United States

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I am writing a paper about how the great depression changed the way the american public see themselves and their country. I am interested in how national… 875 I guess you'd have more useful info if you contact any American information service, but we could gather something for you, though the texts themselves are mostly American anyway. In the Finnish university libraries' database I could find a couple of books. - Artist and identity in twentieth-century America / Matthew Baigell. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2001. (Includes chapters American art and national identity: the 1920s, and The beginnings of "The American wave" and the Depression.) - Historicizing lifestyle : mediating taste, consumption and identity from the 1900s to 1970s / edited by David Bell, Joanne Hollows. Aldershot, England : Ashgate Burlington, VT , cop. 2006. (Includes chapter Depression and recovery : self-help…
I want to got information about the international affairs between Cuba and United States during the Castro´s Government. 878 Here are some references that I found from different databases. I searched references to your question from Linda and Ebsco. LINDA is the union catalogue of Finnish University Libraries. LINDA contains references on monographs, serials with summary holdings information. EBSCO Information Services provides information access and management solutions through print and electronic journal subscription services, research database development and production, online access to more than 100 databases and thousands of e-journals, and e-commerce book procurement. References to Monographs from LINDA: Searchwords: Cuba and U.S.A Kaplowitz, Donna Rich : Anatomy of a failed embargo : U.S. sanctions against Cuba / Donna Rich Kaplowitz Boulder, Colo.…
What is the 27th Amendment to the US Constitution. 905 The 27th Amendment is: "No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened." http://www.usconstitution.net/const.txt http://www.house.gov/Constitution/Amend.html