Where would I find information on the Siirtolais Puutarha Alue in the city of Helsinki?


Where would I find information on the Siirtolais Puutarha Alue in the city of Helsinki?


Last updated

Helsinki City has rent areas for allotment garden associations until 31.12.2026. These areas can be seen in this adress: http://www.hkr.hel.fi/viher/siirtolapuutarha.html and the contact information of the associations are here: http://www.siirtolapuutarhaliitto.fi/puutarhat.html .The union of these associations, Suomen Siirtolapuutarhaliitto ry. has also own pages: http://www.siirtolapuutarhaliitto.fi/ .Unfortunately all these sites are in Finnish language, but you can send email to Siirtolapuutarhaliitto: sgarden@siirtolapuutarhaliitto.fi and ask for more information in English.

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