You can find information about the finnish folk dancing e.g. in the pages Folk dancing of Virtual Finland, .
You might study following books
Old Finnish folk dances / edited by Sari Heikkilä ; [illustration by Timo Hukkanen]. Helsinki : Suomalaisen kansantanssin ystävät, 1988.
Collan, Anni, Dances of Finland / Anni Collan and Yngvar Heikel ; [illustrated by Valerie Prentis]. London : Max Parrish & Company, 1950.
You could also contact The Finnish Dance Information Centre, and Finnish folklore association, fur further information.
You will find our bibliographic database at .
Go to the "Basic search" . Choose "Subject heading or class" and type "Kuuba" as search word. In the menu "Display All kinds of items" choose "Only CDs". Search.
(Unfortunately you have to use subject headings in Finnish, because our bibliographic records are in Finnish. If you choose title search you can also type Cuba# in English - note the truncation mark - but in that case you will get less references and not all of them are necessarily relevant.)
In the database you will also see the availability of the CDs in different libraries. The largest music collections in general are at Pasila Music Station, Töölö, Itäkeskus and Kallio libraries.
We have a public library statistics -database, but it does’nt include statistics about Internet access in libraries anymore. We had figures on our pages in the early 2000’s, but nowadays we do’nt give those figures anymore, because all public libraries have Internet access (this fact is stated ex.g. on the site of the Ministry of Education and Culture). We can somewhat safely conclude that atleast almost all if not all public libraries provide internet access and computers for their customers.
Ministry of Education and Culture
The question about WiFi-connections is more difficult. We do'nt have a listing made by libraries. On a service available in the Net…
There is a book name Sokkopingis / Merja Jämsäläinen, Jaakko Tiittanen ; [julkaisija: Näkövammaisten keskusliitto, 2004].
The book is located in the following libraries:
Turun yliopiston kirjasto
Turku kauppakorkeakoulun kirjasto
Oulun yliopiston kirjasto
Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjasto
Frank Multisearch
You can ask interlibrary loan request in your library.
Sokkopingiksen säännöt
International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) Showdown rules
(Kansainväisen Näkövammaisten Urheilujärjestön sokkopingissäännöt)
Star with, a finnish genealogy site where you can find practically every tool for searching, even search in the church records yourself. One of the most useful sites is:
that can help you to get started. There you can also find the contact information of eg provincial archives that you directly can contact and ask questions.
The Finnish Institute if Migration ( has a searchable database as well.
This was just briefly - but feel free to ask us more if you think we can help you!
Leena Salminen
Vaasan City Library Regional Library
You can search items in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries' common bibliographics database Plussa Select the search type for subject heading and type aids. Also select display material in english.
Here are some examples Duesberg, Peter: AIDS--the good news is HIV doesn't cause it. Rimer, Robert A.: HIV+--working the system. Johnson, Earvin: What you can do to avoid AIDS.
we hope that books that one donates are in a good condition. If we have that book already many peaces, we don't take it. You can take it back when you come to the library. We don't send it back.
If you want post your donation to Jyväskylä library, the address is:
Jyväskylän kaupunginkirjasto - Keski-Suomen maakuntakirjasto
Vapaudenkatu 39-41
40100 Jyväskylä
Write a letter also, so we know your purpose. Thank you!
A holiday donkey = a yule mule. Hink Pinks are silly rhyming pairs which can be used as answers to riddles. To any given riddles, there might be more than one correct answer. The whole idea of hink pinks is to use your own imagination in trying to find words that rhyme together. So, in future we suggest that you try to figure out the answer yourself. Hink pinks are fun to make as illustrated by the following web-site:
Ask a Librarian is a joint online reference enquiry service with a trilingual user interface. In its present form the service was started in 1999. Use of the service is free of charge.
At the moment, 27 public libraries, Parliament library and Library of Statistics are available for answering questions. More libraries are expected in join in.
Answers are given within 3 working days. The answer is sent to the e-mail address given by the customer in the question form. 2569 answers were given in 2002 and 2647 in 2001, with very positive feedback from users. Most of the answers are stored in a public archive. In the archive the answers can be searched by free-text, date or keywords. All public answers are stored in the The Finnish archive,…
We have the honour to organize the IFLA conference in the year 2012 in Finland. In this following link you will find conference information, , plus the satellite meetings of the IFLA conference, . I hope you will attend!
