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Dear Sir or Madam, I was wondering whether you could provide me with info regarding Helsinki City Libraries which have a choice of videos in English available… 502 All Helsinki City Libraries have a choice of videos in English available for borrowing. It is customary in Finland to provide foreign films with subtitles, not dub them, so the sound track (speech, that is) is original. Big downtown libraries are: Rikhardinkatu, Töölö, and Kallio. Where they are and how to get there: You can search our database HelMet in Select KEYWORD. Type two asterisks (**) in the search field. Then select VIDEOCASSETTE or DVD under "All types of materials". Then select the language (English). You get the list of matches in chronological order, the newest first. You can limit the search by year, if you don'…
What is the role of a librarian post google? 160 In the following link is a good article about the librarian´s role. I hope the article will answer your question partially, at least.
I come from Taipei, Taiwan. I am a student learning about department of library and information science and study on the Fu Jen Catholic University. For… 283 The Culture and Media Division of the Ministry of Education in Finland maintains the data in the Finnish Public Libraries Statistics Database. The address is Additional library statistics are to be found on the Statistics Finland webbsite under the address First click on Finland in figures and then on Culture and the media, and finally on Public libraries. Good luck with your work!
Chinese history about money 597 Some interesting links in Internet about the topic you asked. I hope that these will help you. Please, ask more, if you need more information. The history of early chinese money: Coins of Ancient China: Ancient China to Modern Times:
How do i make a book reservation using the internet 774 You can make book reservations (and other materials too) using our WebLibrary -PIKI-verkkokirjasto in finnish Just clik the flag icon on the left hand corner and You'll find the english version of our service.… (There is also a link to the service in our frontpage) In order to make reservations You need a valid library card and and a password. If you do not have a password or if you want to change your password, please contact the library staff. You will get it from any of our libraries visiting them personally (passwords are not given by phone or email). More information about our services in english…
Olen 'Inkerilaisten Viesti' aikauslehden etsimassa. I need a number of articles copied & will be in HKI one day next week to do so, if I can find the series! 153 The latest five numbers of Inkeriläisten viesti can be read at the link below: Also, do cantact the Inkeri society for futher information at The Inkerläisten viesti can be found at the Leppävaara library in Espoo in the Helsinki metropolitan area, and you night also find it at the publisher's office
Have you a copy of: J.D. Bilotta, Race and the Rise of the Republican Party, 1848-1865? 2nd or 3rd edition. Thank you. 146 Unfortunately we don't have Bilotta's book. There seems to a copy in Denmark and then naturally in the UK, so you can try to get the book as an interlibrary loan. You can make a loan request in any public library. The interlibrary loans are however not free of charge, see
I am undertaking research into printers and publishers of early Finnish picture postcards from 1900 to 1930. One particular publisher, S& K Kouvola, reproduced… 937 Information of this kind was difficult to find, i tried to look in books about finnish postcards, but did'nt find your publisher on the publishers list (it contained only the most important publishers). Maby these addresses could be helpful, the first one is a club for stamp and postcard-collectors in Kouvola, Kouvolan Postimerkkikerho ry, , the second one is the society for the finnish postcard collectors, Suomen Postikorttiyhdistys Apollo ry, . There is a Postmuseum in Finland, and they have a special library, Postimuseon kirjasto, address: Postimuseo, Kirjasto, PL 167, 00101 HELSINKI Telephone: 0204 51 4771, or 0204 51 5262 Telefax: 0204 51 5263 email:…
I wonder if the library has service for copying all book and binding it. I am interesting copying book that I borrowed from the library since it is not… 924 You can make copies in all libraies at 0,30€/page. If you want somebody to do it for you, the cost amounts to 1€/page. We have no binding service. Have you tried the old books shops? You might find your book that way. Below find a link to antiqurian bookshops in Helsinki,
I would like to lending Russian poltie literature (Dostoyevsky, Pooshkin). In English or in Russian. I am PhD student right now, at the Helsinki School of… 177 We do have both Russian and English book and you can have a library card since you have an address in Finland. You can obtain a library card and borrowing rights by presenting a photo-enhanced ID-card or passport. For more information: See also our list of libraries
