You can find all educational possibilities from the (, unfortunately just in Finnish:
At least in Universities of Turku and Oulu there it is an possibility to study also in English. For more information please contact the academy you are interested in.
People in remote areas get books by lending them in Bookbuses or Mobile libraries.
I got the question to here Rovaniemi, Northern Finland. But the same is in the remote places in Eastern Finland or Ostrobothnia.
There are bookbuses in 12 municipalicities from 21municipalities in Lapland and two bookbuses, which are common with many communities also in Sweden and Norway.…
“Collaboration with the neighbouring area also involves the activities of two mobile libraries: the Muonio mobile library runs in four municipalities in Finland, in Sweden and Norway and the Karasjoki mobile library in three…
Helsinki Adult Education Center (Helsingin työväenopisto) organises sewing courses (also for English speaking people).… (sorry, but the pages are only in Finnish).……
You can use a customer computer for printing in any Helmet-library. It is possible - but usually not necessary - to reserve a customer computer online. The reservation system also monitors logging in to the computer. Logging in requires a PIN code that will be checked in the library system.…
If You don't have a library card, take Your ID-card with You. The staff provides guidance in using computers, as needed.
In Erno Paasilinna's book, the name of Pekurinen's executioner is Otto Asiainen. Corporal Asiainen was a 21-year-old carpenter from Lestijärvi. He agreed to shoot Pekurinen after the first candidates to carry out the task, sergeant Joonas Kivelä and private Kaarlo Kinnunen had declined captain Pentti Valkonen's request.
We have these magazines (they are magazines, not newspapers) in the HelMet book stacks in Pasila library:…
There are also collections of his photograph in Museovirasto (National Board of Antiquities)and in Helsingin kaupunginmuseo (Helsinki city Museum)
There are also information of him in the websites of Suomen valokuvataiteen museo (The Finnish Museum of Photography), but unfortunately just in Finnish:
You can find some photographs of Ivan Timiriasev from the websites of Museovirasto:… has compiled a list of universities and vocational schools which offer education in either librarianship or information science more broadly. Unfortunately the page is only available in Finnish, but it links directly to the websites of different schools that detail what education they offer within the subjects -
At university level currently the most well-known places for information science are Tampere University, University of Oulu, and Åbo Akademi (which is a Swedish speaking university in Finland). Certain universities offer degrees (both bachelor's and master's) fully in English, with some giving possibilities for students to write their thesis in either English, Finnish,…
The 27th Amendment is:
"No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and
Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall
have intervened."
There aren't any digital reference services in Finland managed by high school libraries, most of the school libraries are quite small and they haven't organized co-operational service either. Some school libraries work together with public libraries, for instance Hätila library, and they offer our Ask a librarian on their webpages. Some school libraries offer information service by email. This reference service, Ask a librarian, is managed by public libraries in Finland and is also targeted to high school students as well as every other citizen.
There are other ask-services in Finland operated by libraries, you can find a list here,… ,…
Kirjastokortin myöntämiseen tarvitaan Suomessa oleva osoite, joten valitettavasti ulkomailla asuvan ei ole mahdollista saada korttia ja oikeutta aineiston käyttöön. Kortti tarvitaan myös e-kirjojen lainaamiseen, eikä erillistä lisenssiä niitä varten ole. Alla olevasta linkistä tietoa Helmet-kirjastojen kirjastokortista:…
The University of Art and Design Library and the University of Lapland hold a book titled: Portuguese photography since 1854 = Livro de viagens / edited by M. Tereza Siza and Peter Weiermair.
University of Art and Design Library;9472
University of Lapland Library
In addition, The Fine Art Academy Library holds:
Character and player : João Penalva / Herausgeber/editor: Silvia Eiblmayr
Fine Art Academy Library
In addition to these academic libraries whose collections can be searched online, it is worthwhile inquiring from the following art museum libraries whether they have photographers' catalogues. These…
Abreviations for months in Finnish are tammik., helmik., maalisk. and so on with k and dot.
K is the first consonant of the second part of a compound and dot is for the omitted part of a compound.
Source: Nykysuomen sanakirja, osa 5, Lyhenteet, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Porvoo, 1989, p. 299.
Translation isn't easy. In most cases, you need to know more how and where the sentence is used. Like in this case: what kind of boundary is being set and maintained? A literal boundary line between neighbours or countries? More abstract concept, like personal boundaries in a certain situation?
Perhaps "Asettaa ja ylläpitää rajoja" would work in both cases? If this is about personal boundaries, I might add a possessive affix.
1. You can reserve material through the Helmet portal. Find the book that you want to reserve by entering the search term in Search for Items, then click Request it. You are asked to log in by entering your library number and your PIN code. Once you have done that, you can choose the library where you want to pick up your book. You can make your choice from the drop-down menu presented. If you do not, the book will be sent to your default library.
2. Alternatively, you can phone any of the Helmet libraries and ask the staff to reserve the book for you. You will be asked for your library card number. You can find the library phone numbers under Libraries on the page.
3. If you want to reserve material that is available on…
This service is meant for everyone. Since we are finnish and operating in three languages, of which the two are the official languages In Finland, Finnish and Swedish, most users are finns (both Finnish speaking and Swedish speaking). We want to help also persons from abroad who have questions concerning Finland. Our questioners fit all descriptions: adults with professional or “practical” information needs, students, schoolchildren and senior citizens.
Per quanto riguarda la sua tema (il ruolo della donna nel opera "Niskavuoren Heta" di Hella Wuolijoki) io consiglierei la ricerca di Anu Koivunen (Performative histories, foundational fictions: gender and sexuality in Niskavuori films, 2003) . In finnico c'e quella di Marja-Terttu Halpio-Huttunen (Naisen asema Hella Wuolijoen tuotannossa, Turku 1972), che è essenziale. Vale la pena di informarsi anche dalla biblioteca di universitá di Turku.
It seems that you have found your great grandmothers passport. The texts mean both passport, the first one in Swedish ( PASS FOR UTRIKES RESA.) and the second in Finnish(MATKAPASSI ULKOMAILLE).
You will find information about genealogy and research in Finland in the Internetsite of the Genealogical Society of Finland, . Maybe the site of the Institute of Migration would also be of some interest to you, .
First a link to a publication, which you may find interesting…
Net resources:
- Ministry of Education; Libraries in Finland
- Ministry of education;Library network in Finland
- The National Library of Finland
- School libraries in Finland (Article)