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I'm looking for a regional variation of the lullaby, "Tii tii tikanpoika..."sung in the area around Sysma where my grandmother was born in 1879. I learned it… 42 In 2022 somebody asked a question, regarding the same song. Here is the answer: I am looking for the Finnish lyrics to a lullaby about a bad shepherd boy who stole a child's turnip. Thank you! | Ask a Librarian ( 
Are there violins to practice or barrow in any of the metro region libraries? 41 Unfortunately, no libraries in this area have violins in their collections.
I need any book about the emotional intelligence of kids (in arabic language). Is it available in Helmet? 38 Hi, Helmet-libraries have two books about the emotional intelligence of kids in arabic language. You can find them here:…
We have a lot of children's books in Chinese language. When our kid grow up, I would like to ask if it's possible to donate to the library if they are in good… 37 Libraries accept donations but there are library-specific policies. You should contact the library where you want to donate books.
My family has few books that would like to donate, give them further. Does the main library from Jyväskylä accepts book donations? 36 I'm sorry, but Jyväskylä City Library no longer accepts book donations. The main library has a special shelf for customers, where you can bring unnecessary books and take the ones you want from the shelf. You can only bring a few books to the shelf because there is limited space. The book exchange shelf is on the 1st floor of the main library next to the elevator.
I can only see one book on my "Reading History" list in my Helmet account. However, I have definitely borrowed more than one book from the Helmet libraries in… 35 The Helmet library reading history can list only those items that you borrow after you activate the reading history. Unfortunately items that had been borrowed before the activation cannot be recovered.
I work at a nursing home and most of the residents have got memory illness. I need help finding materials that would be useful with them for daily activities… 30 There is activities for seniors with memory disorders online e.g. on Muistiliitto´s website: Library materials you can search from . Keywords: ikääntyneet, virikkeet, muistisairaat, muistisairaudet Library´s Lukulähettiläs project team has produced book tips and lists of literature suitable for elderly and others with disabilities: Easy reads for different purposes you can search with keyword "selkokirjat".   
90 täyttävä isovanhempani muistaa 50 -luvun lopun tai 60 -luvun alussa Seura-lehdessä olleen kirjoituskilpailu tai vastaava, jossa lukijat saattoivat lähettää… 30 Pasilan kirjastossa pitäisi olla varastossa vanhoja Seura-lehtiä. Niitä ei saa kotilainaksi, mutta niitä voi pyytää kirjaston henkilökunnalta luettavaksi lehtienlukualueelle. Täältä löytyvät Pasilan kirjaston yhteystiedot: haastattelu löytyä helpommin kysymällä suoraan Seura-lehden toimituksesta, täältä löytyvät yhteystiedot: yrittäneet etsiä kappaletta Fenno - Suomen Äänitearkiston haulla? Kokeilkaa hakea Eila Pellisen nimellä, sillä tulee lista kappaleita, joita esittänyt ja niissä tarkemmat tiedot sanoittajista ja julkaisuvuosista, voisikohan etsimänne kappale löytyä sieltä? Tässä linkki hakuun: https://fenno.musiikkiarkisto.…
I am living in Germany and have just started to study Finish language. Is there a possibility to access e-books, especially picture books and books for younger… 29 The libraries' e-book service requires Finnish domicile. You can use paid e-book services, e.g. and  The services usually have a free one-month trial
I want to recommend the library to purchase books. I heard about this service. But I do not know where I can do it. Could you help me? Thanks. 26 You can make make an acquisition request for an item Helmet Libraries collection are missing:
I'd like to know ablout the Irish great famine in the 1840s. Also, I want to know about the causes and symptoms of potato blight. 24 The great famine of Ireland took place in 1845-1849, and it is said that about a million people died of hunger during those years. In the early 1840's around a third of Irish people depended on the potato as their main source of food, and thus the destruction of the potato harvest because of potato blight in 1845 launched a catastrophe. More information about the famine: Potato blight is a potato disease caused by a fungus. Its origins are in America, from where it spread to Europe by a shipment of seed potatoes destined for Belgian farmers in 1845. Potato blight first affects the leaves and later the actual…
I see that helmet library tamil books collection is very limited. I would like to donate modern new tamil books written by modern writers like Jeyamohan,… 16 Thank you for your kind thought and offer! I suggest to contact Multilingual Library, which locates in Pasila Library, and offer donations there.You can contact Multilingual library directly via e-mail: monikielinen.kirjasto@hel.fiYou can find more information about Multilingual library here: