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Are there any laws and regulations to set the rules and purposes of school libraries in Finland? 73 School libraries in Finland are usually small, and they are not regulated by the law. Most of the services provided to schools by libraries are delivered by the public libraries and school libraries often have only a small collection of books that can be read and borrowed. Public libraries are regulated by the law, (text only in Finnish and Swedish).
I need any book about the emotional intelligence of kids (in arabic language). Is it available in Helmet? 38 Hi, Helmet-libraries have two books about the emotional intelligence of kids in arabic language. You can find them here:…
I'm looking for a regional variation of the lullaby, "Tii tii tikanpoika..."sung in the area around Sysma where my grandmother was born in 1879. I learned it… 39 In 2022 somebody asked a question, regarding the same song. Here is the answer: I am looking for the Finnish lyrics to a lullaby about a bad shepherd boy who stole a child's turnip. Thank you! | Ask a Librarian ( 
I am looking for information about a language called "skolta", which is spoken in the north of Finland 211 Skolt is a very small language spoken by the Skolts, a group of Lappish people, living in the most north-northeastern part of Finnish Lapland and in the north-western part of Russia. There are only about one thousand Skolt-speakers left, half of them in Finland. Even these very few people speak various dialects, which can differ drastically even from village to village. So if your main wish is to be able to comumunicate with the parents of a friend I recommend sticking to English, and asking your friend to teach you a couple of phrases. But if you are interested in the language beside that, you could start with reading an article "Saamic" (pp.43-95) in "The Uralic Languages" / Daniel Abondolo. Routledge, London and New York, 1998…
I would like to find information about the history of Esplanadi (Helsinki) 771 There seems to be only one book in English about Esplanadi: "The Esplanade during the 19th century--Helsinki" by Henrik Lilius, 1984 (ISBN 87-85176-20-6). This work is primarily a pictorial production. It has color reproductions of original tinted project plans and black & white reproductions of original monocrome project plans. The photographs show what form the Esplanade did in fact take during the 19th century. The following address… has an article about Esplanadi as well.
Are there Quaker meetings in Helsinki and/or Roman Catholic masses? If so, when and where are they? 339 About Roman Catholics in Helsinki you will find information on, especially "Tapahtumia" and "Basic information in English". About Quakers
How do I renew online? 519 You can renew your loans twice online. Go to our home page… and choose "loans". Then you have to give your customer identification code (your library card) and password in order to sign on (if yo don't have a password yet, you will get it from any library in Turku City Library). Now you can renew your loans by selecting the loans you want to renew and clicking on "renew selected loans". The renewed loans are placed at the end of the list.
Do you have a recipe or instructions how to make viili starter (pohjapiimä) from ingredients available in the U.S.? 298 In Finland there are two kinds of viilis:the short and the long one, which is more "stretching". For the short viili You can make the starter. Look at: and --->information sheet --->Ferments. But for the long viili it is more difficult. You could ask for more information from Valio. The Internet adress is:
I'm looking a magazine "Water Supply Vol.7 BARCELONA,PP149-154, 1989" .There is a artice "To remove the algae in the drinking water" -Reserch report in Finland 159 Hi Linda, At first I apologize, that it took so long to answer, but here's some information: At the Tampere University of Technology they have Water Supply magazine, so You can ask either your nearest library to make a interlibrary reguest (Phone number just for sure: Interlibrary services +358 -3 -3115 3133) or get in touch with Water Science & Technology (former Water Supply) magazine. Publisher's E-mail is You find more information and online magazines also in page but unfortunately they don't have such an old number in the net.
I plan to buy a home in Finland. I want to be about halfway between nort and south and a little east. How would you go about this research online through any… 148 Referring to Your inquiry about buying a home in Finland. There aren’t very many places where you can find information in English how to buy a home in Finland. You could have a look at a guide - Are you planning to move to Finland? This guide is for you who are living abroad and are planning to migrate to Finland. You can find it in this address: You can find several links how to find and buy a home in Finland. Unfortunately all of the links are either Finnish or in Swedish. You can find these links in this address: This here address leads you to several links about various house agents here in Finland: You can…
Is it possible to get some children books in Tongan (Tonga Islands) to your libraries? 529 Unfortunately we do not have any books in Tongan in the Helsinki metropolitan area library system. However, you can come to the Main Library in Pasila and make an interlibrary loans request. The Interlibrary loans department will try to find books in Tongan from other multilingual libraries in Scandinavia or even from the United Kingdom.
I want to every details about buddhism 169 Here is couple of links via Google-search There is a lot of information of buddhism and it is quite complex religion, too. You have to just browse all kind of information to get what you want. Books you can find by contacting your nearest local library and using different library catalogues, also in internet.
How do public libraries in Finland differ from those in the U.S. 629 You can find information about finnish public libraries in this link: (Information about Finnish Public Libraries). You probably know already the facts about public libraries in the U.S., but here are a couple of links about those too:…
Could you help me please! i'm looking for old photo's of finnish proffesions. Old pictures about men working on a railroad or making a tunnel..or something… 267 I am sorry, we don't have photos in our collections. I'd ask You to contact to National Board of Antiques,please.
I would like to ask if there is a difference between finnish polytechnics and vocational schools. 597 Different types of vocational training can be attended after completing the basic education (comprehensive school) whereas the polytechnic schools belong to the upper secondary education options which are attended after the higher school. There is a good diagram about the finnish school system at the following address: You can read more about the finnish education system in English at various Internet sites. Use Google and the search terms “finnish school system” or “finnish education system”.
Dear Librarian - How could I get a report on what the library borrowing trends of Helsinki City Library are in terms of genre/categories of books. Thank you… 541 Finnish Public Library Statistics website contains statistical information about Finnish public libraries. You can choose any particular municipality, for example, Helsinki by clicking the “Municipality” alternative and then pressing the search button. You can then select a required municipality from the dropdown menu. The first web-address is for the Finnish Public Library Statistics homepage and the second one gives you all the key statistical figures for the Helsinki City Library in 2003.…
I reside in Russia.Do I have a possibility to use the funds of a Finnish research library using the Internet? 636
Who was the Nobel prize of literature in 1974? 298 Hello, In the year 1974 there was two Nobel literature prize winners: Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson (both from Sweden)
Which libraries in Finland use Emilda System? 624 According to the newsletter of the School Library Association in Finland (Suomen koulukirjastoyhdistys ry, Jäsentiedote 1/2005) two school libraries in Espoo have some experience in using the Emilda system. The schools are Finno skola and Mattlidens gymnasium
I am studying globalization of Finland in my college class and was wanting some information about it. Can you provide me with some areas that I might be able… 760 I found two publications about the subject in a database called "WorldCat": Timonen, Virpi: Restructuring the welfare state : globalisation and social policy reform in Finland and Sweden. Cheltenham, UK ; Northhampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar Pub.,2003. Nestingen, Andrew K: Why nation? : globalization and national culture in Finland, 1980-2001. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2001. There are also some articles about globalization of Finland, that I found in a database called "Ebsco": Sipilä, Jorma: Opening Remarks, 1 July 2001, Tampere. Social Work in Health Care; 2004, Vol. 39 Issue 1/2, p7, 4p. Subjects: business enterprises congresses & conventions international trade globalization Measuring Economic Reversals, Forward…