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I am writing a paper on Holocaust autobiographies, and was wondering if you could provide me with a list of autobiographies written by Jews of Russian descent… 800 Here below are some books which hopefully are useful for you. Unfortunately I can not Russian, so I can't say no more of the books. Source: Union Catalogue of Finnish University Libraries, Linda: - The complete black book of Russian Jewry / [compiled by] Ilya Ehrenburg, Vasily Grossman ; translated and edited by David Patterson (2003) - Evrei v Vil’no : hronika 1941-1944 / Grigorij Šur (2000) - Strah i družba v našem totalitarnom prošlom / Vladimir Šlâpentoh (2003) - Evrei Samary na frontah Velikoj Otečestvevennoj / [Sost. B. E. Volovel’skaâ i C. N. Segal’] (2002) - Mihoèls : žizn’ i smert’ / M. Gejzer (1998) - Ty dolžna èto vse zabyt’... / Lena Kejs-Kuna (1997) - Moj otec Solomon Mihoèls : vospominaniâ o…
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I am a student of library and information science at the HTWK, Germany and need to find information about the Lööw special… 1797 Lööw-classification is a joint tool in the Northern Sami bibliography at Sami bibliographies in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia. It was developed by the Norwegian librarian Anders Lööw for the joint Saami search. Hope we'll get it in near future in internet. See here:
I have made a reservation and my book has arrived. Can I borrow the book without paying the reservation fee at that point? I mean, can I pay the reservation… 994 Yes, you can pay the reservation fee later, if your overall fees do not exceed 8 euros.
I am a member of the library. My library card is getting expired on 14-Dec-2012. How do I renew my library card. What is procedure. 9839 It’s very easy to renew your library card. Just go to your local HelMet Library, and take your ID card or passport with you. There you can ask the library staff to renew your card by showing your library card and ID card or passport. If you have a Finnish social security number (“henkilötunnus”), they can add it to your library card, and after that there is no need to renew the card. If you don’t that number, you will have to renew your card in the future, too. You can find all the HelMet Libraries and the contact information at Welcome to renew your card!
Is it possible to borrow an audio recorder from your library? Do you have this service? I need it for my thesis research. 1019 Hey! Unfortunately this kind of service is not available in the library.
My english not good and I will try to tell. There is a my homework. It is reference resources in religion studies. Can you help me. which most populer… 1670 Here are some books about world religions. I hope they will be of use to you. - World religions : a historical approach / S. A. Nigosian (2008) - World religions : the illustrated guide / general editor: Michael D. Coogan (2003) - Britannica encyclopedia of world religions / [consulting editor Wendy Doniger] (2006) There is also a packege of information on the website of BBC:
I'm an Italian collector of historical stats on cross country skiing and I'm looking for standings (more comprehensive than possible) of these Finnish races: -… 7076 The statistic were found in sport magazines (in the Library of Sports) and Hiihtäjä -book. Library of Sports, . 15 km, 1972 Kuopio 1. Juha Mieto, Kurikan Ryhti 43,02 2. Juhani Repo, Iisalmen Visa 44,27 3. Osmo Karjalainen, Kuusamon Erä-Veikot 44,34 4. Reijo Hämäläinen, Tohmajärven Urheilijat 44,40 5. Martti I. Määttä, Kuhmon Kiva 45,13 6. Kalevi Laurila, Tampereen Poliisi-Urheilijat 45,18 7. Raimo Lehtinen, Oulujoen Kiekko 45,21 8. Heikki Koirikivi, Pyhäjärven Pohti 45,34 9. Risto Jokimies, Miehikkälän Vilkas 45,35 10. Timo Peteri, Sieppijärven Sisu 45,41 11. Aimo Isometsä, Alatornion Pirkat 45,47 Mikko Vuorimaa, IF Länken 45,47 13. Ossi Kuntola, Jurvan Urheilijat 45,49 14. Väinö Huhtala…
You have changed the format of your site recently,so I am not able to renew the books I borrowed.Instruct me how I can do it online.Your new site is useless to… 10058 Sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the new HelMet. We are going to develop it further. You can renew your loans so: Login through HelMet web library The Login-link is top and in the middle of the website. You need your library card number and pin-code. Now you can see your loans. There is a renew-link in the left side of the loan. Choose the loans you are going to renew and click Renew selected loans -link. Answer "Yes" to the question "The following item(s) will be renewed, would you like to proceed?" Now you can see the new due date of your loans.
