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I had reserved a time at the paja to convert some film, but have to change times, and can not get through on the phone. What is the email and/or phone number… 398 Please call (09) 816 57 607
I am a French/Finnish citizen living in Tampere for more than 40 years. I would like to know if it is possible to get an HELMET library card and PIN so that I… 396 Everyone who has an address here in Finland can have the Helmet library card. Only thing is that you need to come to any of Helmet libraries in Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen or Vantaa with your ID with a picture and we will make you your library card. We don't send library cards via post so you are welcome to visit us.
What is the origin of the family name Liimakka? 394 Family name Liimakka is an unusual name in Finland. According to the name service (Nimipalvelu)  of The Digital and Population Data Services Agency service there is or has been only 79 people named Liimakka in Finland: Unfortunately we didn't find the origin of the name.
To: Research Dept. Helsinki city Library Seeking geographical information, please: Any information available in English or Finnish about the following city… 391 It looks like that your ancestors' homecounty is Pyhajarvi Vpl. (In Finnish Pyhajarvi is spelled with two a:s with dots, and Vpl is an abbreviation of Viipurin laani = Viipuri province). You can find a short description of the county, in Finnish though, in the following address . Choose a link "Pyhäjärven kartta" and you'll find a map of the county. Today Pyhajarvi is called Plodovoje and there are a couple of pages about it in a book called "Karjala : Suomalainen matkaopas" by Markus Lehtipuu, 2002. ISBN 952-9715-17-x. You'll find a short presentation of the book in . You can try to find information about your ancestors via the webpages of…
I would like to mention actuall legislation (maybe evolution of the legislation aswell) about corruption (bribery) in my bachelor essey. Could you please… 388 Various forms of bribary are criminalized in Chapter 40 of the Penal Code of Finland 39/1889 as amended. An unofficial translation of the Penal Code is available in the Finlex database: Ari Salminen, Olli-Pekka Viinamäki and Rinna Ikola-Norrbacka at the Faculty of Public Administration at Vaasa University has published an article with the title "The Control of Corruption in Finland". The article was published in 2008 and is available electronically in the following website: The article gives a good general presentation of the legislative framework and social structures preventing corruption in Finland. The article also gives…
When is there story telling in english at your library? 386 There is an English story hour on Wednesdays at 3 pm - 4.30 pm in the Sello Library in children's section. It is open for children of any age and must come with parent or guardian. Here is the address: Sello Library Leppävaarankatu 9 02600 Espoo (Leppävaara)
I have some not needed books (all in Russian language) and I would not want to through them away since they are in good condition and might be useful for… 382 Yes, it is possible to give them to the library. You can take them to the nearest library. We cannot promise that all of them will be taken, because it might be that we already have some of those books in our collection, but we will check the situation and we will take the books which we need. Thank you very much for you books!
What is a good source of news, travel and other current information (in English) about Finland? 381 Dear Sir First about good websites. A good place to start is There You can find a link to Virtual Finland with lots of information about Finland in english. The Virtual Finlands Picture Book of Finlands offers You panoramas, videos and photographs about finnish nature, culture and seasons. Other quite interesting sites are (only in finnish) (here's a linklist called Photo Albums of Finland Category : Webcams and photographs)
I want to know that is there availablity of ielts practice book? 381 Here is a link to a list where you can see all the IELTS materials available in HelMet libraries:*fin/X?SEARCH=ielts*&searchscope=9&m=&l=&b=&… And this link leads to a list of materials available in university libraries: Please contact your own library in order to get grasp of the materials suitable for your needs.
Where do i get information about name of clothes which is worn in different degree of temprature like during +20, +10,-0,-10 and -20 380 Tricky question! I would personally look for the answer in different hiking guides. You might want to browse through a few books before finding the right one. Why not start with "The ultimate hiker's gear guide", which can be found in the Helmet libraries: If you want to search the Helmet database yourself, you can use the search term "erätaidot" as a starting point. This is also a subject found on various hiking pages online. Try googling terms like "hiking" and "different temperatures". This page lists a few suggestions for several weather conditions:
I've just got a library card from the Kannelmaki public library in the Helmet network. I don't quite understand how the interlibrary loan fees work. For… 374 You can order an item as an interlibrary loan from elsewhere in Finland or abroad, if the item is not available in the collections of any HelMet library. The service is subject to a charge. If You reserve material for exampel from Pasila to Kannelmäki it is not interlibrary loan. Reservation from other Helmet Libary is free of charge.……
I am doing my thesis, related "entrepreneurship", and Finnish business laws. Could you please tell me which libraries in Helsinki region I should visit ? 372 I would suggest for you to visit the following three libraries: Helsinki School of Economics Library - Helecon Information Center: The Library of Parliament: Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences: These libraries are open to everybody and you will get their library cards by presenting your ID.
I am looking for a book in english about the finnish plant. Any help would be appreciated. 372 Hello! These ones you can find from Helmet-libraries……
Can I get a library card even though I don´t have a finnish personal number? 370 You can get a library card if you have an address in Finland. Without Finnish personal identity number your card is valid for twelve months at a time. To receive your card take a valid photo ID with you when you visit a library. Libraries in Helmet-area accept the following ID cards: I.D. cards from EU countries passports Finnish driving licences Finnish SII cards with photos, for those under 18 years also without photos  resident cards issued by any reception centre in Finland residence permit card issued by the Finnish Immigration Service.
Is there any drama clubs or free clubs in Lappeenranta? 369 We have sent you and email an have been waiting for more information from you. We are not quite sure what kind of clubs you mean. Please, send us more specified information and we can answer your inquiry.
Where is the recording of REINERT MITHASSEL: LIBRARY INTERIOR IS A MULTI-PURPOSE TOOL at your website. on the site it should be is another. 366 Thank you for your feedback. We are very sorry link error. Now, the videos are in place.…
Could you tell me in which library I can find books on psychology in English? 365 Below kindly find a listing on books on psychology in the Helmet libraries. When you click on the title you will see where to find the*fin?/dpsykologia/dpsykologia/1%2C2%2C747%2C… in question.
Dear Sir/ Madame, I am writer and art journalist right now at artist in residence project at Nelimarkka museum in Alajarvi. I would like to write an article… 363 Thank you for your request. Unfortunately I did not quite understand if it is Alajärvi Library that you would like to visit or some library in Helsinki. If you meant Alajärvi Library, it would be best for you to contact them straight. Their e-mail address is kirjasto(at) . If on the other hand it is Helsinki City Library that you are interested in, you could contact tiina.tarvonen(at) . Here in Helsinki City Library we would be glad to give you a guided tour in the library and all the information you need. Your book donations would also be very welcome in our collections. Further information about Helsinki City Library in general: about Pasila Library (Main Library) in particular: http://…
What is polytechnic rankings in europe from technology and business? and what is postion of finnish polytechnics and universties in the world? 361 I asked the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) ( if there is some official board that ranks European polytechnics and universities. They told me that there is no such board. That is, there are no official ranking lists that compare polytechnics of Europe. I have found university ranking lists produced by different institutions for a few separate European countries. They are (Universities of Germany) (Universities of Norway)… (Universities of Great Britain) (…
I need the address of friends in York England 361 Your question came to Finland, . Unfortunately, we have no access to addresses in York, other than searching in the Internet. I found, it's possible to search for a person there, . To make a search, you have to buy credits. You could try using Google, surprisingly often addresses can be found that way. Facebook is a place where you can easily find old friends also from abroad. Royal mail seems not to have an address database, . You could also try contacting the City council, . Contact information here, or a local library in York,…