school libraries

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I would like to get information about school libraries in Findlandia. If their function is performed by the public library I would like to know how this… 65 School libraries in Finland are not regulated by the law. School libraries are often very small and most of the services provided to schools by libraries are delivered by the public libraries. Due to the decline in literacy, schools have been offered money, for example by The Finnish Cultural Foundation, to develop school libraries and purchase books. For further reading (in finnish): see also: Sinko, Pirjo. School libraries in Finland : The heart of school seldom beats  Scandinavian library quarterly 2013 : 1, s. 16-17  
I am a Library Science student looking at Finnish libraries, and I was hoping to ask a few questions: • What is the degree necessary for working as a librarian… 1054 You can find answers to all your questions from Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture: The Finnish School Library Association:
I am doing a project on Programs offered by Finland Libraries that are geared towards improving reading skills (And sponsored by the government). However I… 1073 First, I would like to refer to a question answered in this service some years ago about Luku-Suomi ("Reading Finland") project (2001-2004):… A leaflet in English has been published about the school libraries development project, a part of Luku-Suomi program: A Good School Library. Authors: Hannele Frantsi, Kaarina Kolu , Seija Salminen. Year: 2006. Available as a PDF: Articles concerning reading promotion among children and youth by public libraries in Finland: Selesniemi, Jaana: "Creative writing and book recommendations." Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly; 2009, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p18-19 Kull-Poutanen,…
How many School has its own school library? Also, I heard about there are some public libraries which are in School buildings. How many of them are there in… 3201 General information on school libraries in Finland, including budgets, pedagogics and administration, can be found at;443;4160;4681;42165;51564 You may also find below link intresting…… There is an organization for school libraries and you find it useful to contact the at Finnish School Library Association Huvilinnanaukio 2A14 FI-02600 Espoo Finland