Per quanto riguarda la sua tema (il ruolo della donna nel opera "Niskavuoren Heta" di Hella Wuolijoki) io consiglierei la ricerca di Anu Koivunen (Performative histories, foundational fictions: gender and sexuality in Niskavuori films, 2003) . In finnico c'e quella di Marja-Terttu Halpio-Huttunen (Naisen asema Hella Wuolijoen tuotannossa, Turku 1972), che è essenziale. Vale la pena di informarsi anche dalla biblioteca di universitá di Turku.
Dear Sir!
You asked about a video recording of Kalevi Aho's opera "Avain". It is a recording that was made in Savonlinna Opera festival in year 1986 by Finnish broadcasting company, Yleisradio (YLE). YLE Export Department has a special service for libraries and educational institutions called "YLE Tallennemyynti" which produces video and audio cassettes of Yleisradio's TV and radio programmes. Since this service is not commercial and is aimed to serve the above mentioned institutions, I would suggest that You read more about its operation from the english pages of Yleisradio:
Please note that you can choose the language of the pages by clicking "In English". While there are restrictions for private…
Yes we have books in Arabic, and in Helsinki the best collection of the those you will find at the Pasila library. To see Helmet’s entire collection of Arabic material please look at the selection listed under the Helmet-link**&searchscope=9&m=&l=ara&b=&Da=&Db=&S…. If you are interested only in books, use this link:**&searchscope=9&m=1&l=ara&b=&Da=&Db=&…. The book collection consists of fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, dictionaries, language courses,…
If you click the name of the book, you will get more information about it and see where it is located. If you want the book to be moved to your own library you…
Finlands national anthem is called "Maamme", that is "Our Land" in English. The song is composed by Fredrik Pacius and the lyrics are written by J. L. Runeberg (originally a poem in the Swedish language; Finnish translation by Paavo Cajander). Nowadays everybody sings it in his/her mother tongue, but as 93 % of the Finns have Finnish as their mother tongue, the Finnish version is heard more often. Here are the Finnish words:
Oi maamme, Suomi, synnyinmaa,
soi sana kultainen!
Ei laaksoa, ei kukkulaa,
ei vettä rantaa rakkaampaa
kuin kotimaa tää pohjoinen,
maa kallis isien.
Sun kukoistukses kuorestaan
kerrankin puhkeaa;
viel lempemme saa nousemaan
sun toivos, riemus loistossaan,
ja kerran laulus, synnyinmaa,
korkeemman kaiun saa.
Here are some useful addresses Institute of Migration in Finland (Siirtolaisuusinstituutti - Finland)
Institute has a service called The Emigrant Register for genealogists and the descendants of Finnish emigrants.
The Genealogical Society of Finland (Suomen Sukututkimusseura)
The parish records are the main information sources for genealogists in Finland. You will probably find something of interest on the HisKi- Church Records database on the Genealogical Society's webbsite,… . The best way to begin is probably to contact the Genealogical Society of Finland, http://www.…
A song called "Paimenen laulu" (or Paimenlaulu = A shepherd's song) was translated and published by composer P.J.Hannikainen at the beginning of 1900's. It is said to be composed by A. Klauwell (though it might as well be a folk tune).
The complete Finnish lyrics are available at Wikisource page
Sheet music can be found for example in the songbook "Suuri toivelaulukirja 10".
There are no Englis lyrics for this song, but a rough translation would go like this:
1. I am a young shepherd, happy as a bird. All day long I play on my birch bark horn. 2. When the cattle bells are ringin, and birds are singing too. I like to answer them on my birch bark horn. 3.
When the evening comes, I…
The food stand at the Helsinki market place sells coffee, warm meat pies and donuts.
There are different kinds of ‘lihapiirakka’(meat pie) and ‘munkkipossu’(donut), so the pictures on the following sites show you the most typical forms they are sold in Finland.
munkkipossu or possumunkki
You will find information about Finnish libraries at our website . Information about different libraries is in the libraries-channel, , and information about events and development in the library branch in the library branch-channel, . Finnish public library statistics can be found in and Finnish resarch library statistics in action=change&choose_language=3 .
You can also contact the National Library of Finland, see .
Yes, it is possible in Tikkurila kirjasto (music & media). If you want to reserve practicing time for yourself, please call 09 8392 3583.
Unfortunately this possibility is now mentioned only on the Finnish page… but we will make the same entries in the English version as soon as possible.
Heikki Poroila