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Whether use the Finnish libraries still the traditional card catalogue which would duplicate the contents of the electronic catalogue? 194 In Lahti City Library there is only online catalogue (no cards). We cannot say for sure what the situation is in other libraries in Finland. However, we found a figure from 2002 stating that 97% of the public libraries were computerized. You might find these links to Finnish library information useful:
What are stats in Finland for deaths related to pregnancy toxemia? It is 6.4 per 10,000 in US 194 There were five maternal deaths related to high blood pressure disorders of pregnancy between 1998 and 2017 in Finland, all of which were due to pre-eclampsia: Source: Statistics Finland, Causes of death (, database table 11bv -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (ICD-10, 3-character level), age and gender, 1998-2017. Here is the number of parturients in Finland between 2007 and 2017: parturients 2007–2017. Source: National Institute for Health and Welfare, Parturients and delivery procedures.
Is it possible to borrow a photo / video camera for 2 or 3 days? 194 Unfortunately Tuusula libraries do not have cameras or video cameras in their collection. You can search for all Finnish libraries' services in the national library directory As all services might not be translated into English, you may have to search with the Finnish terms "kamera" or "videokamera". In Uusimaa the only library listed where you can borrow a video camera is Myllypuro Media Library in Helsinki. You can find their contact information here:….
I am a French librarian. I would like to know the percentage of Finnish people visiting libraries. Thank you. 193 Hi! In 2002 there were 12.76 libary visits/inhabitants and 47.02 % of inhabitants were borrowers. You'll find the statistics of Finnish libraries in this address: (>english)
I wonder if you could tell me what the salary of a finnish librarian is? And how are the credits of them? How is the education of becoming librarian handled? 193 The average salary for a librarian in Finland is 2 046 euros/month.… (Commission for Local Authority Employers) The salaries in the municipal libraries are smaller than in the scientific/research libraries. Librarians in the municipal sector earn on average 1 700 euros/month. As for the education, librarians have to have a higher university degree / master's degree. The degree can be a Master of Social Sciences or Master of Arts. Information on university education in Finland: Library in its self is a highly valued service in Finland, but as a profession, librarian is not among the most admired. In…
Dear Ladies or Gentlemen, I am an Austrian Radio correspondent and search for a quiet room for an interview for one hour on Thursday. Do you have a room in… 193 Hello! It depends on which town u are travelling into Finland. For example in Helsinki there is many libraries that have conference and meeting rooms u can reserve. Don´t hesitate to visit and ask! Best regards,  
Dear librarian, A few years ago the Helmet library system had a fantastic collection of books on Russian and Soviet film in both English and Russian. I can't… 192 Books about Russian or Soviet films can be found from shelf 77.4971 in Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen libraries and from shelf 777.951 in Helsinki.  All libraries but Kauniainen have a floating collection now, which means that when a book is returned to a library it stays there, instead of being sent to a home library. So if you mean that a certain library used to have a great collection, it may now have been spread between several libraries. 
Is there any library or similar service where I can rent a telescope? 192 The Astronomical Society  URSA borrows telescopes. For information on borrowing, tel (09) 6840 400. URSA
Is there any HELMET library where I can borrow a vacuum cleaner? Thank you! 191 There is none Helmet library which has vacuum cleaner for customers to borrow.
Family history. 190 The website adress to Finnish Genealogical Society is . You'll find more links on that site.
