Where can I find a list/link overview of all 'kulturhus' in Finland? (cultural centres incl. library etc.)


Where can I find a list/link overview of all 'kulturhus' in Finland?
(cultural centres incl. library etc.)


Last updated

Here is one possible page with information in English (and several other languages) http://www.infopankki.fi. Choose English version, then choose Culture and Leisure, then you get a list of libraries and other cultural organizations. On the page http://www.kulttuuri.net you can also find information about different Finnish cultural organizations. A list of cultural centres in Helsinki is on page http://www.kulttuuri.hel.fi/index_en.html. One more page with information in English http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/?lang=en, choose Culture. Http://www.kirjastot.fi is the page of Finnish libraries, also in English.

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