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"Iso viha" (literally: the Great Wrath, Great Hostility) 1713 - 1721 is a period in Finnish history when the area of present…
However, you might be interested to read about her life
Now in June 2024, there is no No. 1 candidate for European elections in Finland. Candidates with the smallest numbers, i.e.…
Most Finns who went to school in the 1980s or later, speak English rather well. Most Finns whose first language (mother…
Ei kai suomalaisessa asiakaspalvelukoulutuksessa nykyäänkään kehoteta aloittamaan vastausta noin töykeästi? Eihän kysyjä…
This list reminds me of what Peter von Bagh once said. He'd been invited to Japan, and asked which particular films he…
Kysytty 17.1.2012: Miksi vaaleissa ei ole ehdokasta numerolla yksi?…
The same question (why no candidate with No. 1) was asked in Finnish at this very same Libraries service at around the same…
Now that HelMet has moved to, the app is no longer in use.
There are no Number 1 caodidates in Parliament or local elections either.
Hi , I have recently relocated to Helsinki. Have done my Master in Library Information from India. I am in search of a job.…
Kahta edellistäkään Booker-palkittua kirjaa eiä ole suomeksi.
Nyt varmaan on syytä kääntää ainakin yhden Georgi Gospodinovin kirjan suomeksi, kun hän sai Booker-palkinnon romaanista Time…
The first postal codes in Finland were introduced in Helsinki in mid-1960s. The city center post office became "Helsinki 10…
Do you have this song (lyrics and piano accompaniment)?: Ei rakkaus yötä pelkää Also, do you have this (lyrics and piano…
What about participatory practices? about educational programs? are citizens participating? thank you
Einstein said it in 1939 when presenting the annual Albert Einstein Award to Thomas Mann. His remarks were reported in the…
the PEARL libraries?
Is there a search engine to look up someone's address in Finland?
In 2022, there are 33 living persons registered in Finland with family name (former or present) Leija. No Finn born and…