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Could you tell me about history of Finland or suggestion web site.Thanks. 890 Here are a few links where you can find information about history of Finland:
I am looking for a published work of the play written by Adolf Paul called "King Christian II" (König Kristian II). I believe it was published around 1898. … 249 König Kristian II : Schauspiel in fünf Akten was published by Lübeck : Lübcke & Hartmann, in 1899. A second edition was published in 1903 by Breitkopf & Härtel. This is said to be a new and complete german edition. A swedish edition, Kung Kristian den andre : skådespel i fem akter was also publised in 1899 by Alb. Bonnier. These books belong to the national collection of the finnish national library, the Helsinki University Library, and can only be read there in the reading rooms. You night be interested in purchasing this book and then a list of Antiquarian booksellers night be useful. Please see below,
I wonder if the library has service for copying all book and binding it. I am interesting copying book that I borrowed from the library since it is not… 924 You can make copies in all libraies at 0,30€/page. If you want somebody to do it for you, the cost amounts to 1€/page. We have no binding service. Have you tried the old books shops? You might find your book that way. Below find a link to antiqurian bookshops in Helsinki,
We need to find Finnish air charter Companies or Operators so we could freight a small plane to come to Russia and then back to Finland. 239 Below, please, find to links to charter companies in Finland At the Helsinki-Malmi airport, contanct information belove, charter companies do operate. Please, contact the airport,
What are the key words that can be used in the turism area? 183 The best way to find out keywords in tourism would be to consult different homepages, eg… Librarians use keywords but they are few and that would not help you.
I am looking for one book and I have tried to search on-line for it but with no success. Could you please help me to find out if the book could be found at all… 246 Your book can obviously not be found in Finland, but you may want to consider making an interlibrary loan. The interlibrary loans are not free of charge, as you can read on the page Please contact any of the public libraries in Helsinki for making the interlibrary loan.
I am trying to find any information on a person I have been told was the conductor of the Helsinki Philharmonic. This person's last name was Garagusi and he… 695 Mr Einari Marvia and Mr Matti Vainio have written/edited the book about the history of Helsinki Philharmonic: "Helsingin kaupunginorkesteri 1882-1982" (WSOY 1993, ISBN 951-0-18312-1). I browsed briefly through the book but I couldn't find any mentioning of a person by the name of Garagusi there, I'm afraid. My advice for You is to try to contact the administration of the orchestra directly. They propably have some more detailed archives/files of their own and can possibly help You to locate the longed-for Garagusi there, if he should have visited the orchestra as a guest conductor, for example. The homepages of Helsinki Philharmonic are located at:
For months I have been looking on the Internet for places where I could buy neem contraceptive products. Are there doctors in Finland who are knowledgeable… 181 As you have noticed yourself, it's quite hard to find information about neem contraceptive products. There is a list of links concerning alternative medicine in this address: Perhaps you can find there some further information about these products, and places where to buy them. You can also visit the homepage of Finnish Medical Association. You can ask there if they know any doctors, who can tell you more about these contraceptive products.
I want to know more information about practise technologies in Helsinki City Library.....such as computers, data bases, disks and others. 575 Have you already visited websites of Helsinki City Library ( )? There is quite a lot of information on the subject of your inquiry. Information about databases for customers' use you'll find here . The list of databases and book catalogues is on this site . About computers and other equipment: . Check especially the link "workstations". About the library system used in Helsinki metropolitan area libraries:…
How many of cities and libraries in Finland ? 179 Please note public library statistics on the following link Statistics concerning research libraries will be found at the following link.… Early this year 2005 there was 114 cities and 432 municipalities in Finland.
Where do i find the traditional dance in Finland? 1258 You can find information about the finnish folk dancing e.g. in the pages Folk dancing of Virtual Finland, . You might study following books Old Finnish folk dances / edited by Sari Heikkilä ; [illustration by Timo Hukkanen]. Helsinki : Suomalaisen kansantanssin ystävät, 1988. Collan, Anni, Dances of Finland / Anni Collan and Yngvar Heikel ; [illustrated by Valerie Prentis]. London : Max Parrish & Company, 1950. You could also contact The Finnish Dance Information Centre, and Finnish folklore association, fur further information.
