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Which library in Helsinki's city center has the most material in English? 2382 The National library of Finland has the largest collection of material in English. Undergraduate library has also quite a good English collection. Both of these are open to all the customers, you don't have to student or scholar to borrow books from them. Their material is mostly scientific. The Helsinki city center has also city libraries, which have English material also. The largest English collection in city center is in Rikardinkatu library. Pasila's library has larger collection, but it is situated a couple of kilometers from the city center. Is you are searching for music…
I would like to ask you about legal deposit in Finland. The law determines that National library and some university libraries (Oulu, Jyväskylä, Åbo, Joensuu… 2324 According to the Legal deposit copy law (2007) the producer of any printed material, sound recording or visual recording is liable for delivering legal deposit copies of the products free of charge. Printed material is here considered to be any product with technically duplicated text or visual content. ”The law takes no position on the material´s contents, nor does it set any political, aesthetic or moral priorities or restrictions.” (Agricolasta Aku Ankkaan, p. 39.) Thus, university libraries do get copies of materials belonging to their fields of authority, regardless of content or quality of the material in question. Since 1984 the Finnish Film Archive (National Audiovisual Archive) assumed the responsibility for the supervision and…
Is there a way to look up information about someone that currently lives in Finland if I only know their name; that is in English and on the Web? 2306 To trace someone in Finland try to find that person's address on the Population Register Centre's database. Browse their homepages on Our data protection legislation permits everyone to to forbid the disclosure of his or her personal information by the population registration system for purposes such as direct advertising, so you might not find the information your want. The access to other public records is restricted also. You may still find the portal for public sector services useful. Try the index on the upper right side of the page. The address is
The difference between Medline and MedLARS 2242 The difference between Medline and MedLars is not very clear. Medlars (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) is the computerised biomedical bibliographic retrieval system which was launched by the U.S. National Library of Medicine in 1964. It allows rapid access to NLM's store of biomedical information. Medlars was the first large scale, computer based, retrospective search service available to the general public. In 1971 an online version called MEDLINE ("MEDLARS Online") became available. MEDLINE® is the best known of NLM's databases. Essentially Index Medicus online, MEDLINE enables anyone to query the NLM computer's store of journal article references on specific topics. It currently contains 9 million references going back…
I'm living in Kuopio and I would like to learn Finnish language, pls let me know where I can find the course class in Kuopio. 2207 You can get information on Finnish courses in Kuopio on the following web pages:… (here you can also find links to online courses) (Kuopio Community College) Kuopio City Library also offers a wide range of Finnish language courses. You're welcome to have a look!
What are some medicine plants in the Daintree Rainforest? 2185 Here you can read about the flora in the Daintree Rainforest, Australia: They say on this site, that the Daintree rainforest is home to one of the highest populations of primitive flowering plants in the world. These ancient plant families may hold secrets to a number of unanswered questions regarding the origins of the flowering plants - plants on which the human race depends for food and medicines. In the Daintree Rainforest many of the plants are deadly poisonous. Medicine plants are often poisonous if wrongly used. There are also plants that are harmful when touched.
I am looking for infomation about the Finnish author Auni Nuolivaara. But I could hardly find anything in the net. She wrote the books: Paimen, piika ja emäntä… 2181 Unfortunately there's not much information about the author Auni Nuolivaara in English or German. Here's some information I found from books: Auni Elisabeth Nuolivaara was born in Korpilahti 22.5.1883 and died in Tampere 26.10.1972. Her parents were Selim Johan Evert Hirvensalo and Lydia Alexandra Dahlström. Auni was married to Armas Isak Nuolivaara. Her studies and career: secondary school graduation 1903 teachers' college 1905 art studies in Rome 1914 - 1915 singing studies in Geneva 1916 - 1917 elementary school teacher in Savonlinna 1905 - 1907 administrator of Keski-Savon kansanopisto (Keski-Savo folk high school) 1907 - 1914, 1918 - 1925 music teacher in Suomen nuoriso-opisto (youth college of Finland) 1923 - 1925 teacher in Oreveden…
Do you have the book "Cultural Shock Finland" from Deborah Swallow? Kiitos! 2179 The name of the book is "Culture shock! Finland", and yes, we do have it in HelMet libraries. Please check the current availability here:… Welcome to visit any HelMet libray!
