Unfortunately, you cannot renew the loan, because another customer has reserved the book. But luckily for you, because of the corona epidemic, the due dates of all loans expiring today have been postponed by two weeks. So, now the due date of your loan is 30.03.2020.
Finnish libraries are in that way independent that their mobile libraries have own time tables and schedules. That means that they can have very different resources and that every mobile library does not circulate every day. If you want to study the activities or timetables of mobile libraries, you can find them here, https://directory.libraries.fi/search?q=mobile%20libraries. It is possible however that not every library has included opening hours and routes of their mobile services here. In that case you can ask the library in question, the contact information can be found in the same directory. This kind of information can't be found in our statistic database, https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/?lang=en.
Mobile libraries have an own site, …
No, sorry, but you can't return books you borrowed from Espoo to Hämeenlinna. Espoo library belongs to Helmet libraries, and Hämeenlinna library to Vanamo libraries. You must return your loans from Espoo to Espoo or some other Helmet library. If you want to become a customer of Vanamo libraries, you need a new library card. You may obtain library card by presenting a photo ID at the service desk in any of the Vanamo libraries. Same card is valid in Hämeenlinna, Hattula, and Janakkala.
I found only one article called "The Reminiscences of Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan", in which at least one trip to Finland was mentioned. Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan visited Finland in 1913, and he went through all the lakes up to the north. He also shot rapids in Ulea river (Oulu-joki in Finnish). The link to the article is available here:
There is also this website https://zafrullahkhan.weebly.com/ but with the quick browsing I didn't find any mention of trips to Finland.
I am sorry but it's not possible in Vantaa libraries during covid -19. If you print official papers you can do it in Vantaa info https://www.vantaa.fi/administration_and_economy/vantaa_information/van….
Unfortunately, this textbook is not available in any Finnish library. It seems that no library in Europe has this title, so an interlibrary loan is not possible.
There is activities for seniors with memory disorders online e.g. on Muistiliitto´s website: https://www.muistiliitto.fi/fi/tuki-ja-palvelut/luettavaa-ja-tekemista
Library materials you can search from Helmet.fi . Keywords: ikääntyneet, virikkeet, muistisairaat, muistisairaudet
Library´s Lukulähettiläs project team has produced book tips and lists of literature suitable for elderly and others with disabilities: https://www.helmet.fi/fi-FI/Tapahtumat_ja_vinkit/Uutispalat/Ryhdy_lukulahettilaaksi(173038)
Easy reads for different purposes you can search with keyword "selkokirjat".
You can search console games in Helmet catalogue https://www.helmet.fi/en-US. Use Advanced search and as keyword * and select as format console game. In the result list selection At the library shows You games which are at the moment available in some Helmet-library. By logging in with Your library card number and pin code You can make reservations to get games into Your nearest library.
There is no monolingual dictionary of Finnish idioms as comprehensive as The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms available. The only similar book would be Naulan kantaan : nykysuomen idiomisanakirja (Otava, 1993). Though not quite what you are looking for, the phrasal dictionary Suurella sydämellä ihan sikana : suomen kielen kuvaileva fraasisanakirja (Gummerus, 2008) covers many Finnish idioms.You might also find the following bilingual dictionaries useful: Suomi-englanti idiomi- ja fraasisanakirja (Art House, 2007)Bird in the hand is worth kymmenen oksalla : 50 Finnish/English idioms in English and Finnish (WSOY, 2002)Parempi pyy pivossa kuin two in the bush : 50 Finnish idioms in English and Finnish = 50 englantilaista idiomia suomeksi ja…
Please contact the Library of Parliament. The Securities Market Act (arvopaperimarkkinalaki 495/1989) is available in English. The library has interlending services, tel. +35894323450, email: kirjasto_kaukopalvelu@eduskunta.fi
The text is in Internet in Finnish: http://finlex.om.fi/stp.html , you can choose the year 1989, the laws are in numerical order.
Here’s some information about webforms and web usability:
(including some downloads)
Books (available in libraries):
Heslop, Brent : HTML publishing on the Internet for Windows
Nielsen, Jakob : Designing Web usability
Tyler, Denise : Macromedia Flash 5
Hello there!
Because you know so exactly the name of the article you can give us little bit more information where you have heard about it. I searched with Internet search services and some other sources - no result.
If I may say my opinion this "article" is more like a short story or novel than research or fact. Kind of a horror story If I may guess. So we here in the library try to search it from fiction shelves. Little bit extra information from your side couldn't do any harm.
