The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in
Population Register Centre (Väestörekisterikeskus)
The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 and a call costs 9,95 mk/min + local call charge.
The mailing address of Population register centre is Kellosilta 4 PL 7 00520 HELSINKI
It might be that your family name was originally Jaakola or Jaakkola. In order to find your ancestors you can contact The Genealogical Society of Finland Liisankatu 16 A FIN-00170 Helsinki Finland
Telephone +358-9-278 1188 Fax +358-9-278 1199 E-mail
You cand find books about subject by finnish words kirjoitusjärjestelmät historia (= system of writing, history) from Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries (HelMet):
The story of writing : with over 355 illustrations, 50 in colour / Robinson, Andrew
Kirjoituksen lumo = The metamorphoses of writing
Writing : the story of alphabets and scripts / Georges Jean
A history of writing / Albertine Gaur
The alphabetic labyrinth : the letters in history and imagination / Johanna Drucker
More books in HelMet catalogue:*fin/X?SEARCH=kirjoitusj%C3%A4rjestelm%C3%A4…
Internetlinks in about subject:…
The peace treatment was signed in the Government Banquet Hall in Helsinki. For further information, see .
As far as I know, Pallas IntroActive system (in Tampere it is called Aktvii-Piki -service)is the only library program used in public libraries in Finland that contains personal bibligraphic informing part of the library services via Internet.
But Tampere is not the only library that uses Pallas -library system (+ IntroActive)in Finland. For example Turku, Oulu, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Porvoo, Kajaani, Seinäjoki, Rovaniemi and Vaasa City Libraries and many other libraries use Pallas library system.
Unfortunately I did not find Baiki in the collections of the Helsinki University Library. However, the journal can be found in the Oulu University Library, the Lapland University Library and the Library of Rovaniemi. The only way to get these articles is through the interlibrary loans system. The request form is here:…
Here’s some information about webforms and web usability:
(including some downloads)
Books (available in libraries):
Heslop, Brent : HTML publishing on the Internet for Windows
Nielsen, Jakob : Designing Web usability
Tyler, Denise : Macromedia Flash 5
Here are some links that might help you.
Children`s Book Council`s webpage has an online member list, but only one of the publishers (the first one) is located in Texas has a list of publishers webpages, but you have to check each link separately to find out the location.
Children`s book publishers in United States:
Click e.g Gryphon House Books and you can choose a state and find stores located in Texas
Book Publishers of Texas has a membership directory
There are some scientific research below partly about your topic. The second one is in Finnish, but there is an abstract in English.……
This is what Sello library offers as musical instruments:
In the Music department: A piano, a baby grand piano, a harmonium, an electric piano, an electric guitar, an electro acoustic guitar, an electric bass, digital drums. The music rooms have a piano or the baby grand and the harmonium, you can borrow the electro acoustic guitar to play there. Studio has a digital drum set, a midi-keyboard, and you can borrow the electric guitar, electro acoustic guitar and the electric bass to play in the studio. In Pointti, the youth department: an electro acoustic guitar, an acoustic bass guitar, a cajon (percussion). You can play or try the instruments in Pointti or in the music rooms of the Music department.
And here are the musical instruments…
If you mean the Finnish word pulla (‘bun, coffeebread’), I think it can be pronounced as ‘bulla’ only if you have a flu or rarely in some Finnish dialects. According to Kielitoimiston sanakirja, the Finnish word bulla means also ‘papal bull’ -
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (Random House, 2007) is a book written by Philip Zimbardo. In this book he offers a psychological account of how ordinary people sometimes turn evil and commit unspeakable acts.
For further details, see:
Here you have a link to a list of all fiction books in French in HelMet libraries around the capital region:**&searchscope=4&m=1&l=fre&b=…
So, as you see there are quite a few libraries that harbour at least some kind of a collection of books in French.
If you would like to restrict the search to a given library, go to this page: . Type two asterisks (**) in the search field. Instead of Entire collection, choose Fiction. For material type, choose book and for language, French. Then choose the library you want and click Go!
The database of The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries, Helmet ( )offers a few books in English concerning social media and business communication. The books are as follows:
-Li, Charlene: Open leadership : how social media technology can transform the way you lead, Jossey-Bass, 2010
-Handley, Ann: Content rules: how to create killer blogs, podcasts, videos, ebooks, webinars (and more) that engage customers and ignite your business, Wiley, cop. 2011. The new rules of social media series
-What would Google do? / Jeff Jarvis; Collins Business, cop. 2009
For a few books more check the Goggle Books service. The browser will find a selection of suitable books for e.g. with the key words ‘social media, marketing,…
Here you are a few websites about this serious problem and the main causes of it:…
There isn't any decent translator programs (Finnish to English, English to Finnish) that function on the public domain basis and are free for users.
You can try the following service:
The service is only a demo version and it accepts sentences, which has 60 or less characters.
There is also an international site, which isn't working at the moment
Click Advanced search on the first page of HelMet database To find material in English use the link language. Type matematiikka oppikirjat. Type fysiikka oppikirjat
Help for you
Hello and welcome to Espoo! All Espoo libraries have children's sections. The bigger libraries have bigger areas, smaller libraries smaller areas for children. You could try the Sello library or the Entresse library. Perhaps your choice also depends on where you live and which is the nearest library to your home. All Espoo libraries welcome children to their premises.
In Finland we have: (in Finnish)
You can search for example Swedish names but the search language is Finnish (in Finnish)
This search service is like Fonecta only in Finnish but you can even here search for example Swedish names
and for
Åland Islands (in Swedish)
In Finland stock options are taxed as taxable income. In termines sales you are not allowed to assume the price of the option when you bought it. However, you are allowed to deduct the price at which you bought the option plus your expenses in buying and selling. You will find the English web pages of the Finnish Tax Administration at