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My question is i wanted to learn the finnish languge and i whant to know what to read or if there are any cds? 650 You can search the Helmet library database in the address - change language into English and then choose Keyword search. Write there "suomen kieli kielikurssit" (Finnish language, language courses) and choose cd as material type. There are several Finnish courses that also include cds. If you already have library card and the secret number you can reserve the course you want. If not visit any library with an id that has your photo in it and you will soon have our library card and if the library you visit doesn't have any course in at the moment please ask help with ordering one.
I am looking for a book in finnsih language learning for adults, I made a reservation for one to pick up in Tapiola, which is closer to my home. Will I have… 650 Booking is free from Helmet Library collections. Can choose pickup and return site freely. Also returning to another city is free if the material is owned by the Helmet Library.
Could you please provide me with a list of the finnish libraries that have photo cataloguies from portuguese photographers. 649 The University of Art and Design Library and the University of Lapland hold a book titled: Portuguese photography since 1854 = Livro de viagens / edited by M. Tereza Siza and Peter Weiermair. University of Art and Design Library;9472 University of Lapland Library In addition, The Fine Art Academy Library holds: Character and player : João Penalva / Herausgeber/editor: Silvia Eiblmayr Fine Art Academy Library In addition to these academic libraries whose collections can be searched online, it is worthwhile inquiring from the following art museum libraries whether they have photographers' catalogues. These…
How am I supposed to return the e-book? I tried to return it by using the Adobe Digital Edition but it stops working during the process. Is there any other way? 648 Don’t worry, an e-book loan expires automatically and therefore it is not necessary to return it. But if you want to return your e-book loan before it expires, you can do it via a reading program as you have done. Sometimes there are problems from various reasons. It's impossible to say why your program stopped working. If you are returning an e-book so that you can borrow a new book, you can leave feedback for us via e-library or (library where you want to borrow) and our technical support will help you.
I am getting the message that you can not renew any item as your registration has expired. Please suggest the needful. 648 You should visit the library in person and take ID card with you. We'll then continue your registration and the renewals will function again. Sorry for your trouble! Find your library:
What is the best source of information when I need to know about electronic forms (e.g. those made with Word 2000)? 647 It seems that it would be best to acquire some html-editor program, like FrontPage or Dreamweaver and study related literature. They contain basic knowledge about electronic forms. The same goes with intranet which can be realized in so many ways that it cannot be answered here. You can search related information from library databases (e.g. Plussa in public libraries, with subject words: ”intranet”, ”sähköiset lomakkeet”, ”FrontPage” and ”Dreamweaver”.
Etsin tietoa seuraavista aiheista:e-business, e-commerce ja business-to-business commerce. Löytyisikö näitä koskien mitään materiaalia? 646 Suomen kielen asiasana aiheillesi lienee verkkokauppa. Pääkaupunkiseudun aineistotietokanta antaa asiasanalla verkkokauppa rajattuna suomen kieleen kolmisenkymmentä viitettä. Libplussasta näet myös teosten saatavuustiedot. Helsingin yliopiston kirjastojen tietokanta HELKAsta löytyy verkkokauppa asiasanalla kymmeniä viitteitä. Haukuja voit itse tehdä osoitteesta: Yliopistokirjastojen yhteistietokanta LINDA antaa samaisella verkkokauppa asiasanalla yli 60 suomen kielistä viitettä, joista osa on tutkimuksia: esim. Elektronisesta kaupasta eLiiketoimintaan, toimittaneet Pirjo Järvelä ja Markku Tinnilä, Tekes, 2000 tai Verkkomainonta Suomessa / Pirjo Järvelä, Mika Raulas LTT-…
Which government office in Finland determines design standards for bicycle paths (width, traffic separation, signage, snow clearing, etc.)? 645 Please visit the site of Network of Finnish Cycling Municipalities: . There are some useful addresses at the end of the page. Email address of the co-ordinator Tapio Linna is . In Helsinki the municipal organ is Traffic Planning Division in City Planning Department. The pages are unfortunately only in Finnish and Swedish: . One of the contact people is Antero Naskila
I want to know which are the correspondents for JOHN - masculin and feminin - with any variations in Finnish langage. 645 Here follows some of the most ordinary ones (corresponding for John in Finnish): Masculin: Jani, Janne, Johannes, Jon, Joni, Jonne, Jonni, Jouni, Juha, Juhana, Juhani, Juho, Jukka, Jussi Feminin: Janika, Janina, Janita, Janna, Janni, Jenna, Jenni, Johanna, Jonna
Information about hybrid library or any future library? 645 Although several books have been written on your disseration subject, the hybrid library, we do not seem to have many books readily available. At this moment there's one book, Glen E. Holts "Customer self service in the hybrid library" available on the shelf in the Helsinki City Library. You can read about the finnish vision of the hybrid library in the Ministry of Education's Library strategy 2010. The publication can be found under the address There are also several articles about hybrid libraries in EBSCO, a full text database that you can find in most libraries in the Helsinki region. You should also check what there is to be found in LISA, the Library and Information Science…
Which libraries subscribe to The Times Periodicals 644 You will find The Times in the following branches of the Helsinki City Library: Itäkeskus library, the main library and Rikhardinkatu library. Of these libraries, Itäkeskus keeps the periodical one month and both the main library and Rikhardinkatu library three months. You can request yourself more than 3 months older copies at Rikhardinkatu library. You can search any periodical or newspaper in the Helsinki City Library from the Lib-Press periodicals database at also in English.
