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Are the birth and death dates of the writer Kaarle August Hilden availible in some reference work? He was the author of: Palestiinassa; Matkamuistelmia. 227 There is a book in Helsinki University Library: Nurmi, Jari: Karl August Hilden 1853-1924: helsinkiläinen vaikuttajapappi. 1979. This Karl Hilden was a priest and I believe and hope that he was the person you are searching.
Oodi gots more and more attentions by foreigners as well. I (a travel guide) sometimes was asked general "library" questions by tourists. Following questions… 227 General library statistics (both public and research libraries) and  do not include the age ratio of library users, see the pages of the Ministry of Culture and Education, (in Finnish), other information in English, Statistics for public libraries, and for research libraries, There are some researches about library users in Helsinki City area, and also some other areas, but they are published only in Finnish and  In the Youth Welfare report in Helsinki we can read…
I`m sudent of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts at faculty of information resources. I write degree work on a theme " Digital services in… 226 There are very few publications concerning Digital Services of Finnish Libraries 2004-2006, but i hope the next articles will help you to find some information about digital services: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (articles: Hormia-Poutanen, Kristiina: Digital library users and usage patterns in Finland. Kortelainen, Terttu: Informetic viewpoint to national digital library material.
Do you have special activities and services for people living with an intellectual disability? 226   Many Finnish libraries have easy-to-read pages in internet for example Helmet   There are other service sites for those who need clear language for example Verneri and Papunet and Kehitysvammaliitto   The Espoo Library has people with intellectual disabilities who work part-time. They work two days a week with their supervisor.  Tasks include: shelving, unloading and rearranging. Espoo also makes remembrance trips. The librarian has assembled briefcases and used them to reminisce together. https…
Can I borrow items from one library and return them at another library? For example, can I borrow books from Library 10 but return them at the Kallio library? 225 All materials borrowed from any Helsinki City library can be returned any branch library.
What is the hink pink for what does a two headed monster use to think with? 224 The monster thinks with his main brain.
Haluaisin tietää, mitä strategisia kumppaneita yleisellä kirjastolla voi olla. 222 Kumppanuus tarkoittaa Ståhlen ja Laennon (2000) mukaan sekä yrityksen ulkoisia yhteistyösuhteita että sen sisäistä toimintakulttuuria, joissa toimijoina ovat ihmiset, ja joiden varaan myös kumppanuus rakentuu. Kumppanuus ei ole myötäsyntyistä, ja siksi sitä pitää rakentaa kuten johtajuuttakin, johon kumppanuuden taito sisältyy. Strategia –sana itsessään viittaa sodankäyntiin, josta se on lainattu liikemaailmaan ja sitä kautta se on rantautunut myös kirjastomaailmaan. Käsitteenä strategia voidaan ymmärtää läheisenä toimintatapana Strateginen kumppanuus yhdistää tietoresursseja siten, että kumppanit saavuttavat merkittävää strategista etua itselleen. Strategisessa kumppanuudessa molemmilla osapuolilla onkin tasavertaiset roolit, jotka…
Can you help me to begin learning finnish languge and finnish grammar? I am bulgarian and I can use russian and english like help languges. 221 Jyväskylä library has the following books that might be of use to you: 1) First Finnish (by Leena Horton), includes a text book and an exercise book) 2) Finski jazyk dlja natsinajustsih: kurs intensivnogo samoobutsenija (by Pavel Razinov) 3) Survival course in Finnish for foreigners (by Eeva Piirainen) 4) Finnish for foreigners (by Maija-Mielikki Aaltio) In addition to books, in Jyväskylä there are excellent language courses. You can get more information by telephoning to the following number: 626 597 (Jyväskylä folk institute) If you live somewhere else in Finland, try contacting the local folk institute (that's kansalaisopisto in Finnish).
My son took a library book to his school and now its missing. 221 Contact your nearest library. Bring the library card that borrowed the book. The book can be replaced by paying the purchase price. You can also bring a new copy of the same book to the library. (You can renew a book five times if you still think it will be found.)
What is the hink pink for "what is the spot left by a huge water ballooon?" 220 The hink pink for the spot left by a huge water balloon is a fat splat. Hink Pinks are silly rhyming pairs which can be used as answers to riddles. To any given riddles, there might be more than one correct answer. The whole idea of hink pinks is to use your own imagination in trying to find words that rhyme together. So, in future we suggest that you try to figure out the answer yourself. Hink pinks are fun to make as illustrated by the following web-site:
Which local organisation can provide company registration seraches online? 220 We could not find a free company reristry so we suggest that you get in touch with the Ministry of Employment and the Economy:
I'm trying to find record of a foreign exchange student from Helsinki. She was in Bellevue, Ohio, USA in 1985-1986. Can you help me try to locate her? 220 You could contact Vaestorekisterikeskus (Population Registry Centre), they should be able to help you in locating your friend, Phone service i available only in Finland, but you can find contact information and an e-mailaddress in this page, .
I am seeking a book written by Arvi Makkonen in 1963 titled "Moottorisahaopas". If you have this book, I would like to learn how I could borrow this book… 218 "Moottorisahaopas" by Arvi Makkonen is available in the stacks of Helsinki main library.You can come to the main library or ask in the nearest library. You need a library card or if you don't have one, please take an identity card with you.
Is there a way to get The Economist in digital format since is not available on Flipster? Thanks in advance, Zeljko 218 You can read The Economist in digital format in the National Library of Finland. The library's address is Unioninkatu 36 and it is open for everyone.  You need a temporarily ID, which entitles you to use the e-materials in the library. You can get the IDs from the library's customer service. The customer service is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are no customer workstations in the library and you have to use your own laptop. Please, take your id-card with you.
What is a hink pink for see-through doe? 217 A hink pink for a see-through doe is a clear deer.
Dear sir or madam, I am an student of Library and Information Science from Spain and I am doing a research about public libraries comparing their active… 217 I'm not quite sure, what your question was. If you are looking for a library strategy, we have a guideline for public libraries (the previous one was called strategy),…, which contains the stress points in our library activities. If you are looking for Helsinki City Library strategy, it was updated 2015, but since the city organization has changed the library is a part of the city strategy, Helsinki City Strategy,…. The former one stated that vision for the library was to enrich the thoughts and ideas of, to offer knowledge, skills and stories and that way to create a new citizens society. I couldn…
What is the hink pink for 'Moan of contentment after the last bite of Thanksgiving dessert?' 215 That certainly is a tough one. Could it be 'pie sigh'? After that last piece of the pumpkin pie...
Численность населения в Партугалии 215 Население Португалии 10 502 000(2004)
I wanted to check what kind of items I could loan from the library, except for books? is there somewhere the list of those? kiitos! 214 You can search the Helmet database for different types of items in the Helmet library collection. Go to and to Advanced Search. Direct link:… Choose the type of item from the drop-down menu Format. In Keyword, type * to display all items in the selected format or a more specific search term. Click Search.
Voitteko yst. lähettää minulle kolmen eestiläisen pääyliopiston (Tarton yliopisto kärjessä)sähköpostiosoitteet luennoitsija tarjousta varten. 213 Viron yliopistoista ja muista tieteellisistä organisaatioista on koottu yhteystiedot sivulle , sivusto on sekä viron- että englanninkielinen.