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I am an undergraduate student from Tallinn, Estonia. I am preparing to write my BA diploma and I am looking for all the possible information I can find on the… 1075 Everyone can visit Finnish public (and university) libraries. Library services are basically free, but for example overdued loans, printing and copying are charged for. A library card is not necessary when visiting a library, and there is no entrance fee. In Helsinki City Library printouts and photocopies cost 0,20€ each. You´ll find contact information in our website . Welcome to Helsinki City Library!
When I resarch a book, the result is written that "Location" of the book is "Hki central stack 1" . What does this mean? Where is "Hki central stack 1"? 763 'Hki central stack 1' is the central stock (store) of the Helsinki City Library. It is located in the Main library in Pasila.
For my masters dissertation I am researching into how Public Libraries classify adult fiction books.I would be interested to know how Finnish libraries… 727 Hello! Finnish public libraries use genres when classifying adult fiction. Most used way is to separate few well known genres from the fiction stock. In Kallio branchlibrary we have separated crime (detective novels), horror, science fiction, fantasy, romance, war, humor and hunting (fishing & hunting)novels. Rest of the books are normally on the self, and e. g. translated literature and finnish literature are on the same shelf. Some libraries might use more genres e.g. Kuhmo library. It´s not common to classify the whole fiction stock. Content description and subject indexing of novels helps in fiction retrieval. I couldn`t find scientific material in english. Here in one web-dissertation. It is in finnish, but there is an english…
Do you know anything about Children Books made by children's labour? Specially books pop up, all are made in Asia (China) and i'm worried that they're build by… 651 There is the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre which based in Florence and is the main research arm of UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, helping to shape the organization's human rights agenda for children. The Centre has provided solid data on the changing needs of children in both developing and industrialized countries. Its strong focus on children's rights has helped UNICEF and its partners promote a new global ethic for children based on their fundamental human rights. Address: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre Piazza SS. Annunziata 12 50122 Florence ITALY Switchboard: +39 055 20 33 0 Fax +39 055 24 48 17 Email Address: Since you ask this question from Italy it might be a good…
I am a kantele player/song writer in the United States. Can you tell me where I can find Finnish folk tunes and songs that are in the public domain? I would… 1448 In virtual Finland Websites Anneli Asplund has written a page The Kantele - Finland's national instrument . There you can listen to the famous kantele player Timo Väänänen playing the kantele as Realaudio. He is playing Mid the Hills of Karelia and The Governor's Polska, which are traditional finnish folk songs. There are also a list of recorded kantele music on CD. It is possible to make a distant loan request for these CDs through your nearest library. For folk tunes and songs, you can also ask Folk Arts Centre. The email address is or Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, i.e. Association for Finnish literature, Violinmaker Jussi Laasanen…
Could you send us information on exact location of Himanka "Himango" Finland 758 The Himanka commune is the northernmost commune in West-Finland province. It is part of the Central-Ostrobotnia county and Kokkola countydistrict. The densely populated area is in an intersection of main road 8 and Lestijoki. (the homepage of Himanka commune, unfortunately only in Finnish.) In You'll see the location of Himanka in Finland's map) If You want to get more specific map try
I want to every details about buddhism 169 Here is couple of links via Google-search There is a lot of information of buddhism and it is quite complex religion, too. You have to just browse all kind of information to get what you want. Books you can find by contacting your nearest local library and using different library catalogues, also in internet.
Based on the very important info in "Further information" field: Can you please tell me what are the least costly options for me here in Finland, as a Finnish… 187 The commune is responsible for the public health services. The private sector supplements the public health services. (In some cases the patient is justified to get a little refund from the Social Insurance Institution (Kansaneläkelaitos) if he / she has used private sector health services). The health centre of the commune takes care of the primary health care. By law the duties of the health centre are: • to take care of the health counselling and national health education, for example contraceptive advice. • to arrange the common physical examinations and screenings. • to take care of the child welfare- and maternity clinics. • to arrange the school-, student- and occupational health care • to arrange dental care • to arrange the health…
Please, give me some information about scandinavian library services called biblioboat or bookboat. 634 Hello! You can find information about bookboats via Internet. In Finland there is only one bookboat (in Parainen commune). Here are some links about bookboatservices in Norway (N.B. e-mail address in last one):… Bookboats can be found also in some other countries around the world:
I am looking for infomation about the Finnish author Auni Nuolivaara. But I could hardly find anything in the net. She wrote the books: Paimen, piika ja emäntä… 2187 Unfortunately there's not much information about the author Auni Nuolivaara in English or German. Here's some information I found from books: Auni Elisabeth Nuolivaara was born in Korpilahti 22.5.1883 and died in Tampere 26.10.1972. Her parents were Selim Johan Evert Hirvensalo and Lydia Alexandra Dahlström. Auni was married to Armas Isak Nuolivaara. Her studies and career: secondary school graduation 1903 teachers' college 1905 art studies in Rome 1914 - 1915 singing studies in Geneva 1916 - 1917 elementary school teacher in Savonlinna 1905 - 1907 administrator of Keski-Savon kansanopisto (Keski-Savo folk high school) 1907 - 1914, 1918 - 1925 music teacher in Suomen nuoriso-opisto (youth college of Finland) 1923 - 1925 teacher in Oreveden…
Do you know a book - humour category, written by an englishman called neil ??? i think. he lives in finland now and the book is in both languages and made up… 579 Perhaps you mean Neil Hardwick´s book of causeries HARDWICK´S SAUCE ELI NEILIN PAKINOITA
What is the target group (customers, audience) for this Ask a Librarian Service? 2513 This service is meant for everyone. Since we are finnish and operating in three languages, of which the two are the official languages In Finland, Finnish and Swedish, most users are finns (both Finnish speaking and Swedish speaking). We want to help also persons from abroad who have questions concerning Finland. Our questioners fit all descriptions: adults with professional or “practical” information needs, students, schoolchildren and senior citizens.
