Last year one person told me that some library (or may be all) can provide service with checking a documents (for example job application, that what I need) in…


Last year one person told me that some library (or may be all) can provide service with checking a documents (for example job application, that what I need) in Finnish (grammar and correct writing). Does it still exist and if so, where can I use it ? I need that someone could check my application in Finnish. Thank you in advance !



You can ask if Forms assistant services can help you.

Or you can leave The Loan to the Librarian -service for a help request.

Choose  library and "Tiedonhaku: vaativa aineistohaku, tietokannat, kirjallisuus, musiikki, internet-tiedonlähteet"

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Hi librarians,

I’m an international student at Aalto University. One of my dream jobs after graduation is to become a librarian. What are the requirements for such a position? How and where can I find available spots in the job market?

Thank you in advance!

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