For a book about the great pianist Sviatoslav Richter, I'm looking for the exact name (in finnish language) of the Theatres or Concert Halls where he played in… 296 Sviatoslav Richter's concerts in Finland have been arranged by Fazer Artists' Management Inc. Please contact them by e-mail, they have the information you need in their archives. The address is
I am Japanese, and new MFA student of KUVATAIDEAKATEMIA from this Autumn term. I am going to study Finnish by taking Finnish course in my University, but I… 190 There are English courses available in Helsinki Metropolitan Area libraries. These “packages” consist of textbooks and compact discs. The loan period is 4 weeks. You can browse the material available in the address Select “keyword search”. Use the keywords englannin kieli kielikurssit and choose the material type compact disc. You may also contact the Language Centre of Helsinki University. They arrange English courses for foreign students. You’ll find information in the address
I am seeking information about the etymology of finnish words. I expect that the infomation available will be in finnish. Do you know of any material that is… 270 Professor Ulla-Maija Kulonen has written some information about the etymology of finnish words. Her material is available on-line. Verbs saapua and saavuttaa are derived from the verb saada. They are native words. Saapas is a loan word from Russian. ---- Many libraries have etymological dictionary: Suomen sanojen alkuperä : etymologinen sanakirja. 1 - 3. -Helsinki : Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus, 1992 - 2000.
Where do I find a RELIABLE list of the top 500 companies operating in Finland (all industries) listed according to earnings/year? 856 The central Finnish journal of business economics called "Talouselämä" traditionally publishes a list of 500 Finnish top companies. The web address of the journal is The third link from the left on the main page, YRITYSTIETO, gives you the list, which is also available in English. Contact information for the companies is not shown, so you should look for it in some company register, for instance
I am an Egyptian student , I am doing my master in Library and Information science, My theses is about (Egyptian public libraries web sites on Internet). In my… 915 I assume that your question concerns the site ( , , ). This website was originally the website of Finnish Public Libraries. Presently there are also other Libraries in the service, that is why it now is the Website of Finnish Libraries. It was published for the first time june 1995. The first problem that you face is the fact that our english website is only a very much shortened version of the finnish and the swedish websites. So if you want to compare your Egyptian website with the Finnish one, you would have to explore the finnish version of the site. Some information about can be read in the infopage, http://www.…
I like to know building's name and adress where peace treatment will be held in 15th August between Indonesia and Free Aceh Movement. 795 The peace treatment was signed in the Government Banquet Hall in Helsinki. For further information, see .
I am looking for information on dr.Allan Lassus of the university of Helsinki and the product he invented called viviscal. 712 Contact Information about Allan Lassus you can find here:,com_mtree/Itemid,59/task,viewlink/l…. The homepage of the clinic where he has his consulting hours is in address And then some publications of Allan Lassus (some are published only in Finnish): - Boston laser-käsittely yhdistettynä joko Viviscalin tai placebon (lumelääke) kanssa kaljuuden käsittelyyn miehillä sekä naisilla placebo-ohjattu, satunnainen vertaileva tutkimus päänahan biostimulaatio (5) Boston HeNe 632,8 nm laserilla -Epidemiological survey of psoriasis in the Greater Helsinki area -Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test as a serological test for syphilis -Treponemal and lipoidal tests…
I am undertaking research into printers and publishers of early Finnish picture postcards from 1900 to 1930. One particular publisher, S& K Kouvola, reproduced… 937 Information of this kind was difficult to find, i tried to look in books about finnish postcards, but did'nt find your publisher on the publishers list (it contained only the most important publishers). Maby these addresses could be helpful, the first one is a club for stamp and postcard-collectors in Kouvola, Kouvolan Postimerkkikerho ry, , the second one is the society for the finnish postcard collectors, Suomen Postikorttiyhdistys Apollo ry, . There is a Postmuseum in Finland, and they have a special library, Postimuseon kirjasto, address: Postimuseo, Kirjasto, PL 167, 00101 HELSINKI Telephone: 0204 51 4771, or 0204 51 5262 Telefax: 0204 51 5263 email:…
I'm looking for information about the values in librarianship in Finland, especially the values in reference services. Perhaps there's even some information… 703 The Helsinki City Library has published Values of library work in it's pages, . I suppose the same values concern the Reference Services, too. About the Ask a Librarian you can read some guidelines on our infomation page, . Our main values are the same as usually in the libraries, specially i could name equality, confidentiality, and of course quality (relevant answers) and delivering the answer within the time rate, as quickly as possible. For more information on finnish Digital Reference Services (Libraries), see… .