Hello, I am looking for the latest statistics on the annual number of programmes the Helsinki City Library system organises for the public. I would be even more grateful if you could tell me where I can find a statistical breakdown of programmes that are targetted at specific users (students, professionals, housewives etc. ) or age groups.
Helsinki City Library has not kept statistics on different user-groups. The only division is between adults and children. The 2003 statistics tell very little about programs for public.
User instruction and instruction in information searches: 6489 events, 30235 participants,( consists of any interested, school classes, some groups of old people).
Events for children 486, participants 6414
- storytimes in Finnish, Swedish and some immigrant languages as Somali, plays, puppet shows
Exhibitions: 370.
Events for adults: 176.
-lectures, author's visits
Other events: 122.
Booktalk for children:386 events, 9425 participants
-sometimes even for parents and old people in old people's homes and hospitals.
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