Documents older than 100 years are digitised by the National Archives of Finland.
For newer documents, you need to ask from the church registry from the right parish. The Geneological Society of Finland has tips on their website.
Have you tried sites like MyHeritage or Geni yet? Perhaps a relative has already started a research on your family.
Good luck and hope you find your relatives!
"How to register
Bring your library card and a photo ID with you. On the identity cards webpage, you can check which identity cards are accepted.
The staff asks you to read the self-service library rules. By signing the rules, you accept them. You can take the signed rules home with you.
The library employee enters your name in the library database.
Read the emergency instructions of the library you use. They are available at the library.
You can now start using the self-service library. "
If there is no staff at the local library you use, contact the nearest regional library. e.g. Tapiolan or Omena.
The studios can be reserved via a system called Varaamo,, but these kind of services are very popular and it isn't likely that you can get a room at such a short notice. You could visit Oodi in the city center and ask if they could help you in any way, since you only are here for one day and Varaamo perhaps doesn't help you.
This material cannot be booked online or borrowed for home use. Those items can only be used in libraries. The only items are in Oodi and Pasila libraries, but due to current Covid restrictions items are not available for use at the moment.
Unfortunately this book is not in any libraries in Helsinki or even in Finnish libraries anywhere. From the database WorldCat you can see libraries which has this book in their collections:
We do'nt in our service contact persons, but if you have a telefonnumber, the country code for Finland is +358. In you can find the number, you should dial to call abroad from your country,
It looks like Humalistonkatu has the numbers 1-13 in Karjaa, which would mean that the address has changed. Unfortunately the Address service by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency is only available from Finland. I would suggest free address search services, like
Services for teens differs between Public libraries in Finland.
In the Public Libraries Act (1492/2016) it says, that public libraries are tasked with: 1) providing access to materials, information and cultural contents; 2) maintaining versatile and up-to-date collections; 3) promoting reading and literature; 4) providing information services, guidance and support in the acquisition and use of information and in versatile literacy skills; 5) providing premises for learning, recreational activities, working, and civic activities;
6) promoting social and cultural dialogue. These services are of course aimed at teens also and very often libraries co-operate with schools to provide these services for teens. It is very common that a librarian…
It is possible to offer books that are in good condition as donations to Helmet libraries. However, there are two things to keep in mind here:First, the books aren't donated directly to any particular library — rather, the books "float" between all the libraries of the organization, so even if a book is initially received by, say, Pasila library, the book might well end up in the shelves of various other libraries in the area.Second, the library only accepts the books it judges there would be sufficient demand for, so the library might be somewhat picky when it comes to book donations — the main reason for this is is the fact that the library has to remove thousands of books every year from its collections in order to make room for new…
This is possible get from Varastokirjasto. If You want it to interlibrary loan You can use this:
Thank you very much for your kind words! This site is build by, which is a unit that provides national services for public libraries in Finland. The unit is situated in Helsinki City Library. We also cooperate with the National Library in Finland, but are not in the same organization.,, email
Please contact the library to lock the card You can get a new card in your nearest library.
Courses in finnish are available at several institutions and Private enterprises. The adult education branch at Helsinki city is a good starting point.
After achieving a certain level you can ask about kieliharjoittelu, or language traineeship at the Helsinki or Espoo city library.……
According to the history of the Espoo City Library, Kun pienestä tuli suuri (Tuovi Määttänen, editor, Espoon kaupunginkirjasto 2006), the library in the area was first a room in the school. In the end of the 1980's school needed the room and 1988 a building for the Karhusuo library was built. Now library is again in the same building as the school when a new school was built in the area in 2020.
This video is from the 1988 building:
Väestorekisterikeskus (Population Registry Centre) can possibly help you in locating your friend. The contact information can be found here
Contact information,
Unfortunately, this textbook is not available in any Finnish library. It seems that no library in Europe has this title, so an interlibrary loan is not possible.
Yes, in some Helmet libraries. You can search blood pressure measurement devices from Helmet with key word "verenpainemittari".
Locations and availabilities you see from the results. It´s not possible to make an online request, but you can contact the library and ask the staff.
More information you find online