ask a Librarian service. Try to contact the library directly by email or phone. Contact details: You can search for material in the collections of Rutakko libaries, which includes Vieremä, here.
How can I cancel the library card/membership of a child. I want to do it temporarily because she just doesn’t move out of couch! Reading is good habit that I… 213 There are a few choices to prevent a person borrowing books from library, although as a librarian I cannot recommend canceling child's library card and I have no knowledge of a precedent. Also library must act according to library regulations and there is no mention of restrictions for if a person reads too much. As you say, reading is a good habit! I presume the child is under 15 years old? First comes to mind that without library's interference maybe you could just simply take the card and keep it to yourself for the time being. In case the child has Taskukirjasto (Pocket Library app) which one can use as a library card, it is a bit trickier. You'll have to unload the app from his/her phone. Technically, library card can…
I have my library card. How do I reserve the book? 519 1. You can reserve material through the Helmet portal. Find the book that you want to reserve by entering the search term in Search for Items, then click Request it. You are asked to log in by entering your library number and your PIN code. Once you have done that, you can choose the library where you want to pick up your book. You can make your choice from the drop-down menu presented. If you do not, the book will be sent to your default library. 2. Alternatively, you can phone any of the Helmet libraries and ask the staff to reserve the book for you. You will be asked for your library card number. You can find the library phone numbers under Libraries on the page. 3. If you want to…
I cannot find the prices for printing and how to top up my printing money. Can you help me? 317 Hi, Current instructions for self-service printing in Helsinki City Library: The PaperCut self-service printing is available for your own device and the library computers. Both allow you to print 5 pages in 3 months free-of-charge - subsequent printouts cost €0.40 each. You can load credit to your card for the additional printouts at the customer service point. Printing from the library’s customer computer ASKO: log in with your library card number and PIN code. Please save the printable files from your USB stick or email to the ASKO computer and double-click them in order to open them in their native programs to print. After you've pressed "print" (you can lock your ASKO to continue working after printing) log in to the light-blue-…
I will leave Helsinki/Finland for 2 months from the next month. During that trip, I would like to bring some books but the maximum loan time is just 30 days… 166 The loan period is fixed at 28 days for books, excluding Bestsellers which are 14 days. However, you can renew your loans online before they are due, thus extending the loan time another 28 days. You can renew your loans five times, provided no one else has reserved the books in question. Note that Bestsellers cannot be renewed online. To manage your loans, go to and choose LOGIN. Login with your library card number and PIN code. Choose the loans that you want to renew under Checkouts and click RENEW MARKED.  
The development of the public libraries in Finland and the Helsinki area: How Finnish libraries came to be spaces for commons? 318 Modern libraries in Finland, the Helmet area, and Helsinki specifically, have been described as living rooms for the citizens. We loan out various material, but also offer services on location, and organize events for and by the city residents. At a Helmet library one can loan out a blood pressure monitor, a radon meter, or a power drill. At the library you can use a computer, a 3D printer, or a sewing machine. Events vary from reading fairy tales for children, to reading groups, to music and movies. This development has been gradual. While library concerts organized by the library music clubs were crowd magnets already in the 1960s (Laakso 2010, 375), and listening to music with headphones became the most important form of activity…
I'm an exchange student studying at Diakonia university of applied sciences, and was wondering if I can still get a library card at your library? And if yes… 209 You can obtain a library card and PIN code from any Helmet library by providing your address and presenting a valid photographic proof of identity with your personal identity code approved by the library. You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. Library card and loans.
I'm a student from Spain and I would like to known if i could borrow some books from a public library of Finland without being a finnish citizen. Thank you for… 271 Public libraries in Finland usually issue cards also to people who are not permanent residents. You need to have address in Finland. If You are studying in the metropolitan area You can use the services of the HelMet Libraries. You can obtain a HelMet library card and PIN code from any Helmet library by providing your address and presenting a valid photographic proof of identity with your personal identity code approved by the library. You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. If You don't have the Finnish social security number, the card will be valid for one year. Welcome to HelMet libraries. HelMet library card Accepted identity cards
I would like to know which classification system you use, and its the same as the other libraries in Finland? Thanks! 286 Tuusula library uses YKL - Yleisten kirjastojen luokitusjärjelstelmä, in English PLC - Finnish Public Libraries Classification System, It is used in all public libraries except the Helsinki city library, who has it's own classification system, HCLCS - Helsinki City Library Classification System,
Working in Finnish Libraries 428 Thank you for message. I asked from my work colleague for information regarding this matter, as he moved from Australia to Finland many years ago.  As I work for Espoo Libraries, I can only speak on behalf of our libraries. However, the library systems in Helsinki and Kerava are very similar. It is quite difficult to work in Finnish libraries without at least a working knowledge of Finnish. However, it's not impossible. I would suggest that you contact the libraries directly that you are interested in working in, and see if you can organise a work placement there. That way, they can see your working ability without any risk to them, and may be able to offer you a contract afterwards. Also, if you move to Finland, then you…
Dear librarian,we can find the statistical data in different cities in Finnish Public Libraries Statistics Database… 235 These pages you can find visitors and loans: Choose download at right side so you get excel file.   If you search by word collections you can get different book and other collections.
I barrowed somethings from Espoo Library then i moved to Hameenlinna. is it ok if I give my books to Hameenlonna Library? Thank You 174 No, sorry, but you can't return books you borrowed from Espoo to Hämeenlinna. Espoo library belongs to Helmet libraries, and Hämeenlinna library to Vanamo libraries. You must return your loans from Espoo to Espoo or some other Helmet library. If you want to become a customer of Vanamo libraries, you need a new library card. You may obtain library card by presenting a photo ID at the service desk in any of the Vanamo libraries. Same card is valid in Hämeenlinna, Hattula, and Janakkala.
I would like to know the statistics of the Newspapers and Magazines in the system are the the the number of title? or the unit ? 134 In the Finnish Public Library Statistics the number is the number of titles, that is different magazines and newspapers that are offered to the customers,,375&years=2019&stats=108
Dear Librarian, I have returned the books that I had borrowed. Why they are not cleared from my account and I need to pay for them? This has happened quite a… 289 Hi!  I am deeply sorry that your returning progress hasn´t been working as it should. I recommend you to call to your local library and find out what happened there. Here we don´t solve out client´s loaning and returning issues because of the information security.  All libraries have machines where you can borrow and return your loans. Librarians will advice you more about these things at your local library. You can check information, locations and phone numbers from libraries here: 
I am taking the Helmet Reading Challenge for the first time this year. It is great way of choosing what to read and reading books that I would not normally… 247 Here are some suggestions for Sámi or Sámi language books that are translated in English: Beyond the wolf line : an anthology of Sami poetry (1996) is a collection anthology of several Sámi writers. Roađđi / Rosa Boreal / Boreal Rose : Contemporary Sámi Poetry (2016) is a multi-author collection of contemporary Sámi poetry. It includes poetry in Sámi, English and Spanish. Trekways of the Wind (1994) and Greetings from Lappland (1983) are anthologies by the most famous Finnish-Sámi poet Nils-Aslak Valkeapää. The White Stone (2011) by Kirste (or Kirsti) Paltto is a children’s book about loneliness. In between worlds (2016) is a fantasy novel by Norwegian-Sapmi author and artist Máret Ánne Sara.   Unfortunately…