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I'm a french guy writing you from Paris. I'm wondering where may I find other "Ask a librarian" websites on the web. Such websites from Europe, USA, Canada and… 642 Finnish Ask a librarian- service has an open archive. You can find it on the page, on the top on the right there is a link to Ask a librarian-service and right under that Archive. There are links to several online services from the page (Finnish version > Kirjastoala (on the top on the right) > Verkkotietopalvelu (on the bottom on the left) > Kirjastojen verkkotietopalveluita (or direct address )You can also find several European libraries from this address You can search for online-services from each library’s own page. It is possible to find several Ask a librarian-services around…
I am trying to find where my grand father was born. 641 Link to the Family Search database: You can contact The Genealogical Society of Finland and ask them for help in your search. They can give you professional help: Population Register Center has also interesting database, where you can search for the Finnish names from different periods of time:
How do I learn more about finding work in a library? I am a U.S. citizen with the desire to spend about 1 year in Finland. I have a Master's degree in… 641 To find a job in a library in Finland would be easiest if you contact bigger Libraries directly and ask about the opportunities, these would perhaps be Helsinki City Library, Tampere City Library, Turku City Library or Oulu City Library (situated in different cities in Finland) of public libraries or scientific libraries, National Library perhaps as the first. You can find contact information to all Finnish libraries in the Library Directory, . It is also possible to put an add into our service, . If you need help in filling the form, which is in Finnish, you can send mail to General information about working in Finland can be found here…
I am looking for a video on the French Revolution to show to my high school students in Parola. Do you have any to loan? Please let me know if there may be… 637 If you search the PIKI-database with the keyword Ranskan vallankumous, you will find all kinds of material on the subject, . Unfortunately, it seams that there are no videos in English about the topic. I found one video about the French revolution in Finnish in Tampere city library, an animation of the series Olipa kerran ihminen...: aikojemme seikkailut = Il etait une fois... l'homme, osa 8: Ranskan vallankumous 1997. There is also anohter videocassette in finnish, Vapauden bulevardit / toimittaja Erkki Toivanen, YLE Tallennepalvelu, 1995. Since the video does'nt include the Tampere city library collection, you should contact the library e.g. by email and ask if it is possible to borrow it from another…
Can I scan my document in the city library 637 Hi Sulaymon, Yes, there is a scanner on the 3th floor in the main library (Vapaudenkatu 39-41). If you want to reserve it, the number is 014 266 4123. Welcome to scan!
Please, give me some information about scandinavian library services called biblioboat or bookboat. 636 Hello! You can find information about bookboats via Internet. In Finland there is only one bookboat (in Parainen commune). Here are some links about bookboatservices in Norway (N.B. e-mail address in last one):… Bookboats can be found also in some other countries around the world:
I reside in Russia.Do I have a possibility to use the funds of a Finnish research library using the Internet? 636
I want to know the definition of "Model Helsinki" for public libraries. 635 Purpose of Helsinki City Library The Helsinki City Library provides a fundamental civic service available to everyone. As a part of the worldwide network of libraries, we offer customers unrestricted access to sources of culture and information. On an interactive basis, we develop the library services Helsinki residents need so that they can be active members of society and enjoy life more fully. On an interactive basis, we develop the library services Helsinki residents need so that they can be active members of society and enjoy life more fully. The Helsinki City Library acts as the Central Library for public libraries. We also serve as a multilingual library. Library network consists of the main library, 30 branch libraries, a number of…
Are there any books by Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov in Finnish language available for borrowing from the library?? Thanks 635 I didn´t find any books by Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov in Finnish. I tried to search in where is Frank Multisearch for all the finnish libraries. Also I searched in Google without success.
How do I view marriage records 634 You can’t view marriage records - if you mean official records which are kept by local register offices (maistraatti = ). They work together with The Population Register Center, which holds information on all Finnish citizens: ( From the church (parishes) you get literary information about their members but you have to know the parish where the person is living. To get information about an individual from these registers costs. Some public libraries hold collections of old parish registers (mostly from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries). You can find old marriage information on these microfilms, too.
