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I'm doing research and want to know the meaning of the word: erikoiskirjastonhoitaja. And what makes this profession? 888 Basically each library can decide which titles are used for the members of its staff. The title 'erikoiskirjastonhoitaja' is used mostly in public libraries. As far as I know, in Helsinki City Library the title is usually translated into English as 'specialized librarian'. Just like librarians ('kirjastonhoitaja') and information specialists ('informaatikko'), specialized librarians are required to have a university degree in librarianship. The salary of a specialized librarian is a little higher than that of a librarian and a little lower than that of an information specialist. The middle salary of specialized librarians in Finnish public libraries in October 2013 was 2478 € per month (…
How long did Seija (wife of the author Gunnar Mattson) live after having her child in "The Princess" (islandic title "Prinsessan")? 1561 Seija lived over 30 years after that. She died 9.12.1997. Norwegian teacher and writer Ola Tungesvik has written a book: Jos vain saan olla onnellinen... (Om jeg får vaere lykkelig...) and that book tells about Seija, too. Gunnar Mattsson died 1989. Ola and Seija had seven happy years together before Seija died.
Am Uma. Looking for the job in finland and i want to learn finnish & want to take part in cafe finnish learning program can you please advice about finnish… 405 Welcome to Finland! Applying for a job is a good start here: Finnish language courses are organized a lot . This site will get you started and you will also find other useful information from Finland. Libraries organize their Finnish language cafés:…
How can I book a meeting room in Kirjasto 10. now I see only possibility to book computer. I need to book room 40. Thanks. Regards, Seema 682 You can book a meeting room via "Book a computer or a workplace" -service. Select the library, click "Worksplace" and You can choose a room to book.
I am trying to find the words to two poems by Finnish poet Arvi Kivimaa. They are called "Rajan Lapsi" ja "Rajan kansa". I was wondering if they have been… 532 ”Rajan lapsi” and ”Rajan kansa” under the title Etuvartiokansa (Suomen rajaseutujen asukkaille omistettu) by Arvi Kivimaa (1904 - 1984) were first published in anthology ”Sotatalvi : runovalikoima” (1940, Otava). You find the poems also in the collection of selected poems by Arvi Kivimaa: ”Airut : valittuja runoja vuosilta 1925-44” (Otava 1947) and ”Arvi Kivimaan kauneimmat runot : tekijän toimittama valikoima (Otava, 1958).All these are available in the HelMet-libraries. Sotatalvi : runovalikoima (Otava, 1940)
Does exist a synchronous digital reference service in Italy?? Thank you. 1681 You have sent your question to the "Ask a librarian" service in Finland. Here we cannot have the best possible expertise concerning libraries in Italy. That is why I recommend for you to redirect your request to some italian library. There seem to be several services of the kind "Chiedi alla tua biblioteca":
Dear Librarian, I am Latha from Vantaa. Is there any sewing classes are going on around in any of the city libraries in Vantaa, Espoo or Helsinki. If so, let… 673 There isn't any sewing classes at the moment in the Helmet libraries (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries). Any library customer can reserve and use the sewing machines freely and there is also some guidance available in the libraries. Of course you can suggest sewing classes to libraries and offer your help. There is sewing machines in libraries under the following web address: . Clicking the library name will bring you to the page where you'll find the contact information of the library.
Can I have a list music CDs in Helsinki main (or other in other libraries as well) which are related with Cuban (Cuba) music? In which library and where in… 1253 You will find our bibliographic database at . Go to the "Basic search" . Choose "Subject heading or class" and type "Kuuba" as search word. In the menu "Display All kinds of items" choose "Only CDs". Search. (Unfortunately you have to use subject headings in Finnish, because our bibliographic records are in Finnish. If you choose title search you can also type Cuba# in English - note the truncation mark - but in that case you will get less references and not all of them are necessarily relevant.) In the database you will also see the availability of the CDs in different libraries. The largest music collections in general are at Pasila Music Station, Töölö, Itäkeskus and Kallio libraries.
Do you have the book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' by Dale Carnegie in the Finnish language? Even better, do you have this as an äänikirja in the… 3634 In Finnish, the title is "Miten saan ystäviä, menestystä, vaikutusvaltaa". In HelMet libraries there are several editions of the book. You can check their availability in HelMet Web Library:*fin/?searchtype=t&searcharg=Miten+saan+y… Unfortunately, the book does not seem to exist as an audio book.
I am a kantele player/song writer in the United States. Can you tell me where I can find Finnish folk tunes and songs that are in the public domain? I would… 1448 In virtual Finland Websites Anneli Asplund has written a page The Kantele - Finland's national instrument . There you can listen to the famous kantele player Timo Väänänen playing the kantele as Realaudio. He is playing Mid the Hills of Karelia and The Governor's Polska, which are traditional finnish folk songs. There are also a list of recorded kantele music on CD. It is possible to make a distant loan request for these CDs through your nearest library. For folk tunes and songs, you can also ask Folk Arts Centre. The email address is or Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, i.e. Association for Finnish literature, Violinmaker Jussi Laasanen…
I'm looking for my roots, and I would like to know if it's possible to have a death's certificat for my gr gr uncle ? He's dead 31 /01/ 1908 at Vaasa. He was… 444 Hello You can contact Statistics Finland and The National Archives of Finland to find more about your uncle's death and ask if they can find his death certificate. Vaasa's church registry office can also help you. I'll leave contact information to all of these here. The links should lead you to English versions of the sites but if they don't you can change the language from the top of the pages. Statistics Finland The National Archives of Finland Vaasa church registry office email:
I am looking for book that help me in preparation of the exam, the exam is related to Finnish license to practice medicine in Finland. the exam will be in… 645 At least the following books deal with clinical examination and might be useful for you (they can all be found in the Turku city library): Kliinisen tutkimuksen etiikka : opas tutkijoille ja eettisille toimikunnille (2015). Kliinisen tutkijan opas (2000). Kliininen hoitotyö : sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito (2012). Potilaan tutkiminen (2009). Kliinisen fysiologian perusteet (2012). Toimintakyky : arviointi ja kliininen käyttö (2004). Sairaan hyvä lääkäri (2012). Lääkäriksi (2007).
