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Do you any books in arabic language 1209 Yes we have books in Arabic, and in Helsinki the best collection of the those you will find at the Pasila library. To see Helmet’s entire collection of Arabic material please look at the selection listed under the Helmet-link**&searchscope=9&m=&l=ara&b=&Da=&Db=&S…. If you are interested only in books, use this link:**&searchscope=9&m=1&l=ara&b=&Da=&Db=&…. The book collection consists of fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, dictionaries, language courses,… If you click the name of the book, you will get more information about it and see where it is located. If you want the book to be moved to your own library you…
When an item says ,Work items 1, but - under borrowing possible, ordered and due date, does that mean it is available to be checked out or no? 854 In Kyyti-Library database search a line under Borrowing possible, Ordered and Due date means that the item is not free to be checked out. The reason can be the following: the item is either on the way to the customer or back to the library, or it is being handled by the library staff, or it is lost (and not yet withdrawn from the collection), or it is registered in the special local collection. Ask your library if you want to know the case of the item you are interested in.
Is National Library of Finland apart from pulic libraris in Finland? 974 Yes, The National Library of Finland is the largest scholarly library in our country, as well as it is one of the largest independent institutes at the University of Helsinki. But anyone can visit there! You can find more information here:
I have to write a paper about ask a librarian services and I have read the article written by the professor Vakkari about comparing Google and Ask a librarian… 1013 I'll send your question to mister Vakkari, hope you can reach him even thougt it's summer. If you are interested in any questions and answers in Ask a Librarian, you can read them in our public archive, (newest answers ). I presume that Prof. Vakkari has studied the finnish archive, and that he can send you the material, but the texts will be in Finnish language. The Finnish archive is here , the link to swedish material here, .
How to search for health services? 811 Here is link for Health services in Espoo:;37337;45340;36841;36852
What is Ask a librarian service? what is the relevance of the service Ask a librarian? where or what source can i find information regarding Ask a librarian… 1721 Ask a Librarian is the joint digital reference service of Finnish libraries. It’s situated in the site, the national library portal for Finnish libraries. is produced by the Central Library for Public Libraries in Finland, which is Helsinki City Library and it’s financed by the Ministry of Education. The Ask a Librarian started in the year 1999. Answers are given in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ask a Librarian has a public archive, where answers are stored and can be used by other information seekers. The archive also exists in three languages, . The question is sent in via a web form, the answer is delivered to the email-address given by the customer.…
I am a japanese student. I bought the book "suomea suomeksi" to study suomi. If it is possible , I want to join a suomi class where they use this textbook. If… 1287 Adult Education Centre in Jyväskylä (in the City Library building, Vapaudenkatu 39-41) has Finnish for foreigners courses. I am not sure if they have courses in the summertime, but they will have next autumn (enrolment in August). Last semester they used a book called Hyvin menee, but the book for the next semester has not been decided. Adult Education Centre: University Language Centre has also Finnish courses for students:…
I am looking for information about a specific activity within the Nordic Countries social security system. Some of these countries send their senior citizen to… 1324 In Finland there are certain links of our social security system for the seniors: 1.Finland…… (english)… (not in english, sw, fin) 2. Nordic countries (of Nordic countries, publications in electronic form)
Which library has the most comprehensive collection of books in English for children and teenagers? We live in the greater Helsinki area (i.e. Tapiola, Espoo)… 1365 Vastaan helpomman mukaan suomen kielellä, kun kysymyksetkin olivat myös suomeksi. Suurimmat englanninkieliset lasten- ja nuortenkirjakokoelmat pääkaupunkiseudulla ovat Sellon ja Tapiolan kirjastoissa Espoossa ja Pasilan kirjastossa Helsingissä.
I am researching the 1934 wedding in Port Germein , South Australia, of Barbara Strachey, an English woman, to Olaf Hultin, said to be the son of the Professor… 1332 I am sorry to say that we could not find any direct answers to your question. Probably the wedding was not as enormous publicity event in Finland as in Australia. Some information of the father of Olaf Hultin, Arvid Hultin, we found rather easily - for instance, he was not a professor at classics, but a librarian in the University Library of Helsinki (or National Library of Finland, as it is nowadays called) and in addition a researcher of literature. It might be possible that the National Library might have some archives of their former employees and there might be more information on his descendants. The contact information of the National Library can be found here: Furthermore, if the…
Information about this service? How can we plan for new digital reference in a library? 1657 You can find information on this service at… It's the archive of this service and there are answers to several similar questions than yours. Information on your second question: Ifla Digital reference guidelines Overview on services in 2009… Virtual reference best practices : tailoring services to your library by M. Kathleen Kern. Chicago : American Library Association, 2009. The virtual reference handbook : interview and information delivery techniques for the chat and e-mail environments / Diane K. Kovacs. London : Facet, 2007. At Google Books…
My son is living in Helsinki and will be taking an entrance exam for Building Management in April. This is the first year that the test is offered in English,… 828 Unfortunately we did not found any material in english. By finnish word kiinteistönhoito (in english real estate management) you cand find books in Helmet-library… Material is in finnish. Amazon bookshop you can find book ”Introduction to Building Management”. The book is certainly old (year 1995)… Information from book also in page… Maybe it would be best to ask material from organizer of exam.
