Lukupuhetta, talking about reading, is a weekly podcast produced by Seinäjoki Public Library, which has the national special task of promoting children and young people’s reading and literacy in Finland. The Lukupuhetta podcast deals with topics around children and young adults’ library work, literacy, literature, reading, and reading promotion. Normally the weekly shows are in Finnish, but now there are two episodes available in English.
In the first English speaking episode development manager Mervi Heikkilä from Seinäjoki Public Library discusses with Joy Court about the children and young adults’ library services and reading in the UK.
The second English episode takes us to Norway as Mervi talks with Jorun Systad, director of Sunnfjord Library and chairperson of IFLA’s Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section, to find out what is going on in Norway and about international cooperation.
You can visit Seinäjoki Public Library’s special national task’s website and read more about it in Finnish, or you can find an article about their work in English on