There, I know this is a long shot, but I would need some help finding a Finnish language song - I was recommended to try asking here from Reddit. The song…


Hi there,

I know this is a long shot, but I would need some help finding a Finnish language song - I was recommended to try asking here from Reddit.

The song dating from the late 90's to very early 2000's (most likely 1999 to 2001)

The song was heard on a Finnish radio station (not sure which one) which was picked up via Satellite in Ireland at around the same time. I actually had a recording of the radio broadcast on a cassette but it has gone missing.

The song was broadcast on a program which also broadcast the song "Sairaanfuckingkipeenraastavaa" but Nylon Beat (which was also on the cassette recording) so I am guessing that the song is from around the same time as this song - and probably that it was a well known pop song, or by a well known singer, since it was played on a show also playing a popular band like Nylon Beat

Details of the song:

The song is a pop or very (very!) light rock style song, sung in the Finnish language, and in a major key with a single male vocalist singing

The song could be by a band, but I am sure that only one male voice was singing

I believe he is accompanied by a guitar.

The chorus of the song features lyrics which sound like the following words "Kau-lete....kau-don-te-ry......kau-lete....kau-don-te-ry" repeated twice

here is my best whistling approximation of what the song sounds like (the bit I am whistling is the bit with the above lyrics:…

MORE INFO: Just another note that may or may not be helpful - I do remember the guys sounded kind of....young - for want of a better word, like it wasn't a very deep male voice (as Finnish male singers seem to often have) it was more of like a light almost teenagery sounding male voice - and it had no reverb or echo or anything, it was just him singing


Last updated

I am sorry to tell you that our music experts didn't recognise the song. The tune you whistled sounded distantly familiar. Maybe some of our readers would recognise the song? If you do, you can write the details of the song to the comments below.  

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Do you have this song (lyrics and piano accompaniment)?:

Ei rakkaus yötä pelkää

Also, do you have this (lyrics and piano accompaniment) song?:

Noche de Ronda (version by the Cuban band Irakere and Chucho Valdez pianist)

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