I would like to ask which library has the newspapers of The Guardian and The Observer. And where can I find some DVDs of Circus performance? many thanks!… 704 Hello to you! You can find the newest issues of The Guardian weekly in the following libraries: Kannelmäki, Kontula, Viikki and Vuosaari. No reservations to other libraries can be made. You can read The Guardian in Metsätalo(one of the university campus libraries). The address is Unioninkatu 40. The other newspaper you were asking for, The Observer, does not seem to be anywhere in the Helsinki region, so you'll have to make an interlibrary loan for The Observer. No DVDs of the sort you asked for can be found. There is unfortunately only a documentary film called "All together now", where the group Cirque du Soleil performs.
Dear Sir/Madam, I have tried to renew a book that I have borrowed from the city library. However, I found out it didn't work online because it said "You cannot… 747 We could not check Your customer record because You didn't give Your name. You wrote in English so we could suggest that the obvious reason is that You are not staying permanenntly in Finland? The usual politics is that the library card can be used six months by those not living permanently in Finland. However, You can came to any Helmet library with Your library card and ID and then we can re-activate Your card for another six months. (If this is not the case, please call any Helmet library so that we can check Your customer record.)
I'm interested in educational activities in museums in Finland. I visited several museums and interviewd people working there. But I couldn't acquire… 975 You could be contact to Finnish Museums Association, contact information on page
I'm researching library in Finland. I have two questions. Question 1: When and where the first library was established in Finland? One source says that … 1159 Both answers are correct in a way. In 1794, the first "public" library, Vaasan lukukirjasto, the Vaasa Reading Society, was founded. "Although the Reading Society was originally meant for its members or partners, other people were also allowed to borrow books for payment. The Reading Society in Vaasa was thus both a “proprietary” and “subscription” library. It is a rather new idea to consider the Vaasa Reading Society to be the beginning of public libraries in Finland. It is usually thought that libraries which provided reading for the Finnish-speaking less-educated majority were the predecessors of public libraries in Finland. However, reading societies at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, which were an undertaking…
Where can I find military archives for Vora? Thank you. 1387 If you are looking for data from Finnish military archives, the correct starting point is Finnish National Archives. Contact information: By contacting National Archives with your family's names and other details known, we bet that you can get more information and maybe other sources as well. Vora communal information (english version via Google Translate):
Could you tell me the main area of the books in different libraries, for instance, library 10 is for music and ...? I would like to search books in language … 1573 I am not sure if I fully understand your question. You are right, Library 10 is the library that has the largest collections of music, but they also have some books, especially on IT and travelling. In every other library in the Metropolitan area there are books on languages and arts, and also some encyclopedias. The largest collections of arts books are probably at Rikhardinkatu Library Pasila library is the Main library of Helsinki City Library, so there are the best collections of reference books like encyclopedias. They also have a multiligual library with books in about 70 languages, and a lot of books for learning different languiages.…
When I try to create a new List in while browsing the New Titles in English, I get "Tallenna teokset listalle An internal error has occurred. Please… 554 You seem to have sent your question on the 4th of December, while there was a temporary interruption in the "Your Record" section of HelMet service. I just tested creating a new list and saving titles in it. It now worked out quite alright. So I suggest you try again. This time there shouldn't be any problems, but if there still are, please contact us again.
I'm a student at Foreign Languages Faculty. I must find information on the following topic "Linguistics and translation".It's about the relation between the 2,… 4983 If you are searching the Helmet Web Library ( you have to use Finnish or Swedish subject terms. By using the subject terms kielitiede (linguistics) and kääntäminen (translation) you get the following titles entries: Kielen ja kulttuurin saloja: In honorem Pirjo Kukkonen 5.9.2009, Helsinki, Semiotic Society of Finland, 2009 (texts in Finnish, Swedish and English); Translation Universals : do they exist? Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, cop. 2004; Tolkien, J.R.R. : The monsters and critics and other essays, London: HarperCollins 1997; Kieli ja tietokone: AFinLand vuosikirja 1996, Helsinki, Soveltavan kielentutkimuksen keskus (English, Swedish, Finnish). By using the subject terms kielitiede (…