I am comparing folklore customs for the time when a child has pulled a primary or "baby" tooth. I would like to know if the Sami have a tradition for such a… 284 I have found a few short mentions about the sami beliefs or stories about the loss of the first tooth as a child. Schefferus, also in English: The history of Lapland (orig. 1674), chapter 26: Of their childbearing. He refers to Samuel Rheen and in the book: En kortt relation om lapparnes lefwarne och sedher,... (Uppsala 1897) Rheen writes about that belief at least on page 9 in chapter: Om barnssens Vpfostrande och vptuchtellsse and on page 14 in the chapter: Huru the inbördes ärfwa hwar... The child gets a reindeer of his own from the person who first sees the first tooth. T.I Itkonen writes about the thing in Suomen lappalaiset part 2, p. 394. He tells the same story about the gift to the child: The father of the child gives the child a…
Численность населения в Партугалии 215 Население Португалии 10 502 000(2004)
I would like to know all I can about Taivalkoski. Particularly about what life was like there between the years 1870-1900. 580 Taivalkoski in the north-east of Finland is a small community with only some 6000 inhabitants. Many of the names in Taivalkoski are of Lappish origin. For instance Jurmu, the name of your ancestor, is a Lappish word for a deep basin in a river. For finding out about your ancestors please contact the Genealogical Society of Finland at Professor Jouko Vahtola at the University of Oulu has written about the history of Pudasjärvi, Taivalkoski and Jokijärvi. His e-mail address is Parts of Kalle Päätalo's autobiographical novel series about Iijoki and Koillismaa are probably translated and they might be possible for you to get a hold on. You can contact the library of Taivalkoski…
Information about Kirjamaatti at Ideapark. Where did the idea come from? How does it work? Is it successful? Kiitos 693 Please, contact directly Mrs Kristiina Suominen Lempäälä City Library. She will give You firsthand information. (email Library information:
I'm interested in learning about the classification system used in your library 1458 You do not specify the library whose classification system you would like to know about. Do you mean the classification systems in Finnish libraries in general? There are several classification systems used in different libraries in Finland. First of all, to get a general idea about the Finnish library system, please have a look at , where you will find access to basically every library in Finland, along with their web OPACs (open public access catalogues). Roughly, one could say that the public libraries here use the Finnish Public Libraries Classification System (PLC) and the scientific and university libraries use the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). This would nevertheless give an oversimplified…
What is cause and factor of a ringing in the ears? 673 Please find out more about tinnitus f.ex. from these pages. There´s a lot of pages concerning tinnitus in the net. If you prefer articles please come to the library. Tinnitus pages in the net:
What are the effects of electronic information on the reference service? 264 In our library, electronic information sources (databases) give more relevant results. Databases also help us to sort results efficiently. I'm sorry but we don't have ability to answer better to your question. If you want to have more information about this topic, The university of Tampere has faculty of information sciences(
I would like to know if i can find any books related to Physics and maths in english for using as reference materials for entrance examinations like TTK etc? 785 Click Advanced search on the first page of HelMet database To find material in English use the link language. Type matematiikka oppikirjat. Type fysiikka oppikirjat Help for you
Is it possible to lend German kids' books from the Myyrmäki library in Vantaa? Can I somewhere lookup and order books, so that I could collect them there? 805 Myyrmäki library is part of HelMet-libraries which consist of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries. The entire library catalogue is available for everyone who has the HelMet-library card. You can search the library catalogue at HelMet web library: (available in English) Here are some guidelines on how to search for german children's books at HelMet: How to search for books that are suitable for little children (for example picture books): 1. Go to the tab "Kids and teens" 2. Write kuvakirjat (=picture books) to the search bar 3. Click the "Advanced search" -button 4. choose the following: material type: book, language: german 5. Click Go This search shows you all HelMet libraries' german children's picture…
Where can I find information concerning toypoodles? 726 Something about toy poodles(very little) is in the book Diane Morgan: The poodle : an owner's survival guide. In Amazon you can find more books concerning toy poodles… Something in Internet…