You have changed the format of your site recently,so I am not able to renew the books I borrowed.Instruct me how I can do it online.Your new site is useless to… |
10053 |
Sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the new HelMet. We are going to develop it further.
You can renew your loans so:
Login through HelMet web library The Login-link is top and in the middle of the website. You need your library card number and pin-code. Now you can see your loans.
There is a renew-link in the left side of the loan. Choose the loans you are going to renew and click Renew selected loans -link. Answer "Yes" to the question "The following item(s) will be renewed, would you like to proceed?" Now you can see the new due date of your loans.
I would like some articles and information about how language policy impacts library services in Finland with regards to the Swedish-speaking minority. How… |
1022 |
There is an article in a newest library magazine Bibban:
- Library services for Swedish-speaking Finns (Bibban, 2, 2012)
And an other one in Scandinavian public library quarterly, but it is already quite old:
- Swedish library matters in Finland / Rosenqvist, Kerstin (Scandinavian public library quarterly, 1991, 4. s. 29-31)
Maybe you should contact Susanne Allroth (Regional State Administrative Agencies):
How many libraries in Finland focus on health sciences, medicine, nursing, or allied health subjects? What are their names? |
902 |
Via A guide to the Scientific Libraries in Finland ( you can find 23 libraries focused on medicine, 6 libraries focused on nursing and 2 libraries focused on health sciences. Of course there could be same libraries in several lists. And some of the libraries are also focused on some other fields too. You can find the names of the libraries here:${MAXPAGE}=21&${APPL}=kirjastoten&${BASE}=kirjastoten&${HTML}=list&${THWIDS}=0.16/1346847016_10517&${HILITE}=0&${MAXHITS}=1000&${SAVEHTML}=/kirjastot/en/…… |
Good evening, where can i find the statistics about helsinki library ? i have search Q&A and find a web site "Finnish Public Libraries Statistics", which… |
971 |
You can find statistics about Helsinki city library so: > search statistics > Area selection > Municipality (Helsinki) > > Statistics selection > Loans or Personnel.
Or you can find them from Yearly reports:
We don’t have volunteers working in our libraries. Playing games by the library computers is usually allowable. Eating or drinking at the same time is not forbidden. It takes one to three days for a reserved book to go to an another Helmet library (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen city library).
Is it possible to order or recommend the purchase of an item not currently in the library? if so, can i do it online? i am a member. thanks |
864 |
It is possible, but we have only form in Finnish. You can do it online in this address:
I am a Library Science student looking at Finnish libraries, and I was hoping to ask a few questions: • What is the degree necessary for working as a librarian… |
1044 |
You can find answers to all your questions from Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture:
The Finnish School Library Association:
Can I use the computer and printer if I am not a member of the library (visitor)? |
1056 |
Yes, you can use library's computer and printer in any library even though you're not member of the library. We can make a visitor reservation for you if you have your ID's with you.
I have recently read a danish book: Biblioteket i byudviklingen (library in city development) by Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen. He has a picture from af library… |
961 |
Here's some pictures from Library 10:
Maybe the same pictures?
You can contact to Library 10 and ask more, here is contact information:
How do people in remote areas get books? |
1515 |
People in remote areas get books by lending them in Bookbuses or Mobile libraries.
I got the question to here Rovaniemi, Northern Finland. But the same is in the remote places in Eastern Finland or Ostrobothnia.
There are bookbuses in 12 municipalicities from 21municipalities in Lapland and two bookbuses, which are common with many communities also in Sweden and Norway.…
“Collaboration with the neighbouring area also involves the activities of two mobile libraries: the Muonio mobile library runs in four municipalities in Finland, in Sweden and Norway and the Karasjoki mobile library in three… |
I want to book a time to practice piano at the library next to Rautatienasema. Is it possible? How do I do it? |
1437 |
You can book the piano room in Library 10 by phone or via Internet. The phone number is 09 3108 5000. The room can also be booked at Choose “Library 10” and click “Show available times”. Then check “Workspaces” and choose the number 41 (“Practice room Electric piano”). You need your library card number and pin code when booking the room.
I am looking for information in English on the topic of using volunteers in libraries in Finland, both in the past and at present. |
787 |
There are some scientific research below partly about your topic. The second one is in Finnish, but there is an abstract in English.……
Please, advise if Pertunmaa library has WiFi? |
919 |
Do you mean WLAN? In all libraries of Mikkeli city library (including Pertunmaa) have it. For using it you need a code from library.
