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I am trying to find a woman who came to the United States in 1974 as an exchange student for a year. She was from Helsinki. I know she was studying to be a… 829 Public has got a staff search for Finnish public libraries The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Population Register Centre (Väestörekisterikeskus) P.O. Box 7 (Kellosilta 4), 00521 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 9 229 161, Fax +358 9 2291 6795
I want to visit Finland this winter to learn why your country is excelling ours in digital technology. Do you have any advice for me/. Do you recommend any… 827 General information about Finland and also about information technology in Finland you can find in Virtual Finland There is at least tree organisations, which you could check out: *Sitra, the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development *Tekes, the National Technology Agency *Fintra These organisations have publicatins also in Internet for excample: Quality of life, knowledge and competitiveness Premises and objectives for strategic development of the Finnish information society more you can find in their pages. Ministry of Trade and Industry and…
Which countries have the biggest number of Nobel Prize winners in literature fields. 827 The Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to 105 persons between 1901-2008. The countries who have most Nobel Prize in Literature laureates are: 1. France (13) 2. United States (12) 3. United Kingdom (9) 4. Germany (8) 5. Italy (6) Sweden (6) 7. Poland (5) Spain (5) 9. Ireland (4) 10.Denmark (3) 10.Norway (3) 12.Japan (2) Greece (2) Chile (2) South Africa (2) Switzerland (2) 21 countries have one Nobel Prize in Literature laureate. More detailed information:…
I am writing an academic article about public libraries and I need to send out my online questionnaires to Finnish public librarians. Who should I contact or… 823 There are several possibilities where to send your online questionnaires, depending on the nature of your survey. You have to decide to whom you want to send your questionnaires. You could think about whether you would like to send the questionnaires for the library administration (library directors etc.) or individual librarians. It could also be useful to think which libraries you want to include. The provincial libraries are the libraries that are in charge of the public library service in their regions. In addition to them, there are several smaller libraries and branch libraries. Frank Metasearch -site includes a list of all Finnish public libraries and provincial libraries: After deciding which…
I would like to take more information for UDC Codes. 822 There is a recent abridged edition of the UDC, Universal Decimal Classification : Abridged Edition London : British Standards Institution , 2003 (Published document ; PD 1000:2003) Guides to UDC: McIlwaine, I. C., Guide to the use of UDC : an introductory guide to the use and application of the Universal Decimal Classification. The Hague : International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID), 1993. (FID occasional paper 5). (New edition 2000) The UDC : essays for a new decade / edited by Alan Gilchrist and David Strachan London : Aslib , 1990 On the Internet, you can find information about UDC in the site UDC consortium, here
Do you know any activities/animations for or with people with mental or psychic disability happening in librairies in Finland? Do you know anything to raise… 821 There are some projects that have studied this topic exactely. One was in Pori, for personlig who have suffered psychic problems and alcoholism, contact Asko Hursti, on this matterää, here some information, but it is in Finnish. Another one in Lapland, Kittilä, about disabled and elderly people, contact,, for disabled in Middle Finland Vesanto,, contact These both focus on hearing, reading and activities. In Mikkeli the scope is on digital skills for people with problems in mental health http://hankkeet.…
Can you help me find a list of sixth grade reading books that doesn't include poetry but does include fiction non- fiction, and classics Thanks 818 Scottsdale public library has listed some books for 6th-graders: . Some schools have made their own lists of recommended literature, for example . Some book pulblishers have also listed their suggestions: . It’s not difficult to find more in the Internet using any search engine by using such search terms as ‘book lists’ and ‘6th grade’. In Helsinki City Library librarians have listed book tips for each grade: They are in Finnish, but there are some originally English books on the list for 5th and 6th grade pupils:…
How to search for health services? 818 Here is link for Health services in Espoo:;37337;45340;36841;36852
I am looking for great books by Finnish authors who identify as female. I'm looking for a diverse range of books: from fiction to non-fiction; books written a… 818 This is of course a question where the method of defining who is significant can vary. There are a lot of book and authors, but i start here with a few and hope that my colleagues will continue the list.  The first name that comes in mind is Minna Canth who lived 1844-1897 and was a very significant female writer and a champion of equal rights, The translations of her work can be hard to find, but here are three that I found in one of our former answers: Sanoi Minna Canth - Pioneer Reformer, Extracts from Minna Canth's Works and letters. Edited by Ritva Heikkilä. Porvoo 1987. Sivut 141-280. Anna-Liisa. Portraits Of Courage. Plays by Finnish Women. Edited by S. E. Wilmer. Helsinki1997…
Is Pulla often pronounced Bulla? 816 If you mean the Finnish word pulla (‘bun,  coffeebread’), I think it can be pronounced as ‘bulla’ only if you have a flu or rarely in some Finnish dialects. According to Kielitoimiston sanakirja, the Finnish word bulla means also ‘papal bull’ -
Dear Sir or Madam, I started to study portuguese a few weeks ago. Now Iam looking for simple reading books, like the Little Prince in portuguese. Which of you… 814 Pasila Library has the largest collection of books in Portugese.
