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I am new to Finland and got the information that the library has common closed spaces to practice dance. I was interested to know which room… 168 Unfortunately, libraries do not have closed spaces suitable for dancing. (We will be happy to take performances on our stages when Covid is over.) The facilities in Varaamo are for musicians and singers. Schools have bookable spaces to suit the wider movement. (This page is only available in Finnish.) You can ask more at
Please could you tell me how I could obtain a list of the "top 20" best selling books in Finland for Fiction and/or Non-Fiction. I have searched everywhere,… 165 Here are some useful adresses - unfortunately the sites are in Finninsh language: This list is based on the information of all bookshops in Finland: On the left you can see syyskuu 2002. There are the "toptens" of August. Some translations: suomalainen kaunokirjallisuus = Finnish fiction, käännetty kaunokirjalisuus = translated fiction, tietokirjat = nonfiction and this is the list of the biggest bookshop in Helsinki For more information please contact The Booksellers Association of Finland
Greeting I'm a M.Sc. student at biomedical engineering in Iraq and I'm looking for a photocopy of chapter three of book(biomechanics and control of human … 165 This book can be found in Finland in the following two libraries for example: Jyväskylä University Library and Kuopio University Library. It would be best if you contact either of those libraries directly as they can offer you further assistance. The more common practice is to request an interlibrary loan through your local/school library. You may also inquire about their photocopying policies. Kuopio University Library interlibrary loans: Jyväskylä University Library interlibrary loans:…
I know that Finland has developed an acoustic library for storing oral data. Can you introduce me to the archive or sound library system of Finland? Please let… 165 The sound collections are in the National Library, in  the Legal deposit office . Their contact information can be found here, Finland has also a national center for accessible literature and publishing in Finland, They produce and deliver acoustic books for persons with print disabilities. The email address to Celia is
There, I know this is a long shot, but I would need some help finding a Finnish language song - I was recommended to try asking here from Reddit. The song… 165 I am sorry to tell you that our music experts didn't recognise the song. The tune you whistled sounded distantly familiar. Maybe some of our readers would recognise the song? If you do, you can write the details of the song to the comments below.  
Can I receive a copy of an academic journal article ( via email ? 163 You can request an article through an interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan service orders are accepted in all Satakirjasto. You can also place an order by sending a request by email to your own library. Orders are also accepted by phone, but a written request is preferable for clarity. siikaisten.kirjasto(at)
I have books on hold and others that I have taken for loan. My question is what happens now with the closing down the Libraries? I still need this books that… 162 In Helmet libraries the loan periods do not expire during 16.3. – 19.4.2020. If you have not returned the loans by the due date, the loan period will be lengthened automatically. While the libraries are closed, you cannot pick up your holds. The reserved materials will be kept waiting for pick-up for a couple of days after the libraries are reopened.
Looking for a verse to put in the Anniversary card I’m making for my wife, and I need it in english please. 162 Maybe these websites might be helpful for you:…      
I'm currently living in Malmi and I want to borrow a skateboard for use in the summer. From this page it looks like I can borrow a skateboard from Helmet https… 162 Unfortunately, I cannot give an answer here. You should contact the Oodi library directly. Contact information…
What is the role of a librarian post google? 160 In the following link is a good article about the librarian´s role. I hope the article will answer your question partially, at least.
I'm looking a magazine "Water Supply Vol.7 BARCELONA,PP149-154, 1989" .There is a artice "To remove the algae in the drinking water" -Reserch report in Finland 159 Hi Linda, At first I apologize, that it took so long to answer, but here's some information: At the Tampere University of Technology they have Water Supply magazine, so You can ask either your nearest library to make a interlibrary reguest (Phone number just for sure: Interlibrary services +358 -3 -3115 3133) or get in touch with Water Science & Technology (former Water Supply) magazine. Publisher's E-mail is You find more information and online magazines also in page but unfortunately they don't have such an old number in the net.
I will leave Helsinki/Finland for 2 months from the next month. During that trip, I would like to bring some books but the maximum loan time is just 30 days… 159 The loan period is fixed at 28 days for books, excluding Bestsellers which are 14 days. However, you can renew your loans online before they are due, thus extending the loan time another 28 days. You can renew your loans five times, provided no one else has reserved the books in question. Note that Bestsellers cannot be renewed online. To manage your loans, go to and choose LOGIN. Login with your library card number and PIN code. Choose the loans that you want to renew under Checkouts and click RENEW MARKED.  
Would it be possible to get a list of the Finnish Authors Books traduced in French language. 158 Please, use this database: A translation database is kept by the Finnish Literature Society library and the Finnish Literature Information Centre. The database contains details of translations of Finnish (Finnish, Sámi and Finland-Swedish) literature, folk poetry, children's literature and general non-fiction since 1812.
About using valid ID card for applying library card, is this type of ID card valid (see link below)? My daughter was rejected by using her ID card when… 157 Any photo ID that s issued by police is enough when applying library card. Passport, ID card of any EU country (the one you linked), Finnish driving license and Kela card with photo are all valid. Here is the Helmet listing about valid ID:s. Children under 15 need a written consent of their guardian when applying library card. Read more at Helmet Library user regulations. 
I would like to know about trips of " Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan" ( President of the UN General Assembly 1962-1965 ) to Finland from 1912 - 1980. 156 I found only one article called "The Reminiscences of Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan", in which at least one trip to Finland was mentioned. Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan visited Finland in 1913, and he went through all the lakes up to the north. He also shot rapids in Ulea river (Oulu-joki in Finnish). The link to the article is available here: There is also this website but with the quick browsing I didn't find any mention of trips to Finland. 
How can I donate some to the Pasila library? 156 Libraries, except Central Library Oodi, accept material donations according to their needs. Libraries reserve the right to further channel the donations e.g. to recycling shelves from where customers can take books for themselves. Feel free to contact the Pasila Library on the matter.  You find conctact information online at Pasila Library | Helmet
I am to start my masters in health care and quality management at the university of helsinki in january 2003 and was wondering if you can help me with part… 155 I recommend you go to the webpages of the Ministry of Labour, Finland, . On the frontpage you'll find a link to "Employment service". This is a good way to start. When you already are in Finland, you can also browse newspapers and read the college bulletinboard. Another useful address is, a portal of public services, maintained by Finnish government offices. This is not necessarily for job seeking, but contains other useful information on Finnish society.
I want to teach Persian alphabet to my little daughter. How can I order the Persian alphabet game to the library? 155 You can make an acquisition request by filling in the form below: There are no Persian alphabet games in Helmet Libraries, but with some books You can teach Persian alphabets. You find those book in Helmet search wit words persian kieli aakkoset.  
We are parents with a 5-month-old baby. We are looking for books to read to her. Unfortunately we cannot go to the public library anymore, it would have been… 155 You can find books for babies in Helmet libraries by the term "paksulehtiset kirjat" (books with thick pages), and then choose books in English language, if you like. You can find them here:… Also a key word "toddlers" could be useful:…  
Please do you have a twi language story books for kids? Thank you Gifty 155 We have a few. There are 6 children's books. Helmet