With regards
I recommend you go to the webpages of the Ministry of Labour, Finland, http://www.mol.fi/english/index.html . On the frontpage you'll find a link to "Employment service". This is a good way to start. When you already are in Finland, you can also browse newspapers and read the college bulletinboard.
Another useful address is, http://www.suomi.fi/english/immigrants_and_emigrants/ a portal of public services, maintained by Finnish government offices. This is not necessarily for job seeking, but contains other useful information on Finnish society.
The Himanka commune is the northernmost commune in West-Finland province. It is part of the Central-Ostrobotnia county and Kokkola countydistrict.
The densely populated area is in an intersection of main road 8 and Lestijoki.
http://www.himanka.fi/ (the homepage of Himanka commune, unfortunately only in Finnish.)
In http://www.kolumbus.fi/kalajoen.matkailuinstituutti/tervetuloa.html You'll see the location of Himanka in Finland's map)
If You want to get more specific map try http://www.kartta.nls.fi/karttapaikka/eng/home.html
Kirjojen tilaaminen Suomesta onnistuu hyvin. Ehkä kattavin luettelo verkkokirjakaupoista löytyy Hämeenlinnan kirjaston Makupalojen sivulta: http://www.makupalat.fi/kirjat4.htm
Selkeimmät tilausohjeet sekä monipuolisimmat valikoimat ja maksutavat ovat suurimmilla kirjakaupoilla, katso esimerkiksi:
(English: https://www.akateeminen.com/fin/info/info_english.asp )
Tältä kirjastot.fi:n sivulla on linkkejä erilaisiin lastenkirjallisuusluetteloihin: http://www.kirjastot.fi/page.asp?_item_id=208 , esimerkiksi Helsingin kaupunginkirjaston Lasten sivujen lukuvinkkeihin: http://www.lib.hel.fi/miikka/lukuvinkit.htm
Karelianism is mostly understood to mean the powerful artistic movement, which prevailed at the turn of the century. At that time one of its aims was to bolster the nascent independence movement in Finland, which was still under Tsarist Russia. Finland was a Russian Grand Duchy until Lenin granted Finland independence in 1917. The reasons for Finland’s territorial expansionism are many and varied.
Despite the bitter political and emotional scars that resulted from the fierce civil war between the reds and the whites in 1917-1918, Finland was able to unite in the face of the common enemy and fought the Soviet army during the so-called Winter War in 1939-1940. Although the odds were overwhelming against the Finnish army, it was able to…
If you search the PIKI-database with the keyword Ranskan vallankumous, you will find all kinds of material on the subject, http://kirjasto.tampere.fi:8000/ . Unfortunately, it seams that there are no videos in English about the topic. I found one video about the French revolution in Finnish in Tampere city library, an animation of the series Olipa kerran ihminen...: aikojemme seikkailut = Il etait une fois... l'homme, osa 8: Ranskan vallankumous 1997. There is also anohter videocassette in finnish, Vapauden bulevardit / toimittaja Erkki Toivanen, YLE Tallennepalvelu, 1995. Since the video does'nt include the Tampere city library collection, you should contact the library e.g. by email and ask if it is possible to borrow it from another…
You will find the list of the most popular books at Helsinki metropolitan area public libraries in November 2004: http://www.lib.hel.fi/page.asp?_item_id=5722 . The first group is fiction and the second one is non-fiction.
Kumppanuus tarkoittaa Ståhlen ja Laennon (2000) mukaan sekä yrityksen ulkoisia yhteistyösuhteita että sen sisäistä toimintakulttuuria, joissa toimijoina ovat ihmiset, ja joiden varaan myös kumppanuus rakentuu. Kumppanuus ei ole myötäsyntyistä, ja siksi sitä pitää rakentaa kuten johtajuuttakin, johon kumppanuuden taito sisältyy.
Strategia –sana itsessään viittaa sodankäyntiin, josta se on lainattu liikemaailmaan ja sitä kautta se on rantautunut myös kirjastomaailmaan. Käsitteenä strategia voidaan ymmärtää läheisenä toimintatapana
Strateginen kumppanuus yhdistää tietoresursseja siten, että kumppanit saavuttavat merkittävää strategista etua itselleen. Strategisessa kumppanuudessa molemmilla osapuolilla onkin tasavertaiset roolit, jotka…