We have a couple of ways of analyzing our questions: we can look for words most used in questions sent to us, we can follow the most common searches, we can see the most read questions in the archive and follow questions that have been answered by the semantic librarian.
In all these we can see that people ask us much about litterature, poetry and about authors. One of the most common questions considers names, people want to know the origin, etymology, of names, both christian names and family names. Also models for will and other dees are of great interest. Library services are also a common topic in our questions.
There are a few studies about Ask a Librarian, but they are in Finnish. Also you can study the contents of Ask a Librarian…
It would be easier to answer your question if you could define it a little bit. What kind of libraries are you interested in – public, scientific, specialist etc.? Libraries where, all over the world? You sent your question to the Finnish Ask a librarian service, so I’ll give you some kind of an answer from a Finnish point of view. This might, however, not be anything near to what you would like to know. If so, please send us – or to some other similar service elsewhere - a new question.
First of all, you could check the following pages: http://www.libraries.fi/info There you will find lots of information about all libraries in Finland. If you click the link “Library branch” -> Articles and presentations -> The Scandinavian Public…
You can contact Jyväskylä Adult Education Center. It is situated in the same building with the library.
Information point Tel. 014 26 64071, 014 26 64073
Provided you have given us your email address, you can access the password recovery function:
In the case we do not have your email address, we shall change your PIN code at the service desk of any Helmet library. Please bring your ID with you.
Yes, The National Library of Finland is the largest scholarly library in our country, as well as it is one of the largest independent institutes at the University of Helsinki. But anyone can visit there! You can find more information here: http://www.nationallibrary.fi/infoe.html
There aren't any digital reference services in Finland managed by high school libraries, most of the school libraries are quite small and they haven't organized co-operational service either. Some school libraries work together with public libraries, for instance Hätila library, http://hykinkirjasto.weebly.com/ and they offer our Ask a librarian on their webpages. Some school libraries offer information service by email. This reference service, Ask a librarian, is managed by public libraries in Finland and is also targeted to high school students as well as every other citizen.
There are other ask-services in Finland operated by libraries, you can find a list here, http://www2.kirjastot.fi/fi-FI/kysy/kysypalvelut/#Muita_suomalaisten_ki… ,…
Thank you for you inquiry. We are happy to help you.
Piippola is a small place and they have only one place to stay overnight. The place is called Shell matkahuolto.
Their phonenumber is +358-8-8120211.
Email-address: shell.piippola@co.inet.fi
Address: Piippolan Shell, Kestilantie 1, 92620 Piippola, Finland
I will base my answer on an enquiry carried out by Helsingin Sanomat in 2004 (www.helsinginsanomat.fi/extrat/erikoissivu/1076153242285).
2080 people answered to this enquiry by giving the titles of childrens books that were dearest to them. Some can well be defined as “evergreens”. Although the answers included books by foreign autors too, I will only list those by Finnish authors.
The books on Moomins by Tove Jansson are cherished and enjoyed by young and adults. Jansson began writing the Moomin-books in 1945. She wrote 9 novels on the Moomins. Her production on the Moomins includes 9 novels, picture books and cartoons. Beside the Moomins, Jansson has plenty of other literary works. Her mother tongue was Swedish, thus her works were…
In Espoo, the Citizen Service Office is located in the Sello library and in some places it is quite near to a library, but libraries don't sell travel cards.
You can search for local travel card sales points in HSL pages
If you mean long distance tickets, those can be found from Matkahuolto's pages
You can find statistics about Helsinki city library so:
http://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/en-GB/ > search statistics > Area selection > Municipality (Helsinki) > > Statistics selection > Loans or Personnel.
Or you can find them from Yearly reports:
We don’t have volunteers working in our libraries. Playing games by the library computers is usually allowable. Eating or drinking at the same time is not forbidden. It takes one to three days for a reserved book to go to an another Helmet library (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen city library).
The book you are searching is Modern business administration / Author: Appleby, Robert C. Publication: London : Pitman, 1994. It can be found in Helia Porvoo POINT library Opistokuja 1, 06100 Porvoo(09) 1489 0690, kirjastoR4@helia.fi that is Helsinki Business Polytechnic library in Porvoo. The book is on loan from the Porvoo library, but please leave a reservation from your Porvoo polytechnic library.
Unfortunally Helsinki City Library doesn't have the book at all. Also the polytechnic libraries in Helsinki metropolitan area doesn't have the book at all.
You can find lists of Finnish libraries (public libraries, research libraries, special libraries) in the http://www.libraries.fi -site. Information about libraries can be found in the Libraries-channel.
Libraries.fi contains also other information about Finnish libraries and the library system in Finland.
Unfortunately most Finnish real estate agents do not have their homepages in English. However, below are three major Finnish real estate agents which provide services in English as well:
In case you are interested in Finnish real estate vocabulary, here are translations both from Finnish to English, and from English to Finnish:
You can book Library 10 Group Room in the same place where you can reserve computers. Max. time for reservation is 4 hours.
Go to Helmet mainpage and choose "Book a computer" http://www.helmet.fi/en-US
There you can find text “Book a computer or a workspace”
Choose a library > Library 10. Select a page item “Show information”, so you can see that number 40 is Group Room and max. time for reservation is 4 hours.
At Library 10 website click workspaces so you can see Group Room 40 and make reservation.
Here's some pictures from Library 10: http://www.lib.hel.fi/en-GB/kirjasto10/kuvia/
Maybe the same pictures?
You can contact to Library 10 and ask more, here is contact information: http://www.lib.hel.fi/en-GB/kirjasto10/yhteystiedot/
you can find an English translation of the Finnish library act from Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture website here: http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Kirjastot/lait_ja_ohjeet/?lang=en
Certainly our DVD "Risto Räppääjä" should be possible to play anywhere, not only in Helsinki. If you tried to play the disc in the right device (DVD player), then I cannot tell, what is the problem. The disc is quite new, but of course you can try to wipe the disc only with a cotton cloth (without water or any cleaner). Or then there is some problem with your player maybe - you can try, if it plays some other DVDs.
Here are some children´s weblinks with reading tips and booklists. (Sorry, but in Finnish only)
Lukudiplomi http://kirjasto.vantaa.fi/lukudiplomi/DiplomiNaytto.php?dipl=15
Okariino http://www.okariino.fi/tarinativoli
Kuvakirjat eri aihepiireistä http://www.helmet.fi/fi-FI/Lapset/Kasvattajille/Kuvakirjat_eri_aihepiir…
Board games for children in HelMet libraries