There's a link from the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's webbsite to the OceanPortal. The address is
When you search the sites using the word sewage as searchword, you will find several interesting articles on your subject. There are also some articles to be found in the Ebsco database that might be of interest to you, but I think you will find the links from OceanPortal superb. You can use the Ebsco database for instance in the public libraries in Helsinki.
Finland is a republic and therefore does not have a monarch but a president. Some people view the president as having a similar role in society as a king or a queen has in a monarchy. In case you are interested in the incumbent president, Tarja Halonen, and her family, you can find relevant information from the following web-site:
Finland was under Swedish rule for c. 700 years during which time the country was ruled by a monarch. In 1809 Napoleon and Tsar Alexander 1st made a deal in which Finland was taken away from Sweden and became a Grand Duchy of Tsarist Russia for a little over 100 years. From 1809 to 1917 Finland was ruled by a Russian Tsar. There was a monarchist movement right after the independence in…
I searched the material in databases called Manda and Linda. Here are some results:
- Holstila, Marja
Lasten tietokirjallisuus ajanmukaiseksi : kehittämishanke (2001)
- Tuominen, Kirsti
Children, libraries and information technology : results of user need
analyses (1997)
- Lapset ja aikuiset kirjastonkäyttäjinä Keski-Suomen läänin kunnissa v.1987 /[ julk.] Keski-Suomen lääninhallitus. Kouluosasto (1988)
- Meidän luokka kirjastossa / [työryhmä: Raisa Alameri-Sajama ... et al.] (1996)
- Lastenkirjastotoiminta Hämeen läänin yleisissä kirjastoissa vuonna 1988 (1988)
- Eskelinen, Raili
Yleinen kirjasto lasten lukemisharrastusten ohjaajana (1973)
You can ask these books in your library. If they are not available there, you can make…
Thank you for your question! A good connection for you is:
She has written a book about Alariesto and is working at Rovaniemi art museum.
The book with English summary is
Andreas Alariesto 1900-1989, Ars nordica 6, 1994 (951-749-208-1)
You can leave your question also at the northern net information service
There you find also a data base where you can search about northern items by your self.
You can find Finnish library act 904/1998 at ACT . This act concerns public libraries in Finland. About Finnish library system you can study from web-sites of Ministry of Education and there you can find also some publications on Finnish libraries. Finnish library policy programme 2001-2001 is also readable via web as a summary . Also in this page and the Libray branch -page is worth knowing.
The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in
Väestörekisterikeskus (Population Register Centre)
The telephone number is 0600 0 1000
(only in Finland)
The mailing address of Population register centre is
Kellosilta 4
PL 7
A good way to find lost friends is the Facebook. You could also try there.
In Finland there are two kinds of viilis:the short and the long one, which is more "stretching". For the short viili You can make the starter. Look at: and --->information sheet --->Ferments.
But for the long viili it is more difficult. You could ask for more information from Valio. The Internet adress is:
Oletko hakemassa tietoa teollisuusyrityksistä Suomessa? Vai etsitkö pelkästään hakemistoja, joissa olisi telekommunikaatio- ja elektroniikka-alan yrityksiä? Hakemistoja on olemassa useampiakin. Niitä löytyy Oulun kaupunginkirjaston tietokannasta esim. yhdistämällä asiasanat yritykset ja hakemistot.
Muutamia, joissa on myös toimialakohtaisia hakemistoja:
- Sininen kirja : talouselämän suurhakemisto (on myös netissä ja demon saa ilmeisesti viikoksi käyttöön ilmaiseksi )
- Kompass - sarja, josta löytyy tietoa mm. Suomen, Baltian, Ruotsin, Saksan, Venäjän yrityksistä
- Yritystele 2002 : valtakunnallinen yrityshakemisto.
Mikäli etsit tietoa elektroniikka-alan…
there's a good site about "Finnish feast or festival days and foods":
At the main page you reach more information about Finnish gastronomy.
Here's some recipe links:
It seems like Eevaneule-magazine has been published only from 1971 to 1986. In the Helsinki City Library storage we have years 1977 - 1982. They are original paper magazines, there is no on-line version available. You can contact the publisher A-lehdet, in order to find out more about the magazine and its history (e-mail: ).
Have you visited webpages of Finnish Ministy of Labour Click
"press release and statistics" and then " Employment bulletin". In pages you`ll find information of unemployment rate in Finland from February 1998 to October 2001. Figures in the beginning of 1990`s you`ll find in Statistics Finland Click "Finland in figures" and "labour market". There you can also find other information concerning you problem.
Then you can try e.g following Finland-links:…
Public has got a staff search for Finnish public libraries
The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Population Register Centre (Väestörekisterikeskus) P.O. Box 7 (Kellosilta 4), 00521 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 9 229 161, Fax +358 9 2291 6795
It seems that it would be best to acquire some html-editor program, like FrontPage or Dreamweaver and study related literature. They contain basic knowledge about electronic forms. The same goes with intranet which can be realized in so many ways that it cannot be answered here.
You can search related information from library databases (e.g. Plussa in public libraries, with subject words: ”intranet”, ”sähköiset lomakkeet”, ”FrontPage” and ”Dreamweaver”.
In Finland you can study law in the university. Degrees offered by the University on Helsinki Faculty of law can be found at How to apply - International Students' Guide to the University of Helsinki can be found at
To apply for admission for a Bachelor's or a Master's degree programme you must submit an application form to the university. The closing date for applications is January 31. The studying time depends on how fast the student is able to study and which degree the student is taking. For most students the studying time will be several years.
You can search items in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries' common bibliographics database Plussa Select the search type for subject heading and type aids. Also select display material in english.
Here are some examples Duesberg, Peter: AIDS--the good news is HIV doesn't cause it. Rimer, Robert A.: HIV+--working the system. Johnson, Earvin: What you can do to avoid AIDS.
The Finnish Ministry of Labour migration affairs briefly on immigration to Finland and migration affairs links
The Finnish Ministry of Finance Citizen's guide for immigrants and emigrants
Metropolis - Journal of International Migration and Integration
You can search items in the Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries' common bibliographics database Plussa here are some examples: Matinheikki-Kokko, Kaija: Challenges of working in a cross-cultural environment University of Jyväskylä 1997. Segal, Aaron: An…
General information about Finland and also about information technology in Finland you can find in Virtual Finland
There is at least tree organisations, which you could check out:
*Sitra, the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development
*Tekes, the National Technology Agency
These organisations have publicatins also in Internet for excample:
Quality of life, knowledge and competitiveness Premises and objectives for strategic development of the Finnish information society
more you can find in their pages.
Ministry of Trade and Industry and…
Here are some books about Finnair in English language:
Haapavaara, Heikki: Time flies : Finnair 75. Finnair 1999 ISBN 951-98041-1-0
Heavenly fare from the kitchens and cellars of Finnair/Anna-Maija Tanttu [et al.] ; Otava, [1998] ISBN 951-1-15633-0
Wegg, John: Finnair : the art of flying since 1923. Finnair [1983] ISBN: 951-99450-3-2
Contact your library to get these books as interlibrary loans.
Have you visited Finnair's homepage? There is much information about Finnair - for example their annual reports, history, statistics etc. :