I am looking for information about Finland, climate, agriculture, import or exports.


I am looking for information about Finland, climate, agriculture, import or exports.


Last updated

You will find good information

about the climate in Finland from the Finnish Meteorological Institute:

about the agriculture from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: http://www.mmm.fi/english/

about the trade from the Ministry of Trade and Industry: http://www.ktm.fi/index.phtml?menu_id=1&lang=3

and accurate statistical information from numerous subjects from the website of Statistics Finland: http://www.tilastokeskus.fi/index_en.html

More information about Finland You will find for example from http://www.finland.fi/
There is collection of information available in English on Finland's public sector organizations and public services. Most of the information is from the online services of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish public sector portal, Suomi.fi. You can also use this page to enter the Finnish Government and Parliament web sites.

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