Which musical instruments are available in libraries? I'm asking specifically for violin. I've seen there are music rooms that I can reserve, but I don't know…


Which musical instruments are available in libraries? I'm asking specifically for violin. I've seen there are music rooms that I can reserve, but I don't know yet if there is any violins available there.
Thanks in advance.


Last updated

This is what Sello library offers as musical instruments:
In the Music department: A piano, a baby grand piano, a harmonium, an electric piano, an electric guitar, an electro acoustic guitar, an electric bass, digital drums. The music rooms have a piano or the baby grand and the harmonium, you can borrow the electro acoustic guitar to play there. Studio has a digital drum set, a midi-keyboard, and you can borrow the electric guitar, electro acoustic guitar and the electric bass to play in the studio. In Pointti, the youth department: an electro acoustic guitar, an acoustic bass guitar, a cajon (percussion). You can play or try the instruments in Pointti or in the music rooms of the Music department.

And here are the musical instruments which are available in the library of Tapiola:
Yamaha CLP-470 digital piano with space for two headphones (play alone or with a friend!), wooden keyboard, number of polyphony: 256, transpose and tuning, and 28 instrument sounds. Book a slot at the information desk or by phoning 09 816 57300. Headphones are available at the information desk.

You can find the libraries of Helsinki area and their services here http://www.helmet.fi/en-US/Libraries_and_services.

Unfortunately the Espoo libraries don't offer violins. Library 10 in the center of Helsinki has instruments to borrow. They don't mention a violin in their services, but just in case one can always telephone them and ask (tel. 09 3108 5703).

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