In Helmet-libraries no loans are due when libraries are closed.
Loans will not be due between March 16th and April 19th 2020. If the loan has not been renewed in due, library will extend the due date by two weeks. We shall re-evaluate the situation after Easter.
In addition, the library will extend the loan period for loans due from 20 January to 15 March 2020. There is no overdue fee for extending the loan period.
However, there are exceptions for material that is overdue and therefore in recovery. If your loan has expired before January 20, 2020, it is in recovery and the loan cannot be renewed. Please contact your local library via email or by telephone to check the situation.
There are books in the Persian language available. At Helmet SEARCH FOR ITEMS you just write PERSIA and then at left side refine by language you choose Persian. Then you get list of books in Persian language. After that you can refine more, like Fiction or Non-fiction.……
The book is not available, it is catalogued to our system, but we don't have a single copy of it.
You can make a request for inter library loan:
Note that it costs 7 € in that way.
I am sorry but it's not possible in Vantaa libraries during covid -19. If you print official papers you can do it in Vantaa info….
I am afraid Vieremä library does not participate in the Ask a Librarian service. Try to contact the library directly by email or phone. Contact details:
You can search for material in the collections of Rutakko libaries, which includes Vieremä, here.
It´s necessary in this case to visit your Library, you´ll get there your new card and PIN-code. Welcome to any of our Libraries. Take tour ID-card with you.
Helmet-Libraries are not closed, they have been open all the time this year,
but services are very limited:
- Retrieval of material from the reservation shelf and from the limited selection and theme shelves at the lending machines.
- Necessary, fast transactions with computers.
- Pre-booking and self-service with a lending machine as the primary service.
- If necessary, assistance and advice at the service desk.
- There is an obligation to use a mask in transactions. (Does not apply to people with a medical condition using a face mask.)
You can search console games in Helmet catalogue Use Advanced search and as keyword * and select as format console game. In the result list selection At the library shows You games which are at the moment available in some Helmet-library. By logging in with Your library card number and pin code You can make reservations to get games into Your nearest library.
When it comes to getting your degree recognized in Finland you need to be in contact with the Finnish National Agency for Education.
When it comes to your question about a professional organisation I suggest to look into the Finnish Library Association and ask for help there.
We have now received your request. I have sent it to the person who purchases reggae CD:s.
In the future, if you want to make any request, it's better to make your request here:
Petri Kipinä/Music Library
You can get the PIN code by visiting the library or mobile library in person. A valid ID card with a photograph and personal identity number is needed.…
"Kaukaisesta saaresta" on ilmestynyt Lola Rogersin englanninnos "The Faraway Island" julkaisun Books from Finland numerossa 1/2007. Käännöksen voi lukea täällä.
1. There are 135 library buses in Finland.
2. By law, every municipality in Finland is required to offer library services. So there are 282 main libraries and 436 branch libraries, and 12 hospital libraries.
3. In a survey made in 2017 about how people spend their free time, 83% of women and 70% of men had read at least one book in a last six months. 10% of those who answered the survey had read ten (or more) books in six months.
I'm sorry, but the rest of your questions are too hard. Please contact Finnish Library Association for more information
Library statistics in Finland can be found in
The survey about free time was made by Statistics Finland,…
You find the snowshoes in Helmet catalogue if You make a search with the Finnish word "lumikengät". Then You refine the search result with "object" and You find that there are snowshoes available in several libraries.
Lumikengät Snow shoes in Helmet Libraries
If you are asking about Helmet Reading Challenge, we don't have an exact release date yet, but it is most likely between Christmas and New Year (Dec 27th to Dec 29th).
Unfortunately it is not possible to send any customer info via e-mail or phone due to confidentiality and privacy reasons.
You can obtain a temporary customer id for the access to e-library by sending a request to the address Temporary customer id is valid until 31 May, 2020. Online courses and e-books for example contain some language learning material.
You can get a new permanent card from library customer service when libraries are fully open again in June. There is more information about the current situation on Helmet website.
Kiela (sarvikiela) on suopungin osa, perinteisesti poronsarvesta tehty kahdeksikonmuotoinen silmukka. Pohjoissaameksi se on (čoarve)giella. Sana giella voi tarkoittaa myös ansalankaa tai erityisesti riekonansaa.Saamelaiskielten etymologisesta tietokannasta voi etsiä saamen kielen sanoille vastineita eri kielissä. Esimerkiksi inarinsaamesta löytyy kielâ ja eteläsaamesta giële. Uumajan- ja piitimensaamesta ei tietokannan mukaan löydy sanalle vastineita.
Ainakaan Álgu-tietokannasta keala-sanaa ei löydy. On toki mahdollista, että kyseessä on jonkin vanhan, käytöstä poistetun oikeinkirjoituksen mukainen kirjoitusasu.
Pohjoissaamen kielestä löytyy vielä gealli/geala, joka tarkoittaa kelaa tai vintturia. Se on kuitenkin todennäköisesti lainattu…