I am Japanese, and new MFA student of KUVATAIDEAKATEMIA from this Autumn term. I am going to study Finnish by taking Finnish course in my University, but I… 190 There are English courses available in Helsinki Metropolitan Area libraries. These “packages” consist of textbooks and compact discs. The loan period is 4 weeks. You can browse the material available in the address Select “keyword search”. Use the keywords englannin kieli kielikurssit and choose the material type compact disc. You may also contact the Language Centre of Helsinki University. They arrange English courses for foreign students. You’ll find information in the address
Could you tell me where can I get information on design, building regulations and standards, organization and functions, planning and general plans of… 190 Here are some, hopefully useful, websites for you:
I conduct research into the sustainability of library books in Europe. Could you inform me about the prevailing opinion in Finland about the… 188 Thank you for your enquiry. There are no national guidelines for laminating the book in Finland. Every municipal library can decide individually about the ways of laminating or protecting the book. In Helmet libraries (municipal library for Helsinki metropolitan area) laminating is done by the supplier. That is part of the deal with the supplier. At the moment, Kuopio city library (in Eastern Finland) in experimenting with non-laminated books. The idea is to experiment how the books will last without lamination in the normal library circulation. The goal of the experiment is to lead Finnish libraries into more sustainable ways of producing and handling library material. We can expect results from the experiment after two years…
I want to know the average cost of living including house rent, food etc. per month in Finland particularly in Helisinki. 187 Statistics Finland compiles the official statistics concerning whole Finland. Their main page: Income and Consumption (includes household expenditures): Housing (includes average rents of rented dwellings): Prices and costs (includes selected food prices): Finland in figures, all kinds of statistics about everyday life in Finland: The pages above give information on the whole Finland. Statistics concerning Helsinki are compiled by Tietokeskus (http://www.hel.…
Can you suggest where can i find specialized publications relating to security equipment manufacturers or access control industry. 187 Finnish companies can be searched in Blue Book company director: > Select Security > Search > Free text search. Search terms: alarm devices; access control; burglar alarm devices. A leading Finnish company in the field is Securitas Tekniikka Oy. Their home page on the net ( ) is only in Finnish, but their record in Blue Book is also in English (… ). Internet address worth checking:, title of the site: Alarms and Security Devices. Google search engine ( ) gives relevant links with the above search terms, also terms like security…
Based on the very important info in "Further information" field: Can you please tell me what are the least costly options for me here in Finland, as a Finnish… 187 The commune is responsible for the public health services. The private sector supplements the public health services. (In some cases the patient is justified to get a little refund from the Social Insurance Institution (Kansaneläkelaitos) if he / she has used private sector health services). The health centre of the commune takes care of the primary health care. By law the duties of the health centre are: • to take care of the health counselling and national health education, for example contraceptive advice. • to arrange the common physical examinations and screenings. • to take care of the child welfare- and maternity clinics. • to arrange the school-, student- and occupational health care • to arrange dental care • to arrange the health…
Can you help me how I can create my user account to book music rooms at Sello library. I have my library card but I could not find where to create an account. … 187 There are 2 music rooms in the  Music department that you can reserve. One of the rooms has a piano and the other one a baby grand piano and a harmonium. You may use the music rooms for 4 hours / week. There is also an electric piano you can play without booking. Online booking: For further information, please contact the Music department service desk or call 09 816 57607.…
I am a distant cousin of your former Prime MInister, Kalevi Sorsa. Can you give me Kalevi's grandfather's name, and place of birth? Thank you for your… 186 There is a Genealogical Society in Finland, with the best possibilities to answer your query. Please check
My name is Mika and with a couple of friends we have developed where users easily can get information where they can among other things borrow… 186 If i understood correctly, you are searching for a possibility to find materials, especially games, in every (public) libraries in one "catalogue". There is, which contains a great part of Finnish library materials, but not quite all of it yet. You can see how Finna looks like here, Finna has an own developers-Wiki, Maybe you can find the information you need there, or at least contact persons. You can send mail to An other way to find library materials in one search is the metasearch of, Here the problem is that since the metasearch searches on different databases…
Do you or can you look up obituary archives? I'm into my genealogy and my Grandmothers family lived in Helsink, I have names and death dates. 185 Unfortunately we have no orbituary archives at our disposal. The best thing for you to do is to contact the Genealogical Society of Finland and ask the personnel there to assist you in finding the orbituaries. Their address on the Internet is