I am very interested in libraries in Espoo, Finland and curious about why your library is so charming. How will you train your library staff? 351 Thanks for your positive feedback. I think the Espoo City Library is also a nice place to work.  The library in Espoo has a wide range of employees. Some of us are library professionals, some are youth instructors or teachers, some are other professionals who have popped into the library. We also have a lot of short-term employees: trainees, apprentices and men performing civilian service. We are constantly getting to know new people, ideas and ways of working. In addition organizes training for all librarians in Finland.  We have to tell us a lot about our work as we guide new employees. At the same time, we can evaluate our ways of working and try to improve working methods.…
I would like to know information related to YKI test validity period. Is there any time limit how long YKI test result is valid ? I have taken the test almost… 2511 If you have completed the national language proficiency test in the years 2002-2011 skill level 3, it´s still qualified to apply for citizenship. YKI test standard has changed 1.1.2012. You can view the current qualification requirements of the Finnish immigration service website.… Carried out with sufficient skill level, the national language proficiency test is valid without a time limit. You can ask for more information, call the Customer service of the Immigration Services. Customer service is available between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Monday to Friday on +358 295 419 600.
I am trying to find out if this book is translated to English og Swedish; Manuo Niskanen; Niilo Oravainen - Lapin kuningas. Niilo Oravainen was my forefather… 469 Mauno Niskanen lives in Jyväskylä and visits Lappland and is interested about Lappish items. This book is not translated into English, it's only in Finnish. Niskanen writes in this novel book that Oravainen real mother was a Sami woman from Suikki family in Pakasaivo, Muonio. You can read about him in Swedish here: Några konungens fogdar under 1500-talet / Nordlander, Johan. Norrländska samlingar ; Häftet 12 (III:2).Julkaisutiedot: Stockholm : C .E. Fritzes, 1933 There is also the family book about Oravainen family-tree: Lapinvouti Niilo Oravaisen jälkeläiset : sukututkimus / Leinonen, Margit. - Kemi : M. Leinonen, 2013. - 505, 324 s. Only in Finnish.
Dear Sir / Madam, I'm compiling a short report on prison libraries in Scandinavia. Would you please point me in the direction of some information that would… 702 The best expertise for you is probably The Library and Information Service of Criminal Sanctions Agency (Rikosseuraamuslaitos). The Criminal Sanctions Agency is a government authority, which enforces prison sentences and community sanctions under the direction of the Ministry of Justice. You can find the contact information of The Library and Information Service here below:…
Do you know any activities/animations for or with people with mental or psychic disability happening in librairies in Finland? Do you know anything to raise… 819 There are some projects that have studied this topic exactely. One was in Pori, for personlig who have suffered psychic problems and alcoholism, contact Asko Hursti, on this matterää, here some information, but it is in Finnish. Another one in Lapland, Kittilä, about disabled and elderly people, contact,, for disabled in Middle Finland Vesanto,, contact These both focus on hearing, reading and activities. In Mikkeli the scope is on digital skills for people with problems in mental health http://hankkeet.…
Why the stars have to be so faraway?? Why my star is so untouchible?? I only want to sent him a letter with best greetings...but would i be realized wrong??… 2070 The stars are so far away, because the universe has developed in such a way since the Bib Bang, or because it has been created that way - depending on how you think of it. But then again, if the stars were closer, they would burn us... So, that's why the stars have to be untouchable. Well then, if your "star" is a human being, I can't see any reason why you couldn't send him greetings in a letter. Of course it is impossible to say how he would react to your message, but at least I would be delighted to get greetings from somebody - even from a person I do not personally know. The only way to find out his reaction is to try and send him the letter you are planning. Of course he may remain untouchable to you anyway. But even if you don't get…
I'm a librarian and here our field called "Library and Information Sciences" I wanna know what do you call the field especially in universities of Finland… 1266 At the moment you can be qualified as an librarian in Finland both in some universities and in some unversities of applied sciences. In the University of Tampere the programme is called Information Studies and Interactive Media: In the University of Oulu the programme is called Information Studies:… In Seinäjoki, Turku and Oulu Universities of Applied Sciences the programme is called Programme in Library and Information Services:……
Could you, please, tell me what is the nearest bus-stop and 2 nearest libraries in Kamppi area? The scedule for the library bus is in Finnish. 686 In Kamppi area the two nearest stops for the mobile libraries are Ruoholahti (Ruoholahdentori, Wednesday 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM) and Kruununhaka (Liisankatu 1, Tuesday 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM). The nearest libraries to Kamppi area are Library 10 (Elielinaukio 2 G, 00100 Helsinki, next to the Central railway station) and Töölö Library (Topeliuksenkatu 6, 00250 Helsinki).…