I would Like to start taking Finnish language classes that are directed at foreigners and would like to start taking such classes immediately. Are there any… 644 Jyväskylä City Library does not arrange language courses. Please, take contact  Jyväskylän kansalaisopisto, Adult Education Centre or Monikulttuurikeskus Gloria, Multicultural Center Gloria
Who made forks? 643 According to the site The history of eating utensils, the forks were introduced by the Greeks, atleast to the western history of eating utensils. See, These following books could give you more information: Petroski, Henry. The Evolution of Useful Things. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. Giblin, James Cross. From Hand to Mouth: Or, How We Invented Knives, Forks, Spoons, and Chopsticks & the Table Manners To Go With Them. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1987.
How many editions of Henryk Sienkiewicz "Quo Vadis?" were published in Finland? 642 The latest finnish edition of Quo Vadis (1990) is 12th.(Source: The National Bibliography of Finland)
I am looking for the book, Ilkkan Suku by Jaakko Sarvela. The first edition was printed in 1979, the second in 1986. Thank you for any assistance you can… 642 Jaakko Sarvela´s book Jaakko Ilkan suku printed in Ilmajoki by the Ilmajoki seura in 1979, 2.nd 1987 (ISBN: 951-99207-2-2) can be found in several libraries in Finland. I suggest you contact your local library and ask them to help you through the interlibrary lending system. You can try to find information about your ancestors via the webpages of the Genealogical Society of Finland, . The National Board of Antiquities Library is specializing in local history, . Institute of Migration ( .) has a service for genealogists and the descendants of Finnish Emigrants which is called The Emigrant Register. Sources include…
I am looking for book that help me in preparation of the exam, the exam is related to Finnish license to practice medicine in Finland. the exam will be in… 642 At least the following books deal with clinical examination and might be useful for you (they can all be found in the Turku city library): Kliinisen tutkimuksen etiikka : opas tutkijoille ja eettisille toimikunnille (2015). Kliinisen tutkijan opas (2000). Kliininen hoitotyö : sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito (2012). Potilaan tutkiminen (2009). Kliinisen fysiologian perusteet (2012). Toimintakyky : arviointi ja kliininen käyttö (2004). Sairaan hyvä lääkäri (2012). Lääkäriksi (2007).
I'm a student in tampere and want to borrow ebook from helmet. But I don't have a library card. Can i order one and get it by posti? Thank you so much Phuong, 640 Hello, Unfortunately you cannot get a Helmet library card by post. You have to visit a Helmet library to get a card. Here is an excerpt from the user regulations: "You can get a personal library card, the right to borrow and a PIN code at any Helmet library or mobile library. You will get the library card when you state your address and present a valid ID card with a photograph and personal identity number accepted by the library. To be able to receive a library card you need an address in Finland. The first library card is free of charge. If you do not have a Finnish personal identity number, your library card is valid for twelve months at a time." You will find more information here:…
What are the major cities of Finland? 640 Mikäli kysymyksesi tarkoittaa, että haluat tietää, mitkä ovat Suomen suurimmat kaupungit, on vastaus: 5 suurinta kaupunkia väkiluvun perusteella ovat: Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere, Vantaa, Turku. Voit lähemmin tarkastella asiaa nettiosoitteesta . Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja on hyvä lähdeteos. Siinä on myös mm. kaupunkien ja kuntien pinta-alat. Suomen eri läänien tärkeimmät kaupungit ovat lääninhallituksen sivuilla osoitteessa .
I'm a french guy writing you from Paris. I'm wondering where may I find other "Ask a librarian" websites on the web. Such websites from Europe, USA, Canada and… 638 Finnish Ask a librarian- service has an open archive. You can find it on the page, on the top on the right there is a link to Ask a librarian-service and right under that Archive. There are links to several online services from the page (Finnish version > Kirjastoala (on the top on the right) > Verkkotietopalvelu (on the bottom on the left) > Kirjastojen verkkotietopalveluita (or direct address )You can also find several European libraries from this address You can search for online-services from each library’s own page. It is possible to find several Ask a librarian-services around…
I am trying to find where my grand father was born. 638 Link to the Family Search database: You can contact The Genealogical Society of Finland and ask them for help in your search. They can give you professional help: Population Register Center has also interesting database, where you can search for the Finnish names from different periods of time: