Yes, You can. You can return the material borrowed from Helmet libraires to any HelMet library during its opening hours.…
The Kuusisto Castle and the Manor are situated on the Island of Kuusisto near the town of Kaarina, and they are not connected to the Kuusisto family (Kuusisto is a common surname in Western and Central Finland).
In the following Finnish pages there are photographs of the Kuusisto Manor (Kuusiston kartano): and
Here is a photograph of the ruins of the Kuusisto Castle (Kuusiston linna):
And these pages contain some information in English about the Castle and the Manor:…
I couldn't find contact information about Sportin' Life Records, but maybe you can buy Let's Get Physical-CD fromÄÄN UUDET ÄÄNITTEET There's e-mail address : ask them! Good luck!
The Helsinki City Library uses GeacPlus library system. The producer of thi system is Geac Benelux BV and you will find more information about this company at
It's recommended to go an have a look at the www-sides of Helsinki School of Economics and Business. There You can find their libarary journals database - the address is An other way is to go to magazine pages of Helsinki City Library: and search by keywords like business or economics. There You find among others such papers or magazines as… and All kinds of Finnish papers and magazines in Internet You can find in address
In Espoo, the recruitment of libraries is done centrally.
You can submit your application using the form found at -> Jobs and enterprise -> Open positions -> Harjoittelu (trainees)
If you have any questions Työ
Datanomien TOP-paikat:
Language Training:
The first postage stamp is the Penny Black, which was issued by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on 1 May 1840.
You can find more information about Penny Black here:
There's a site maintained by the U.S. Government that tells about the Presidential Veto Procedure:
They say on that site that "Most often, however, if a vote or other action is to occur, it will take place within a week or two of the veto being cast." There's much more to it, of course, please read the whole text.
You certainly get a better answer to your question if you send it to the Ask Librarian -service of the Library of COngress:
You can find some information about libraries in Finnish prisons on the page of Vankeinhoitolaitos > Tietopankki > Kirjasto. On that page it says that there are libraries for prisoners in prisons and that the libraries are taken care of by the prisons themselves. On the same page there is a link to Vankeinhoitolaitoksen kirjasto ( Under Library (on the bottom on the left) you can find some information in English. On the page you can also find their email-address ( It is best to turn directly to this special library with your questions.
It is very difficult to find literature concerning your question, but you can browse for example the Google with the following search terms: state regulations baltic sea area “sea transport”.
Here are a couple web-addresses which deal with the subject:
Here below is the website of The Viking Ship Museum in Norway (Oslo):
There is also a viking ship museum in Danmark (Roskilde):
You can find books published by this museum here:…
Here is also some books about viking ships:
- The Viking Ship / Gareth Williams
- The Viking Longship / Jørn Olav Løset
- The age of the Vikings / Anders Winroth
Maybe there is something useful for you also in these websites:…
Tampere City library - Pirkanmaa regional library has got Netti-Nysse, it is Tampere Way to say Internetbus.
Some articles of Information Science Abstracts. Mobile library services: Australia trends. A. Kenneally C. Payne Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services 13 (2) Jun 2000, p.63-71. il. tbls. Refs. Tampere mobile library service part 2. A. Kyostio Service Point (72) Sep 1998, p.34.Launching a mobile: New mobile library at last!. D. Allanach D. Hamilton Service Point (68) Feb 97, p.23, 25.
State Library of Queensland has got a mobile libraries mailing lists and mobile library literature reading list http://www.slq.qld.…
Here are some books about Finnair in English language:
Haapavaara, Heikki: Time flies : Finnair 75. Finnair 1999 ISBN 951-98041-1-0
Heavenly fare from the kitchens and cellars of Finnair/Anna-Maija Tanttu [et al.] ; Otava, [1998] ISBN 951-1-15633-0
Wegg, John: Finnair : the art of flying since 1923. Finnair [1983] ISBN: 951-99450-3-2
Contact your library to get these books as interlibrary loans.
Have you visited Finnair's homepage? There is much information about Finnair - for example their annual reports, history, statistics etc. :
Some interesting links in Internet about the topic you asked. I hope that these will help you. Please, ask more, if you need more information.
The history of early chinese money:
Coins of Ancient China:
Ancient China to Modern Times:
Via the Internet site of Raisio, (shor information in German,… ) you can find a link to the Raisio City Library, and to it's collections, .
I found there following books in finnish
history (Raisio + historia):
Raisio juhli 700 vuottaan historiallisissa merkeissä : suojoesta nykyaikaiseksi kaupungiksi
Raisio : Raisio-Seura, 1993
(HUOMAUTUKSET S. 3: Rahaisesta Raisiosta No 15/1993 Kotiseutukokoelmassa. Moniste.)
Kivikoski, Ella, Raision historia 1. / Ella Kivikoski ; Oja, Aulis ; Mäntylä, R.A.
Raisio : Raison historiatoimikunta (1960)
Mäntylä, R.A.
Raision historia 2.
Raisio : Raision…
Different types of vocational training can be attended after completing the basic education (comprehensive school) whereas the polytechnic schools belong to the upper secondary education options which are attended after the higher school. There is a good diagram about the finnish school system at the following address:
You can read more about the finnish education system in English at various Internet sites. Use Google and the search terms “finnish school system” or “finnish education system”.
Here are some ideas for learning Finnish in Helsinki:
- Language cafés and discussion groups in Helmet Libraries (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Librar-ies)…
- List of the Helsinki City Libraries and the addresses you’ll find at the following site
- Cafe Lingua in Helsinki
- Conversation Exchange Helsinki
- Here are some other face-to-face language exchange sites…
You can find very much information from the website of Finnish National Board of Education (Opetushalitus):
Information about qualification requirements in libraries you can find here, but unfortunately just in Finnish and Swedish:
Sounds like you have to replace the book. Each book has its own price and ranges from around 9 € to 450 €.
Usually the price is around 25€. You can also replace the book with another similar one.