Dear Sir or Madam, I started to study portuguese a few weeks ago. Now Iam looking for simple reading books, like the Little Prince in portuguese. Which of you… 814 Pasila Library has the largest collection of books in Portugese.
I would like some articles and information about how language policy impacts library services in Finland with regards to the Swedish-speaking minority. How… 1028 There is an article in a newest library magazine Bibban: - Library services for Swedish-speaking Finns (Bibban, 2, 2012) And an other one in Scandinavian public library quarterly, but it is already quite old: - Swedish library matters in Finland / Rosenqvist, Kerstin (Scandinavian public library quarterly, 1991, 4. s. 29-31) Maybe you should contact Susanne Allroth (Regional State Administrative Agencies):
I'm a librarian and here our field called "Library and Information Sciences" I wanna know what do you call the field especially in universities of Finland… 1266 At the moment you can be qualified as an librarian in Finland both in some universities and in some unversities of applied sciences. In the University of Tampere the programme is called Information Studies and Interactive Media: In the University of Oulu the programme is called Information Studies:… In Seinäjoki, Turku and Oulu Universities of Applied Sciences the programme is called Programme in Library and Information Services:……
How many libraries in Finland focus on health sciences, medicine, nursing, or allied health subjects? What are their names? 912 Via A guide to the Scientific Libraries in Finland ( you can find 23 libraries focused on medicine, 6 libraries focused on nursing and 2 libraries focused on health sciences. Of course there could be same libraries in several lists. And some of the libraries are also focused on some other fields too. You can find the names of the libraries here:${MAXPAGE}=21&${APPL}=kirjastoten&${BASE}=kirjastoten&${HTML}=list&${THWIDS}=0.16/1346847016_10517&${HILITE}=0&${MAXHITS}=1000&${SAVEHTML}=/kirjastot/en/……
Good evening, where can i find the statistics about helsinki library ? i have search Q&A and find a web site "Finnish Public Libraries Statistics", which… 976 You can find statistics about Helsinki city library so: > search statistics > Area selection > Municipality (Helsinki) > > Statistics selection > Loans or Personnel. Or you can find them from Yearly reports: We don’t have volunteers working in our libraries. Playing games by the library computers is usually allowable. Eating or drinking at the same time is not forbidden. It takes one to three days for a reserved book to go to an another Helmet library (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen city library).
Dear Mr. /Ms. Librarian, I am a master degree student in the Tallinn Technology University in Estonia and making some research for my thesis on the history of… 454 There is one lendable copy of the book in Helsinki University Library. It´s a text material, so I think it`s not available via pdf, but You can order the book as an interlibrary loan via some Estonian library. It´s borrowed right now, but it should be free from 3.9.
How can I connect with a historian over the internet in Kittila, Finland? 487 Kittilä is a minor place, it very likely that there are no historians who are specialized in Kittilä history. Since you gave information about your family, i guess you are interested in your family history. I would recommend you to contact the Kittila parish for more information. A helpful source of information to a genealogist in Finland is Sukututkimusseura (The Genealogical Society of Finland) and their database Hiski:… It is also worth looking of the parish register of Kittilä: email address to Kittilä parish is…
When is there story telling in english at your library? 386 There is an English story hour on Wednesdays at 3 pm - 4.30 pm in the Sello Library in children's section. It is open for children of any age and must come with parent or guardian. Here is the address: Sello Library Leppävaarankatu 9 02600 Espoo (Leppävaara)
Is it possible to order or recommend the purchase of an item not currently in the library? if so, can i do it online? i am a member. thanks 867 It is possible, but we have only form in Finnish. You can do it online in this address:
I want to know about your virtual reference service? 1157 Ask a Librarian is the joint digital reference service of Finnish libraries. It’s situated in the site, the national library portal for Finnish libraries. is produced by Helsinki City Library (National Development Unit) and it’s financed by the Ministry of Education. The Ask a Librarian started in the year 1999. Answers are given in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ask a Librarian has a public archive, where answers are stored and can be used by other information seekers. The archive also exists in three languages, here is the link to the english version . The question is sent in via a web form, the answer is delivered to the email-address given by the customer.…
I am a Library Science student looking at Finnish libraries, and I was hoping to ask a few questions: • What is the degree necessary for working as a librarian… 1054 You can find answers to all your questions from Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture: The Finnish School Library Association:
Can I use the computer and printer if I am not a member of the library (visitor)? 1073 Yes, you can use library's computer and printer in any library even though you're not member of the library. We can make a visitor reservation for you if you have your ID's with you.