I need the address of friends in York England |
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Your question came to Finland, https://www.visitfinland.com/ . Unfortunately, we have no access to addresses in York, other than searching in the Internet. I found Ukphonebook.com, it's possible to search for a person there, https://www.ukphonebook.com/find_a_person . To make a search, you have to buy credits. You could try using Google, surprisingly often addresses can be found that way. Facebook is a place where you can easily find old friends also from abroad.
Royal mail seems not to have an address database, https://www.royalmail.com/ . You could also try contacting the City council, https://www.york.gov.uk/ . Contact information here, https://www.york.gov.uk/homepage/16/contact_us or a local library in York,… |
How many countries contains "Union Jack" in their national flags? |
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There are many countries and especially colonies that have uset Union Jack in their flags. According to Wikipedia, four countries have nowadays Union Jack as a part of their flags: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tuvalu. In addition many territories and regions have Union Jack in their flag. Further information: