How looks the age distribution of the Ask A Librarian users?
There is no study about the age distribution of our users, the only knowledge about it relies on a questionnaire we made last year. The people who answered our questionnaire, where
under 18 years 14%
18-35 21%
36-45 12%
46-55 26%
56-65 21%
over 65 6%
This tells off course firstly about who answers questionnaires, but also something about our users. As you can see the age distribution is quite even, whe have people asking questions from every age group.
The is a power-point about the questionnaire, but it is in Finnish. It can be found under this page, which tells about our national meeting day , questionnaire slides
By the way you can find more information in English about Ask a Librarian in our archive by searching with the keyword Ask a Librarian,…
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