I am doing a project on Programs offered by Finland Libraries that are geared towards improving reading skills (And sponsored by the government). However I… |
1068 |
First, I would like to refer to a question answered in this service some years ago about Luku-Suomi ("Reading Finland") project (2001-2004):…
A leaflet in English has been published about the school libraries development project, a part of Luku-Suomi program:
A Good School Library. Authors: Hannele Frantsi, Kaarina Kolu , Seija Salminen. Year: 2006. Available as a PDF:
Articles concerning reading promotion among children and youth by public libraries in Finland:
Selesniemi, Jaana: "Creative writing and book recommendations." Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly; 2009, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p18-19
Kull-Poutanen,… |
Which library has the most comprehensive collection of books in English for children and teenagers? We live in the greater Helsinki area (i.e. Tapiola, Espoo)… |
1371 |
Vastaan helpomman mukaan suomen kielellä, kun kysymyksetkin olivat myös suomeksi.
Suurimmat englanninkieliset lasten- ja nuortenkirjakokoelmat pääkaupunkiseudulla ovat Sellon ja Tapiolan kirjastoissa Espoossa ja Pasilan kirjastossa Helsingissä.
Information about this service? How can we plan for new digital reference in a library? |
1659 |
You can find information on this service at… It's the archive of this service and there are answers to several similar questions than yours.
Information on your second question:
Ifla Digital reference guidelines
Overview on services in 2009…
Virtual reference best practices : tailoring services to your library by M. Kathleen Kern.
Chicago : American Library Association, 2009.
The virtual reference handbook : interview and information delivery techniques for the chat and e-mail environments / Diane K. Kovacs.
London : Facet, 2007.
At Google Books… |
I'm researching library in Finland. I have two questions. Question 1: When and where the first library was established in Finland? One source says that … |
1160 |
Both answers are correct in a way. In 1794, the first "public" library, Vaasan lukukirjasto, the Vaasa Reading Society, was founded. "Although the Reading Society was originally meant for its members or partners, other people were also allowed to borrow books for payment. The Reading Society in Vaasa was thus both a “proprietary” and “subscription” library. It is a rather new idea to consider the Vaasa Reading Society to be the beginning of public libraries in Finland. It is usually thought that libraries which provided reading for the Finnish-speaking less-educated majority were the predecessors of public libraries in Finland. However, reading societies at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, which were an undertaking… |
Could you tell me the main area of the books in different libraries, for instance, library 10 is for music and ...? I would like to search books in language … |
1574 |
I am not sure if I fully understand your question.
You are right, Library 10 is the library that has the largest collections of music, but they also have some books, especially on IT and travelling.
In every other library in the Metropolitan area there are books on languages and arts, and also some encyclopedias. The largest collections of arts books are probably at Rikhardinkatu Library
Pasila library is the Main library of Helsinki City Library, so there are the best collections of reference books like encyclopedias. They also have a multiligual library with books in about 70 languages, and a lot of books for learning different languiages.… |
What is a digital library |
1014 |
According to Wikipedia at, a digital library is “a library in which collections are stored in digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers”. “The DELOS Digital Library Reference Model” mentioned in the Wikipedia article defines it as “[a]n organization, which might be virtual, that comprehensively collects, manages and preserves for the long term rich digital content, and offers to its user communities specialized functionality on that content, of measurable quality and according to codified policies”.
If you like to get more information about this topic, please see the Wikipedia article at There you… |
What are the international reculations of using the acamidec resources of Finland while studying in EU/Overseas? What do you recommend for the library to visit… |
1170 |
I'm afraid I don't quite understand your question. What exactly do you mean by "academic resources" and "regulations"? If you mean the library collections of the Finnish university libraries and the right to use them, so basically they are open for everybody and it is also possible to request interlibrary loans from their collections, even to be sent abroad.
If you are staying in Finland, there are many libraries worth visiting. Depending on your special interests, I would recommend e.g. the following:
You will find the contact information of all Finnish libraries at http://www.… |
Please could you tell me whether there are English books, fiction and drama, to loan in the library at Sello? If not, could you please let me know if there is… |
1629 |
We have some dramatic literature in English (especially classic plays by Shakespeare and others) at the Sello library, plus, of course, lots of non-dramatic fiction in English language.
For a complete list of drama available in the Helsinki region public libraries, you can use the English-language HelMet Web Library at . Choose "Other searches", select from the search menu: "Espoo class" and then type into the search box the library class for English-language plays: "5.3". Or you could use this direct link…
You could also use the advanced search option, use a keyword *näytelmät" (meaning plays and drama in Finnish) and… |