I recommend these web sites for you:
In English:
History of Finland
This site is part of Virtual Finland, which is produced by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.
A Web History of Finland
by Pasi Kuoppamäki
In Finnish:
Suomi 80 : Itsenäistymisen vuodet 1917-1918
This site is maintained by Department of History at University of Tampere
Suomen historian kronologia
Vuoden 1918 sota
These two sites above are part of the Project Agricola, which is
produced by Finnish universities, archives, societies, museums and…
In Finland registering for a public library card and borrowing materials from public libraries is free of charge. This is stated in the Library Act and Library Decree.
You can find more information about the Finnish library system here: http://www.minedu.fi/minedu/culture/library/public_libraries.html. Some of the information is also in French.
You can make book reservations (and other materials too) using our WebLibrary
-PIKI-verkkokirjasto in finnish http://kirjasto.tampere.fi:8000/
Just clik the flag icon on the left hand corner and You'll find the english version of our service.
(There is also a link to the service in our frontpage)
In order to make reservations You need a valid library card and and a password.
If you do not have a password or if you want to change your password, please contact the library staff.
You will get it from any of our libraries visiting them personally (passwords are not given by phone or email).
More information about our services in english
There seems to be only one book in English about Esplanadi: "The Esplanade during the 19th century--Helsinki" by Henrik Lilius, 1984 (ISBN 87-85176-20-6). This work is primarily a pictorial production. It has color reproductions of original tinted project plans and black & white reproductions of original monocrome project plans. The photographs show what form the Esplanade did in fact take during the 19th century. The following address http://www.hel.fi/tourism/html/english/artikkelit/artikkelit/esplanadi… has an article about Esplanadi as well.
One such association was founded in Käpylä, Helsinki in June 5th 2002 to protect the Käpylä branch of Helsinki City Library which then was threathened to be closed down along with several other small branch libraries in Helsinki.
Local movements in different parts of Helsinki soon reacted against the threat of their local libraries to be closed. In the end, none of the libraries was closed but were given diminished opening hours.
The local library association in Käpylä, Käpylän aluekirjastoyhdistys, is still active and co-operates with the library staff to arrange special events, such as literary evenings, and to develop the services of their local library.
Statistics Finland has StatFin-online service http://statfin.stat.fi/Statweb/index_ENG.stm if you clic the WebSelector the statistics for criminality can be found. Unfortunally IT crimes are on the category other offences whitch consist of several other crimes. IT crime rates that is rates for other offences can be found at the Library of Statistics. Contact information: Visiting address: Työpajakatu 13 B, 1. floor, Helsinki Postal address: POB 2B, FIN-00022 Statistics Finland Contact information: Visiting addressContact information:Telephone: +358 9 1734 2220 Telefax: +358 9 1734 2279 e-mail: library@stat.fi Internet: http://www.stat.fi/tk/kk/index_en.html
Finlex http://www.finlex.fi/english/index.html is a Finnish legislation with a list…
You can borrow both an e-book reader and a tablet from some Helmet-libraries (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen):
You can find out the situation of the libraries in other citys from the kirjastot.fi websites:
There are a few of books by Cesar Vallejo availlable in Helmet-libraries i.e. in Helsinki Metropolitan Area libraries.
The titles and availability you'll find here:
"Obra poética completa" is availble in Kirjasto Omena in Espoo
"Poemas en prosa ; Poemas humanos ; España, aparta de mí este cáliz" is in Töölö Library in Helsinki.
"Poemas humanos" is on shelf both in Itäkeskus Library in Helsinki and Sello Library in Espoo.
"El tungsteno ; Paco Yunque" is on shelf both in Rikhardinkatu Library in Helsinki and Tikkurila Library in Vantaa.
An English translation "Spain, take this chalice from me" and other poems" belongs to the collection of Sello Library, but is checked out at the moment.
There are several lists and registers in the internet, unfortunately many of them only in Finnish. You can make a search with words like "Suomen yritykset" and get several registers and search systems.
Here is a link for a good regional search, only in Finnish:
The home page of the Finnish Business Information System:
Two links for a National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland. Perhaps they can give you more information there:
http://www.prh.fi/en.html and https://virre.prh.fi/portal/dt?userLang=en
You will find an online map of Helsinki in the Internet pages of Helsingin Sanomat. This is a free service. The site address is http://heti1.tieto.net/oikotie/etusivu and when you click the word 'KARTTAPALVELU' (ie. the map service in Finnish) you will get access to various maps of Finland including that of Helsinki. You just select Helsinki and you can search any street in Helsinki. The correct spelling of Kaivopoisto is Kaivopuisto.
