I am looking for a copy of A book by Risto Vilmusenaho. The name of the book is Siikajokilaakson historia. Can you help Me find A source where I can buy A copy?


I am looking for a copy of A book by Risto Vilmusenaho. The name of the book is Siikajokilaakson historia. Can you help Me find A source where I can buy A copy?


Last updated

You can buy the book by Risto Vilhusenaho Siikajokilaakson historia 2 in the Local Government Office of the municipality of Siikajoki. The price is 216 mk. I'd advise You to contact directly the office, http://www.siikajoki.fi/ , e-mail: kunnanvirasto@siikajoki.fi , tel. (08) 2113411, fax. (08) 2113403.

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