Who replaced Caesar? 2152 Julius Caesar was assasinated 44 BC by a group of senators, led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius. Caesar's follower was his adopted heir, Octavian (or Octavius) (63 B.C.- A.D. 14), perhaps even better known for the name Augustus. Octavian was aged only 19 at the time of Caesar's death and proved to have considerable political skills. After Caesar's assassination, a political alliance, known as the Second Triumvirate, was formed in 43 BC by Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus. The triumvirate was eventually torn apart: disagreement between Octavian and Antony erupted into civil war in 31 BC. Antony was defeated by Octavian at the naval Battle of Actium. He committed suicide, and his lover, Cleopatra, killed herself shortly…
Why optical fibre discks should be keep away from magnate? 2125 Permanent magnets and strong electromagnets may damage data that has been recorded on the computers diskettes and on the video cassettes, because the information is on these in a magnetic form. Source (in Finnish):… Fiber Optic Cables are immunity to electromagnetic disturbance and its signal transmission characteristics make it the ideal support for high-speed data transmission. There occurs no electromagnetic radiation. The light waves travel along the optical core which is made from silica, melted quartz or plastic. Sources: Find more about the…
Could you give me some information on the origin of the word nisu? Is it a Swedish word? When did pulla replace this word? I live in Ohio, and the Finnish… 2124 According to the etymological dictionary of modern Finnish language the word “nisu” has an analogue in all of the near related languages. Karelian and Estonian languages have the word “nisu” and the Veps language “ńižu”. Also the Sami language knows the word “njizzi” which is apparently derived from the same origin. The word is most likely a derivative of a word that means breast or teat (the Finnish word “nisä”). The concept of this is that the product of the teat (which is white and sweet milk) has same qualities that the mild-flavoured grain (wheat). In the Finnish literary language “nisu” has appeared since Agricola and it has been the primary designation of wheat until the 19th century. The word “pulla” is a loan from “bulla” in the…
Could you give me a list of relevant literature for seminar theme: Sociological aspects of suicide? 2114 The most famous classic about sociological aspects of suicide is Émile Durkheim's "Suicide: A Study in Sociology", which was originally published in 1897. The book is still relevant and many studies concerning suicide has Durkheim as the starting point. Steve Taylor's "Sociology of Suicide" (Longman, 1988) and Anthony Gidden's "Sociology of Suicide: A Selection of Readings" (1971) might be also useful to you. But I think the most convenient way to start your study is by searching from the internet. We recommend Google Scholar, which has access to many scientific databases: Good keywords for your search would be: 'suicide', 'sociology', 'social', 'sociological…
Sw smaw & rsew welding process 2100 We are a public library and we do not have expetise concerning welding. However, below are a couple web-pages which deal with the issue. You should contact some technical school, which teaches welding techniques.
Could you tell me which is correct: There is both capital and equity..... or There are both capital and equity 2083 In speech it is common to use a singular verb after introductory "there", even when the following subject is plural. But in formal writing you should use plural verb, so "There are both capital and equity" is the correct form. Greenbaum, Sidney: "An Introduction to English Grammar" (1991, Longman)
Why the stars have to be so faraway?? Why my star is so untouchible?? I only want to sent him a letter with best greetings...but would i be realized wrong??… 2068 The stars are so far away, because the universe has developed in such a way since the Bib Bang, or because it has been created that way - depending on how you think of it. But then again, if the stars were closer, they would burn us... So, that's why the stars have to be untouchable. Well then, if your "star" is a human being, I can't see any reason why you couldn't send him greetings in a letter. Of course it is impossible to say how he would react to your message, but at least I would be delighted to get greetings from somebody - even from a person I do not personally know. The only way to find out his reaction is to try and send him the letter you are planning. Of course he may remain untouchable to you anyway. But even if you don't get…
I would like to have all the information about artist Teemu Mäki´s video art, about killing a cat and the controversy between him and a writer. 2054 Hi! I’m sorry that we kept you waiting. It’s impossible to give a very detailed description of the controversy, which is still widening. The dispute has got plenty of publicity in the media since the end of April. The newspapers are available in the libraries, but to read them you have to know Finnish or have a translator. So I try to summarize a little bit. “Sex and death : different forms of violence” by Teemu Mäki is a videofilm from 1988. It includes a section, where the artist kills a stray cat with several blows of an axe. Afterwards he masturbates on the dead body. In an interview in Hufvudstadsbladet (2004, May, 17) Teemu Mäki says that “the video was a documentary on mindless, inexicable violence, ecological destruction and…
1. In which places in Finland can I study as a librarian? Where I can find some information/Link? 2.In Finland are the most libary users in europe! What do you… 2010 1. You can study information and library studies in many places in Finland depending on the level you want to reach. You can do higher level studies in three universities: Tampere, Oulu and Åbo Academy (=Swedish speaking uviversity in Turku).Tampere University is maybe the most wellknown of these. You can also do the business school level studies in Seinäjoki, Oulu, Vaasa, Turku and Helsinki. There are also various open university courses for basic level information studies after which you can continue your studies in the above mentioned places, but you have to pass the entrance exam. You can find the details in the following link. 2. Library is an old institution in Finland. The…
Hallo! I'm looking for English translations of two pieces of poems by Eino Leino. Could you please help me? The poems I'm looking for are "Kun kello seisoo"… 2003 The poem "Kun kello seisoo" can be found in English in a sheet music "Moment musical : Heikki Sarmannon lauluja Eino Leinon runoihin". The translation of the poem is When the clock stands still by Aina Swan Cutler. The sheet music is available at HelMet-libraries . The verses: "Aika voitetahan joka kerta, jolloin aatos miehen mieless syttyy" are from Eino Leino's poem "Aika" (Time). It has been published e.g. in the collection called Kangastuksia. We looked up anthologies which contain English translations of Finnish poetry and searched from The database Finnish literature in translation (see below). Unfortunately, we didn't find an English version of the poem. The database Finnish literature in…
I am an oversea student studying in Finland. May I obtain a library card by presenting passport? 2001 You can obtain a library card and borrowing rights by presenting a photo-enhanced ID-card such as: I.D. card from EU countries Passport Finnish driver’s licence Finnish SII card with photo Helsinki reception centre’s resident card Your home address must be in Finland. However, PO Box, PosteRestante as well as a long-term hotel address are also acceptable. More information about the library card is to be found in or at the nearest library.
What is the most widely used language in the world? 1942 Mandarin Chinese has about almost 1 billion speakers. After that Hindi, Arabic, English and Spanish. The order varies depending on how speakers are calculated.