Are the Ask a Librarian answers published (stored in an open database)? 1083 The answers are stored whether in public or non-public archive. Most of the answers are stored in the open archive. The non-public database is open only for librarians, they can visit it in the same web-adress and with same logins-passwords, where they do the answering. Nowadays about 40% of answers are stored in non-public archive. You put the answer to the non-public archive if you think that it is not useful for anybody else or the same question and answer to it is already in the public archive (for example how to get a PIN-code to your library card). Usually we also put answer to the non-public archive if we can’t help the questioner in any way (didn’t find the answer and not even couldn’t give any organisation or specialist to ask for…
I'd like to know if there where in Finland any publications of books written by Polish author Boleslaw Prus? 511 You can find two titles written in Polish by Boleslaw Prus: Faraon and Lalka. The books are available in Helsinki City Library. (HelMet database : ; database of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries). There are also some publications at Helsinki University Library. You can find more information about these books at (choose "search" and then "basic search", write Prus Boleslaw and choose "author", you'll get 18 books plus some different editions of same books).
Has the book "Malowany ptak" by the Polish author Jerzy Kosinski been published in Finland? 328 The book "Malowany ptak " by Jerzy Kosinski has been published in Finland by the name "Kirjava lintu" in 1967. This edition has been translated from the English version "The painted bird" by Asko Salokorpi.
Who will answer Ask a Librarian guestions - the specialists or librarians? How big is this service? How good (accurate, detailed) are the answers? 1055 People who are giving answers in our service are all librarians. In addition of 51 public libraries there are also special libraries participating this service. The Ask a Librarian started in 1999. We have sent almost 70 000 answers (-2018). Of these almost 40 000 are in the public archive of the service. In the year 2017 2830 questions were answered, this year 3054 (1.1.2018-22.10.2018). In the year 2017 174 different librarians answered question in the service. It is a bit difficult to estimate how good (accurate, detailed) the answers are. Our target is to give as good answers as possible. We usually give a couple of good sources (books and web-sites) but quite often also advice, how to search (adresses of the databases, suitable…
How many editions of Henryk Sienkiewicz "Quo Vadis?" were published in Finland? 643 The latest finnish edition of Quo Vadis (1990) is 12th.(Source: The National Bibliography of Finland)
I would like to know how many libraries are in Finland: public libraries, university libraries, school libraries and government libraries. Thank you 1577 In 2002 there were 1178 public libraries in Finland of which 431 were main libraries, 463 branch libraries, 92 hospital libraries and 192 mobile libraries. According to the "Guide to the Scientific Libraries in Finland" there are 846 scientific libraries in Finland. You can visit library-webpages via Gateway to Finnish Research Libraries. (e. g university libraries and special libraries are listed separately) All names of scientific libraries are listed behind the link "Guide to the Scientific Libraries in Finland". Just click "search". There is no statistical information available about schoollibraries in Finland. In 2000 there were 3 986 comprehensie…
History of the town Karis, Karjaa - earliest date for the origin of the name and meaning of Karis Thank you 1049 The history of Karjaa is long and impressive. The earliest population dates back to the stone age, about 10 000 years back. Between 500 B.C. and 900 A.D. Karjaa was one of the most densely populated areas in Finland. For the first time Karjaa was mentioned in script in 1326 A.D. The name was spelled "Kariis". Later on it was also spelled "Karis", "Karisa" and "Caris". Unfortunately the philologists disagree on the origin of the name. It looks like that the Swedish name "Karis" is a translation of the Finnish name "Karjaa". Where does this come from, nobody knows reliably. The archaelogists say that there was a very strong influence from Estonia, especially from Saaremaa Islans, where there is a county called "Karja" (= Carries). According…
I'm looking to obtain a copy of obituary notices from Helsinki Finland, can you make copies and send them for a reasonable fee. The person I'm thinking of died… 1470 Please contact the Genealogical Society of Finland at for copies of old obituaries.