Where can I find a list of publishers of children's books that are located in Texas?


Where can I find a list of publishers of children's books that are located in Texas?


Last updated


Here are some links that might help you.

Children`s Book Council`s webpage has an online member list, but only one of the publishers (the first one) is located in Texas http://www.cbcbooks.org/html/mlist1.html

www.chlidrenslit.com has a list of publishers webpages, but you have to check each link separately to find out the location. http://www.childrenslit.com/sites_publish.html

Children`s book publishers in United States: http://www2.nypl.org/home/branch/kids/reading/bookpubs.cfm
Click e.g Gryphon House Books and you can choose a state and find stores located in Texas

Book Publishers of Texas has a membership directory http://www.bookpublishersoftexas.com/directory.asp

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