I found two publications about the subject in a database called "WorldCat":
Timonen, Virpi: Restructuring the welfare state :
globalisation and social policy reform in Finland and Sweden.
Cheltenham, UK ; Northhampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar Pub.,2003.
Nestingen, Andrew K: Why nation? :
globalization and national culture in Finland, 1980-2001.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2001.
There are also some articles about globalization of Finland, that I found in a database called "Ebsco":
Sipilä, Jorma: Opening Remarks, 1 July 2001, Tampere.
Social Work in Health Care; 2004, Vol. 39 Issue 1/2, p7, 4p.
business enterprises
congresses & conventions
international trade
Measuring Economic Reversals, Forward…
You probably mean Finlandia, op. 26 by Jean Sibelius. There are some CD recordings of the complete Finlandia played by a Finnish military(-type) brass band. I found these four:
1. 90 vuotta suomalaista sotilasmusiikkia : Puolustusvoimien juhlalevy (2 CDs and 1 DVD, Puolustusvoimat SAMCD 90, 2008) (Finlandia played by Sotilasmusiikkikoulu)
2. Viimeinen asemiesilta (Poptori 50181052, 2006) (Finlandia played by Kaartin soittokunta, the hymn part sung by two male choirs)
3. Puolustusvoimien Varusmiessoittokunta 17: Suomalaista sotilasmusiikkia 3 (PEttus-os SAMCD-22, 2003) (Finlandia played Puolustusvoimien Varusmiessoittokunta 17)
4. Haminan Soittokunta: Viisi vuotta (Haminan Soittokunta HamSKCD-1, 2001) (Finlandia played by Haminan…
The Himanka commune is the northernmost commune in West-Finland province. It is part of the Central-Ostrobotnia county and Kokkola countydistrict.
The densely populated area is in an intersection of main road 8 and Lestijoki.
http://www.himanka.fi/ (the homepage of Himanka commune, unfortunately only in Finnish.)
In http://www.kolumbus.fi/kalajoen.matkailuinstituutti/tervetuloa.html You'll see the location of Himanka in Finland's map)
If You want to get more specific map try http://www.kartta.nls.fi/karttapaikka/eng/home.html
There are no age limits for visiting library in Jyväskylä. With parent’s permission children are allowed to visit the library by themselves at any age.
Yes, we do have an inter library loan system - but, unfortunately, the inter library loan request form to be found in the web has not yet been translated into English: it is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you understand Finnish, you can find a suitable form at http://www.lib.hel.fi/ under the headings Kaukopalvelu - Kaukopalvelu henkilöasiakkaille. There you can also check the charges. Just to summarize the principles:
- an inter library loan costs 0,80 e
- if you live in Helsinki, there are no other charges if the loan is sent from Finland or other Nordic countries
- if you are not an inhabitant of Helsinki, the charges depend on the sending library (from Nordic countries 8,50 e)
- an inter library loan from outside Nordic…
The Book is called the Canine Kalevala.
The following information was found in the Library of Congress Online Catalog
(adress=http://lcweb.loc.gov/catalog/) :
The canine Kalevala / Mauri Kunnas, Tarja Kunnas ; [translated and adapted...
LC Control Number: 93855806
Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Brief Description:
Kunnas, Mauri.
The canine Kalevala / Mauri Kunnas, Tarja Kunnas ; [translated and adapted from the Finnish by Tim Steffa]. Koirien Kalevala. English
Helsinki : Otava, 1992.
[30] p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm.
From HelMet library you can find a lot of books, CDs and CD-ROMs on Finnish, just type in search field Finnish on http://www.helmet.fi/en-US -site. Also e.g. Adult Education Institute of Vantaa offers courses on Finnish, please look http://www.finnishcourses.fi/ , or you can find Finnish courses on the Internet, http://www.infopankki.fi/en-gb/finnish_on_the_internet/ .
Enjoy yourself learning Finnish!
We could not check Your customer record because You didn't give Your name. You wrote in English so we could suggest that the obvious reason is that You are not staying permanenntly in Finland? The usual politics is that the library card can be used six months by those not living permanently in Finland. However, You can came to any Helmet library with Your library card and ID and then we can re-activate Your card for another six months. (If this is not the case, please call any Helmet library so that we can check Your customer record.)
At least television companys and film distributor companys buy films in Finland.
Here you can see the list of television channels in Finland:
And here below are film distributor companys in Finland: