Unfortunately we could not find the article in question. In the book Laukkonen, Ilmari: Teräs Oy 1910-1982 the strike was not mentioned. Regional newspapers of that time can be read by microfilms in Vaasa city library. Unfortunately it is not possible to search any specific article.
School libraries in Finland are not regulated by the law. School libraries are often very small and most of the services provided to schools by libraries are delivered by the public libraries.
Due to the decline in literacy, schools have been offered money, for example by The Finnish Cultural Foundation, to develop school libraries and purchase books. For further reading (in finnish):
see also:
Sinko, Pirjo. School libraries in Finland : The heart of school seldom beats
Scandinavian library quarterly 2013 : 1, s. 16-17
Unfortunately the library card you have for Forssa doesn't work in Vaasa. You can easily apply for a library card at any of our libraries with a valid photo ID (for example, a passport or a driving licence).All Vaasa city library locations have a wide range of materials for children, young people and adults. All of the libraries have "Opi lukemaan"-books (learn to read) for children. Those books could be a good start for your child as well. Also selkokirjallisuus (easy to read) could be a good option. Both of the categories have different reading levels, so it's probably easiest if you come to the library to see these books in person. The "Opi lukemaan" category has book series such as "Punainen banaani", "Sininen banaani", "…
Helmet-libraries have the following books about Tapiola in English:
Tapiola : life and architecture / Timo Tuomi (editor), Rakennustieto, 2003, isbn 9516827195
Tapiola : a history and architectural guide / Timo Tuomi, Espoo City Museum, 1992, isbn 9518572046
Building a new town : Finland's new garden city : Tapiola / Heikki von Hertzen and Paul D. Spreiregen, MIT Press, 1974, isbn 0262220180 (only available to use in the Pasila library)
Tapiola : the garden city = Tapiola - puutarhakaupunki / Uolevi Itkonen, Liisa Immonen, Kirjayhtymä, 1986, isbn 9512630214
When searching other libraries databases, for. ex. Finna.fi, I recommend you use search words arkkitehtuuri or…
Hi! Contact a Helmet library directly to discuss how to proceed. If the book is damaged and no longer viable for returning, it must be compensated with the purchase price. Usually it's also possible to arrange compensation with a new copy of the book.
You can find instructions in the Helmet Troubleshooting FAQ.
At the moment there are no ukulele classes or ukulele groups in East Helsinki helmet-libraries.
In Espoo libraries you can find ukulele groups at different levels:
I tried several searches. With Finnish keywords elektroniikka brändit Suomi i got a result with a few publications about Nokia, but the were in Finnish, only one was in English (not about history of brands).
Elektroniikka Suomi historia gave documents about firms, factorys and brands and their history. The english material in mostly about Nokia.
English keywords are used in documents that can be found in university libraries and higher vocational libraries.
For instance brands electonics Finland and electronics history Finland give some results, but in all, i would recommend you to turn to Aalto University Learning Center. Aalto University has engineering, computer science in their study program.
Hello,starting point is that all services in public libraries are free of charge. Still here in Finland there are little differences how libraries run their space etc. reservation policy. This is due every city, county or region have more or less their own library networks and therefore their individual ways to organize services. I suggest you to contact the library where you want to work at and ask about their services and space etc.. Give a call or contact service desk for some libraries don't have space to be reserved. In some libraries card is needed and in some it´s not, I´d guess depending nature of necessity and type of the space. For a library card photo identity card is needed.Since you addressed your question here in…
Pihtiputaa's library belongs to Keski libraries, so the rules for using the Jyväskylä city library's self-service libraries are the same at Pihtiputaa's library.
The rules of use state:
Self-help library is a library that customers can access even when the staff is not present, for example in the evenings and on weekends.
Information on the opening hours of self-service libraries in Jyväskylä can be found in libraries
from the website.
Log in to the self-help library with a valid Keski library card and PIN code. You can get a library card and PIN code from all Keski libraries during their service hours.
The library card and PIN code are personal. Each customer logs in with their own card, with the exception of a child under…
Good morning! There is Multilingual Library in Helsinki. Multilingual collection contains library material for adults, young people and children in more than 80 rarer languages. Here is the link to the library: https://www.libraries.fi/multilingual-library You can browse the collection yourself and choose the books you want. Then you can send the list of those books as a request for interlibary service . Email address of interlibrary service is kaukopalvelu@jyvaskyla.fi
You need a libray card in order to borrow ebooks. You can get a library card if You live in Finland. Or at least You need to have an address in Finland. You do not need to be citizen of Finland. For example, if you do not have a Finnish personal identity number and you live in Helsinki metropolitan area, your Helmet-library card is valid for twelve months at a time. It is not possible to get a library card without visiting a library. You will get the library card when you state your address and present a valid ID card with a photograph in a library. Library card in Fnland is free.
According to the Helmet website you need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. If you want you can ask for more information directly from Oodi (contact-information).
Even if you don’t get a library card, you can visit Oodi and use the facilities (some facilities are bookable, you can get more information from the website). There are also customer computers on the first and second floor that you can use without booking.
I hope this answered your question!
The public libraries of Finland release each year public data about all kinds of things at https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/.The data can be sorted so that you can see the data of all the Helsinki libraries collectively, but unfortunately you can't see data of each individual library (e.g. Pasila library, Oodi library, etc...). If you are interested in the data relating to the number of borrowers and loans of the public libraries of Helsinki collectively in 2019, you can find it here: https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/?orgs=400&years=2019&stats=104%2C110%2C111#resultsAs of now, the data relating to each specific library has to be extracted from our library system manually, and if you are interested in such data, you can try contacting…
The Finnish Public Libraries Statistics can be read online, https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/index.php?lang=en
Here is the table created with choices Helsinki City Library, Collections, 2023, https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/?orgs=400&years=2023&stats=183#results
In 2022 somebody asked a question, regarding the same song. Here is the answer: I am looking for the Finnish lyrics to a lullaby about a bad shepherd boy who stole a child's turnip. Thank you! | Ask a Librarian (libraries.fi)