Who are the most popular Finnish (and Scandinavian) detective novel authors in Finland?


Who are the most popular Finnish (and Scandinavian) detective novel authors in Finland?


Last updated

Based on what library patrons borrow the most popular Finnish detective novel authors seem to be Leena Lehtolainen, Jarkko Sipilä, Outi Pakkanen, Ilkka Remes, Matti Rönkä, Reijo Mäki, Eppu Nuotio, Harri Nykänen, Seppo Jokinen, Matti Remes, Tuuli Rannikko, Taavi Soininvaara, Pirkko Arhippa and Sirpa Tabet (based on HelMet Libraries the most borrowed novels list, 2007-2008)

In a recent vote by readers of Helsingin Sanomat, the most popular swedish detective novelist was Stieg Larsson, with Henning Mankell right behind him. The next three were Liza Marklund, Åsa Larsson and team Maj Swöwall & Per Wahlöö. I would add from library's perspective few names: Anna Jansson, Mari Jungstedt, Karin Alvtegen, Håkan Nesser and Åke Edwardsson.

From Norway the most popular authors are Jo Nesbö, Karin Fossum and Anne Holt and from Iceland Arnaldur Indriðason.


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