I am looking for information on dr.Allan Lassus of the university of Helsinki and the product he invented called viviscal. |
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Contact Information about Allan Lassus you can find here:
The homepage of the clinic where he has his consulting hours is in address http://enetti.com/net/fertia/.
And then some publications of Allan Lassus (some are published only in Finnish):
- Boston laser-käsittely yhdistettynä joko Viviscalin tai placebon (lumelääke) kanssa kaljuuden käsittelyyn miehillä sekä naisilla placebo-ohjattu, satunnainen vertaileva tutkimus päänahan biostimulaatio (5) Boston HeNe 632,8 nm laserilla
-Epidemiological survey of psoriasis in the Greater Helsinki area
-Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test as a serological test for syphilis
-Treponemal and lipoidal tests… |