What is the best book to learn Java for beginners?


What is the best book to learn Java for beginners?


Last updated

There are many Java manuals, and it’s hard to tell which of them is the best one. Here you have some new manuals that can be found in the HelMet and Helka collections:

Absolute Java / Walter Savitch (Pearson, 2010)
Java : how to program / Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel (Prentice Hall, cop. 2012)
Java and mac OS X / T Gene Davis (for Mac; Wiley Publishing, 2010)
Java for everyone : late objects / Cay Horstmann (John Wiley & Sons, 2013)
Java for programmers / Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel (Prentice Hall, 2009)
Java programming : from problem analysis to program design / D. S. Malik (Course technology, 2010)

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