I'm looking for the results (more complete than possible) of these ski races: 28/03/1967 15 km men Ruka spelen, 19/03/1967 15 km men Puijo spelen, 20/03/1969… 812 Ruka 1967 - 15 km 1) Ole Ellefsäeter, Norway                                               55.43 2) Bjarne Andersson, Sweden                                         56.06 3) Anatoli Akentjev, Soviet Union                   …
When did the Jews arrive to Finland? Where did they come from? 810 The territory which is now Finland was for more than half a millennium – until 1809 – part of the Swedish Kingdom. Under Swedish law, Jews of that period were allowed to settle only in three major towns in the Kingdom, none of them being situated in the territory of Finland. The injunction did not cover visits and therefore the first known reference of Jews in Finland is from 1782, when "Portuguese singers" Josef Lazarus, Meijer Isaac and Pimo Zelig as well as conjurer Michel Marcus received from the city administrative court of Helsinki the right to perform their skills in Helsinki. In this context beeing Portuguese refers to Jewish communities of Hamburg area or Holland, whose founders were driven away from Portugal nearly 300 years…
How can I find out what is on at La Fenice in Venice 809 It seems to me that there are no performances in the beginning of September in La Fenice, since there is no information in the calendar of performances before the 23.9.2007,… (i checked both the italian and the english version). You could try contacting the box office, contact information can be found here .
Is it possible to lend German kids' books from the Myyrmäki library in Vantaa? Can I somewhere lookup and order books, so that I could collect them there? 806 Myyrmäki library is part of HelMet-libraries which consist of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries. The entire library catalogue is available for everyone who has the HelMet-library card. You can search the library catalogue at HelMet web library: (available in English) Here are some guidelines on how to search for german children's books at HelMet: How to search for books that are suitable for little children (for example picture books): 1. Go to the tab "Kids and teens" 2. Write kuvakirjat (=picture books) to the search bar 3. Click the "Advanced search" -button 4. choose the following: material type: book, language: german 5. Click Go This search shows you all HelMet libraries' german children's picture…
I would like to come to Finland next year for several months and I hope to find a job. I already had two professional experiences in French libraries … 806 "Unfortunately it`s very difficult to to get a job in a library in Finland if you don`t know finnish, even if you have education as an librarian. If you are e.g native english speaker, there are of course some possibilities to work in certain organizations or communities without knowing finnish." Source:… Open vacancies: Employment and Economic Development Office of Finland:
Which musical instruments are available in libraries? I'm asking specifically for violin. I've seen there are music rooms that I can reserve, but I don't know… 805 This is what Sello library offers as musical instruments: In the Music department: A piano, a baby grand piano, a harmonium, an electric piano, an electric guitar, an electro acoustic guitar, an electric bass, digital drums. The music rooms have a piano or the baby grand and the harmonium, you can borrow the electro acoustic guitar to play there. Studio has a digital drum set, a midi-keyboard, and you can borrow the electric guitar, electro acoustic guitar and the electric bass to play in the studio. In Pointti, the youth department: an electro acoustic guitar, an acoustic bass guitar, a cajon (percussion). You can play or try the instruments in Pointti or in the music rooms of the Music department. And here are the musical instruments…
I need a web site that i can ask for the answers to hink pinks. 804 Hink pinks are riddles. The answers to the riddles are words that rhyme with each other and contain the same amount of syllables. Hink pinks have 1 syllable answers. A hinky pinky has 2 syllable answers. A hinkity pinkty has 3 syllable answers. From these links you can find more information about hink pinks.…
I have a question from you. whats is the name of ifla presedent? 804 Sinikka Sipilä (
I am from Argentina.I am looking for information about environmental education.I am a teacher. I know you have books about it. 802 Hi! I found you some books about enviromental ecucation. You can find more information about them in librarycatalogues Helmet (Helsinki metropolian area library) and Helka (Universtiy of Helsinki). These you can find in Helmet 1. Good practices in Northern watercourses : community development, river restoration and environmental education / Varpu Savolainen (ed.) 2. Education for democracy as a part of education for sustainable development : 4th International Journal of Teacher Education and Training Conference : post-conference book / Juhani Hytönen (ed.) 3. Water in our life and environment : Socrates/Comenius 1.1 school project 2004-2007 / [editors: Eija Liisa Sokka-Meaney, Eila Kuokkanen] 4. Teacher education for…