I am an American citizen who is a graduate student at Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. I'm curious about what the process would… 632 You can provide information about working on Finland from the website of Ministry of Employment and the Economy (Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö):
How do public libraries in Finland differ from those in the U.S. 631 You can find information about finnish public libraries in this link: (Information about Finnish Public Libraries). You probably know already the facts about public libraries in the U.S., but here are a couple of links about those too:…
I hear that you have a kind of starter kit( how to use the library, etc?) for the children come to libraries for the first time. Will you please tell me about… 631 In Helsinki city library we have children’s web pages. In these pages Bookster (The official web creature of the Helsinki City Library) will show children for example how to use the library. You find pages in English here:
I'm very interested in working in one.of.your libraries. I have been a preschool teacher for many years. Currently I'm finishing my masters in school… 629 Glad to hear that you are interested in librarywork. You can apply for unpaid internship. You can contact the regional library service manager. Entresse Library: Mikko Kaunisto 046 8773566 Iso Omenan Library: Juha Lilja 043 826 8746 Tapiola Library: Olli Louhimo 046 8772679 and Sello Library:Anu Miettinen 046 877 3414
Where can i find finnish childrens email adress???? 628 have collected email search engines One of the email search engines in Finland is this… Unfortunally this service is only in finish. It might be that in these services you have to search by persons name and it doesn't allow you to search by age.
I want to take workshop for teaching drawing and painting for kids free of cost. Can i rent class room in library. 628 you can ask rooms for example from regional libraries of Espoo. if you do not charge participants, the rooms are usually free of charge.,, and
I'd like to know whether the Finnish libraries have a central catalogue, open to everyone, to check in which Finnish library a book is to be found. Fot… 627 You can localize materials in Finnish libraries using Frank Multisearch (see the link below). You can find library books and other materials from almost all the Finnish libraries that are open and also from several different databases simultaneously.
I would like to the know the numbers of all Finnish libraries now. I checked the URL below, I understand there are 1099 libraries in Finland, is that right?… 627 In 2015, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture, there was a public library in every municipality (301), and most of them also had branch libraries (450) and bookmobiles (140) (2015). However, in a long term, number of public libraries has decreased since 1960 from 4 007 libraries to 765 in 2015. Number of research libraries and special libraries can be found from the Research Library Statistics Database. Number of libraries depends on the level the numbers are calculated: administrative unit, main library and branch libraries are separated in statistics. Concerning university libraries, there are 18…
'Utilization Public Library for Increment of The Children Reading Population' . I want the materials connected with the topic (Utilization Public Library… 626 I searched the material in databases called Manda and Linda. Here are some results: - Holstila, Marja Lasten tietokirjallisuus ajanmukaiseksi : kehittämishanke (2001) - Tuominen, Kirsti Children, libraries and information technology : results of user need analyses (1997) - Lapset ja aikuiset kirjastonkäyttäjinä Keski-Suomen läänin kunnissa v.1987 /[ julk.] Keski-Suomen lääninhallitus. Kouluosasto (1988) - Meidän luokka kirjastossa / [työryhmä: Raisa Alameri-Sajama ... et al.] (1996) - Lastenkirjastotoiminta Hämeen läänin yleisissä kirjastoissa vuonna 1988 (1988) - Eskelinen, Raili Yleinen kirjasto lasten lukemisharrastusten ohjaajana (1973) You can ask these books in your library. If they are not available there, you can make…
Which libraries in Finland use Emilda System? 624 According to the newsletter of the School Library Association in Finland (Suomen koulukirjastoyhdistys ry, Jäsentiedote 1/2005) two school libraries in Espoo have some experience in using the Emilda system. The schools are Finno skola and Mattlidens gymnasium